Sleeping baby. A little young male catches a time out to rest before more bad weather.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Monday, October 04, 2010
I’m not beleaguered
The news media makes out like the republicans are going to win every seat in congress and the senate. They start out, “The beleaguered democrats,” that’s like those looser will never win anything, I’m a unbiased news person blowing hot air too, not reporting the news but my ideas of what might happen. That’s right I’m a news fortune teller, I tell what’s going to happen in the future. I’m right about one percent of the time so I’m not quitting my day job just yet, my ego won’t let me and this thing is a sure thing. You’d think I’d be dealing in the stock market but that’s too unstable right now.
It just gets me the way the news predicts the future instead of telling the facts. A pole isn’t facts it’s a guess based on math. Watching Katie Couric read the teleprompter being so serious, like she knows what she’s saying. Folks, she’s just reading what’s put in front of her. Only thing Katie has going for her is that smile and that’s getting kind of old. When I saw Katie next to another woman I was so impressed at the other woman and felt sorry for Katie because she looked rather homely next to this other woman of the same age. Back to the news readers, that’s all they do, no reporting, no leg work, no writing of copy, just read copy.
What I don’t like about this predicting of the news, that it could change a persons views if you keep telling them that this one group is going to win and play these odd balls screaming at what’s wrong and how they would fix it no matter how misguided it sounds.
I still like the old retired man yelling at the camera that the government has taken over Medicare. Doesn’t this guy look at the checks from social security where they come from or the letters he gets in the mail who is paying the bills. Why does the media get the oddest people with veins popping out their neck to be on camera. They always seem to get the fringe element.
The news is talking about the terrorist threat and after saying the threat they tell people not to let this crimp your travel plans. Just when your in a train station, don’t stand so close to me.
Sunday, October 03, 2010
Don’t you just like it when….
I keep hearing how people want to cut social security at least give them less to live on. That really doesn’t sound so hot when your on social security to balance the nations budget. Would be nicer to here the congress and senators are going to cut their salaries but $50,000 dollars a year to be able to pay for 50 more people on social security each. 100 senators, 50,000 more people getting paid on social security. I’m not even sure how many people there are in congress these days but it’s a lot and they are all getting a cost of living something people on social security didn’t get last year plus that 1 1/2 % increase. Another thing the people on social security didn’t get.
If you notice where the tax cuts start, that’s so it will include the people from both houses. They deserve a tax cuts along with all the benefits they get. Few years ago they voted themselves a pay raise. Wasn’t a few bucks an hour, wasn’t a few more dollars a month, they doubled their salaries with the stroke of the pen and there wasn’t any partisan bickering going on. No one stood up and said that’s too much or that they isn’t getting paid for, that’s going to raise the federal deficit. No 100% voted for the raise. Why don’t you get the same percentage cut that you want to give everyone on social security.
No, they are lawyers real bottom feeder on the food chain. sponging of society for there money and voting what ever they want. Maybe the voters should be setting there rate of pay. Maybe they should be punching a clock and getting paid by the hour because they sue do spend a lot of time away from work doing none state work and getting paid for it. Four day week, nice. Private jet to fly home and the fuel gets paid for by the tax payers. I don’t know about you but I’ve worked all my life and no one ever paid for my fuel to get to work or to get home. That would be a big savings to the tax payer if they had to cover their own fuel bills. I and many others hate to be at the bottom of the pile without a voice.