Monday, September 05, 2005
Body isn't even cold
Sunday, September 04, 2005
6AM and still dark out
Saturday, September 03, 2005
Bush Blows the Big One Again
Decentralization: Security First
It seems that if you want to make a place safe for an event where one point of service is a crucial. Either you fortify it or decentralize it. The internet was designed to solve this problem from attack of a nuclear exchange. Seems like having all the oil works in one area is a national security risk. I understand that 1/4 of all the oil comes through that area of the country. Since the wetlands have been lost at a rate of 40 square miles a year and that all the oil pipelines that were buried. Seems that a revamp of the oil pipelines and power distribution is a national security problem.
To me decentralization is a problem that needs to be over come. Maybe in the interest of this nation nationalizing the oil fields would be one step in making this country safe. Also if the power companies were owned by the government then there wouldn't be price spikes and gouging. It seems that a few oil companies really want to be drilling in Alaska driving up the price of oil similar to the oil shortage in that late 70's. Once that papers were signed the price of oil stabilized and most likely will do the same now.
It's terrible that international companies can and do push countries around. Maybe it's time to change that. Bush has been using companies like Halliburton. A company based in the Caribbean to evade taxes. Seems a loop hole as big as a country could be plugged but if your the international company plugging the holes they will never get plugged. What is good for a company may not be in the best interest of the country.
Maybe having all the eggs in one basket in one place isn't the way to go. Maybe having a lot of little oil refineries and power generation plants is the way to go. Bigger isn't always better.
BUSH Knew but cut the funding
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Hurricane will drive up the price of insurance
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Oil price and drilling in Alaska
Friday, August 19, 2005
The Worminator
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Religious Bone Heads
Forest FloorWhen a religion thinks it's right and wants to make it a
national policy then they are making the biggest mistake. Watching the news
of the Israeli people being idiots and putting up resistance to the give
back of Gaza to the P{Palestinians. Yes I said give back, but the Islamic
group hamas is saying that their terrorist actions worked is a big mistake
too. Why are there so many religious bone heads out there. They can't see
what would be good for their country. For example, the woman that set
herself on fire to show them. Boy, she really showed them, now she's burned
up and still alive, that really showed everyone. What did it show them, we
got an idiot woman setting herself on fire.
Iraq is sort of the same mess. Every group is saying that their God is
better then the other guys. When some one blows themselves up to show them
how much they believe in there God, it only shows me how backward they are.
In this country, the religious right is doing the same thing but they can't
see it. They think every one else's God is wrong. That only the born again
Christians are the only way. If they had their religion down right the first
time they wouldn't have to be born again. What about a child brought up in
this born again culture, do they need to find some other better religion so
they can be born again. They can't be born again in the church they are
going too. If this country doesn't get it's act together and keep the
separation of church and state then this will be it's down fall.
Looking at what the church is doing to science is setting the wrong image of
science. It's turning superstitions into fact, in stead of disproving the
superstitions. Seems anyone can right in the bible, there is no
prerequisite. All you have to do is say is God told you to write it and
everyone bends over to kiss your butt. If this is your requirement then I
can say God inspired me to write this and it's divine. Who is going to
disprove it, you can't.
Nice Morning
Forest FloorMy Big Buddy and his friend Mr. Stumpy showed up around 11AM
today. (Yes they are deer) The turkeys and squirrels were here several hours
earlier. Looks like it's going to be a hot day again. They say it's cooler
but anything over 90 is about the same. So low 90's isn't that great of a
break. Sure it's better then a 104 degrees.
More leaks in the cause of 9/11. Army had a secret data mining team called
"Able Danger." They looked into Al Quida and knew that some of the terrorist
were here in 1999. They didn't tell the FBI about them because they weren't
suppose to be spying on American Citizens. So when did this new policy
happen. The FBI is full of files of normal people, now they are protecting
the civil liberties of foreign terrorist. now that makes a bunch of sense.
The lawyers that told the Army not to tell the FBI must have been informed
by one of Bush's buddies like Roberts or our new Attorney General now.
Sense the Bush team planned the fowl up during the first election and
Diebold put them over the top in the second, the country need to start
paying attention to what is going on and not listening to sound bites. The
people with the most to loose voting for the republicans for moral values
need to be stopped from breeding becasue the definitely have the stupid
gene. The group calling themselves the religious right really are a bunch of
sheep in that they follow blindly, without logic or reason. To say Bush is a
Christian is like comparing Adolph was a Christian too. Germany use religion
to control the masses when Adolph came to control. Now Bush is doing the
same thing to America slowly,by righting new laws like the patriot act which
takes away our civil right and make the government more powerful without any
checks or balances.
The only God Bush and his friends have is money, Good Old Dollars. For the
Christians to think Bush is on their side they need to take a real big look
after taking off the blinders.
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Farther and cancer
Forest FloorMy father called me Sunday to tell me he had surgery for bladder
cancer. He still hasn't got the stitches in. He didn't tell me if he need
more treatment. It's sinking in more today of what is happening. It's to bad
I live 600 plus miles away. I'm wondering if this is something new or
something that is spreading.
Monday, August 15, 2005
Lost a one year old deer yesterday
Forest FloorIt was day break and the turkeys were going crazy. Turns out it
was two coyotes chasing tow young female deer. The caught on deer and ate
most of her by the time I got there. Today the vultures are here. About 6 of
them. And yes they do circle. I thought the turkeys were big but these guys
are BIG. I'll see if I can get some pictures together and post them but not
tonight, hands hurting from typing. It's getting better then last week after
surgery, that really put me in a different place.
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Nothing but Butts and Antlers
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Cool morning
Saturday, July 16, 2005
New Life in the forest
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Buddy didn't show up until 12:30 AM
Monday, July 11, 2005
Had to sit with Buddy
Sunday, July 10, 2005
Nice warm relaxing day
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Another Momma Skunk showed up today
Monday, June 20, 2005
Cute baby skunks
There is a lot of groups of quails but no babies yet. Going to have to get some pictures of them this year. They are small and fast so they are hard to get pictures of.
Cutting that tree down yesterday did me in. I was supprized at how fast it came apart. Nothing like sharp manly tools.
It feel like a Hitchcock movie with all the pigeons that are coming around. There must be at least a 100 of them outside.
They say there isn't going to be anymore rain. I just can handle setting up the trees that fall over.
No cherries this year the rain got them all.
Well time for my next cup of coffee and then it's outside. Have to pick up a couple bags of grain for the birds. The poor turkeys are missing out because of the pigeons
One other thing, a skunk or something was eating the scraps I put out from the chicken I had but they broke my Vision frying pan. It was my favorite glass frying pan for baking in.
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Summer and it's going to rain
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Oh' Man Could the day get any worse?
Saturday, June 04, 2005
Had Enough for Today
Thursday, June 02, 2005
Pictures from the forest
Mr. Stinkers
The Stinker family came by last night again. The little guys were trying to get the pecking order but Mom was the top skunk and they couldn't get close enough to her. I blocked off a way under the house but I think the family of skunks have moved in. I had sealed the hole where a drain pipe comes out from under the house with foam. They eat or clawed their way through the foam. I don't want to seal the hole right now since dead skunks under the house would smell worse then skunks spraying on each other.
Little flower from the under forest. These flowers are very delicate. The seem to pop up after all that rain has come for the year. The little flowers don't stay out very long but the color I find very pleasant.
Wild Peas. They are small but still they are wild natural peas. You could be hiking along a miss these peas since they blend into the back ground and are not in big groves. I missed them many times as I walked past them dozens of times.
Left overs from the mining days. 3/4" cables
Not sure what I'm going to do with them since they are big and heavy and don't fit into a trash bag.
Well, I feel like I got it again, poison oak! My arms and face is itching. Even my fingers itch. It feel like it's in my right eye too. I'll find out more when I wake up tomorrow. If I wake up and have scratched al night or my skin has red bumps then I'll know how bad it is. Sneaky stuff, it doesn't show up for a couple days after it settles in. Think I'll take another cool shower with lots of soap.
Also, going to have to wash all my cloths so I don't contaminate myself further. Well, time to wash and watch the news. Take the weight off my dogs, back and what ever is aching.
The first baby chicks
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Cutest thing I've seen so far
Saturday, May 28, 2005
Don't scare a skunk
Monday, May 23, 2005
Singing in the Rain
I'm singing in the rain...
Last night was great with the almost full moon. The light came through the sky light and window and I could make out the trees almost like day light. Went to bed early did to much yesterday. It's always that way, do to much and take two or three days to recover. Some times it might even take months to recover if I do one minor movement wrong. Terrible getting old when your mind still fells so young.
The last couple days have been sunny and warm. Sure beats the rainy days but it's all a part of life so you just need to get dressed up and experience the weather. If you don't it's like only experiencing part of life.
Haven't seen so many quail here before. They are doing real good this year. The turkeys and squirrels are having a great time too. What I get a real kick out of is the Black headed grosbeaks.
Well, better fill the seed bags for the finch's and get ready to go to the doctors office.
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Rain and Wet Skunks
"Stay the Course" of at least 50 grit
Nature these last few years we have come up with some new quotes by the administration and the war. "Stay the course," and "Mission Accomplished are two of the most recognizable. What is bad is they are becoming common place words that don't mean much. "Stay the Course," seems to mean, we are going to cut off our noses despite our faces no matter how wrong we are. The Republican agenda is some thing not what's good for the country but what's good for a few of the top 1% of the rich. Going into Iraq was like kicking a dog while he was down, there was no weapons of mass destruction or WMD as we now use it as slang. Mission Accomplisished means we go the oil and you don't. Even Greenspan is using "Stay the Course" for the economy even though it's been going down hill since Bush took office. The Russian President was right when he said you call yourself democratic when a court appoints the president. We don't know how much graft there was in the second Bush election because there wasn't a paper trail and it seems like pulling teeth to get a paper trail. The Republicans didn't want a paper trail because they didn't want to loose. It's to bad that the today's Republicans have the I.Q. of hand balls in the way they voted. If the Republicans would have said that there agenda is to break the unions and make most of the people of the united stated live below the poverty line similar to how it was in the 1800's. Where the company used you until you died. Now with United Airlines passing off their pension plan to the government it's going to be a rush by the other corporations to follow to stay competitive at the cost of the tax payers and at the expense of the pensioners. Out of the five years Bush has been in office we haven't met the need of jobs per month. Which was 350,000 new jobs per month. Inflation is another one of my beefs. When inflation is higher then what you get back from your savings your a looser. The numbers might say your making money because of the interest but when you take in the fact the negative part of inflation your going backwards. When Bush say's he wants to support the troops and then cuts their pay, medical services, close down the VA hospitals. It's so amazing how misinformed the American people are worried more about gay marriage then the security of the country or the solvency of social security. If the people would have known that Bush was going to cut their social security I don't think Bush would be president or the puppet of the corporate world. United Airlines is a dead dog and should start be dismantled selling off the planes and terminals to pay for the pensions of it's workers. The no child left behind should be no rich child left behind. The clean air act is how to confuse people to make more money while people choke down more chemicals. They blame smokers for lung cancer but it's more the environment that is killing you.
Monday, May 16, 2005
More Rian
Friday, May 13, 2005
Jumping Squirrels
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Watching a squirrel make a nest.
Monday, May 09, 2005
All weather all the time
Hand has lost it's numbness after the cortisone shot. I feel the cortisone part as a stiffness but the lidocaine wore off. It'll be a couple days before I start having better hand function.
Back at home.
The deer stopped by. Big Buddy, Stumpy and one guy last year was big buck on campus and now has a limp and Marty Feldman eyes. I thought he was going to die he was in such bad shape. One of his eyes last year was closed and his antler were knocked off. It looked like he dislocated his front left leg but it's seem to heal sort of well. Still he has a limp. Don't think he's going to be that same scrappy young thing he was last year.
It's nice having it stay light so late but today it just was one of those days. It just had a red dark fade to night.
Only two more episodes left. What city will get blown up! Let see the little places I used to see around Los Angeles that are suppose to be else where. Still, the series has a lot of great tension. The best way to see 24 is to rent the whole series and watch them all at one time. You don't even want to pause the DVD play to take a pee.
Friday, May 06, 2005
Good day for the critters
Thursday, May 05, 2005
Rainy day but the little critters are out.
New "Life" in spring.
A great looking flower with some great detail.
Lazy day and a little hen getting some rays.
Big Buddy stealing the birds food. He lost a lot of weight since the rut and he's growing new antler.
Last night I had a bunch of deer eating in the field. There was Big Buddy, Stumpy fellow, Friend, Mom Girl and the two babies which are one year old now.
There are a lot of quail and grosbeak out today. My favorite little bird is the nuthatch but the little guys won't sit still to get the picture taken.
You can tell you have a healthy forest by the amount of birds you see. At least that's what I'm gauging my forest by.
I saw Mr. Stinkers last night. I didn't see him come on the porch but I did hear him pushing things around.
I see evidence of the bobcat coming around but I haven't seen him in a few month.
With all the rain we have been getting everything is growing so fine. Going to have a lot of fruit and berries. I think I picked up a little poison oak but it's not bad yet. It's just that I've got the scratches all over. I think what happened was the oil from the poison oak soaked through my sweaty cloths. Well it's sprinkling again and all the little critters ran off for shelter.
When I hear that Kansas is having talks on intelligent design and no science people are there to debate it, it shows me that the country is going backwards as far as science goes. Without people going into the science industries we are just making a country of burger flippers. It's one thing to have faith but to make that faith the law of the land is like Islamic countries making it the law of the land. That's why we went to war in Iraq and won't let them have an Islamic government. So why does Bush keep pushing the Religious Right as the Germany did before WWII? Unless this is a ploy to do the same thing that Adolph wanted to do in making it a "Christian" country. But no one learns from history these days. Hell, you don't even know what you did last week. To ask you what you did last year would be a pipe dream.
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
Getting ready to rain
Long day
Well, had a nice sit down with my Big Buddy. We both heard a noise of towards the creek then Mr. Stinkers popped up on the road. I see he's wandering up this way and will be here when it's a little more quiet. I know Buddy will run off as soon as he sees Mr. Stinkers. Later this summer I'll keep trying to get close to the little guy. Last year I was laying in the door way and he came right up to may face. Skunks got a bad rap. Then have such a nice coat of fur, it's just amazing. I hope to see some raccoons this year. The first year there was mom dad and the four babies. The deer didn't know what to think of then and the babies didn't know what to make of the raccoons. The deer did try to give them a sniff.
Have my coils almost finished to do my low frequency studies of the magnetic field of the earth. I'm sure I could read more on it but there is some new facts happening to the earth magnetic field. Could we be instore for a polarity shift? Again? From what I've read in college it looks like they happen over a 100 year cycle. So looking a Polaris might be the south pole. What they didn't say about polar shifts is does the planet turn over. That would be a real drag. But it could happen to keep order to the solar system. The suns pole has been constant as far as we know. I still look at it as our planet if like a spark from a welder that is cooling off with the hottest parts keeping it moving until it's cold like mars.
Monday, May 02, 2005
First grosbeak today
Big Buddy and Friend came by and had dinner. I sat outside with them till they left. I don't think many people can say they can walk around with wild deer. When I bump into them in the thick forest and they can't see me, I give them my whistle and then they stop running because they know it's me, their friend.
I gave a whistle this morning and five young squirrels came running down with mom. They knew I had place sunflower seeds out.
The pigeons are coming back. They are good looking birds and they are wild but they are destroying my paint job on my car.
Having a good herd of quail this year too.
Saw the Jack Rabbit the other day. What a great looting creature. I was folding socks and I think it saw me move and took off running. It was just a few feet from my telescope and that was about 30 feet from my bed.
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Rainy day and everything is so green outside
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
That flying of the ladder number I did last week has still slowed me down. You don't get to fly 10 feet into the ground and feel good over night. This sleeping is getting to be excesive. The pollen is doing a number on my too. The runny wet eyes and wet nose make me feel some what dinged out. Well the pollen from the Walnut tree is almost over.
Think I'll take advantage of the cold spell and do some work in the attic. Need to get my alarm in, put some foil on the roof to reflect the heat. Need to work on the venting too. The fan works but when the vent closes the air can't get out. Then there is the problem of no screen on that vent.
Well it llooks like it's going to be an early night tonight. Just haven't been able to wake up all day. Must be the rain and dark day. Maybe it will be better tomorrow, maybe see some sun. I've always been one to be a sun peson. If I'm in the sun durring the day then I like to or able to stay up at night.
Histroy Repeating It's Self
and good guys always finish last.
That flying of the ladder number I did last week has still slowed me down. You don't get to fly 10 feet into the ground and feel good over night. This sleeping is getting to be excesive. The pollen is doing a number on my too. The runny wet eyes and wet nose make me feel some what dinged out. Well the pollen from the Walnut tree is almost over.
Think I'll take advantage of the cold spell and do some work in the attic. Need to get my alarm in, put some foil on the roof to reflect the heat. Need to work on the venting too. The fan works but when the vent closes the air can't get out. Then there is the problem of no screen on that vent.
Well it llooks like it's going to be an early night tonight. Just haven't been able to wake up all day. Must be the rain and dark day. Maybe it will be better tomorrow, maybe see some sun. I've always been one to be a sun peson. If I'm in the sun durring the day then I like to or able to stay up at night.
Still trying to get AOL to work on my computer, it's been 4 days so far to try this out.
Sunday, April 24, 2005
AOL Hell, You get what you pay for, iff it's free you don't get much
I guess you get what you pay for. Since it's free I guess that why is doesn't work. The 45 day of free service won't work until they start reaming you with a high bill. I bet this post won't even get to my blog. To bad, I feel sorry that people don't know they could get the came service or more for less then $10 per month.
Saturday, April 23, 2005
Saturday, rainny day blues
Started raining about midnight lastnight. The wind was wiping though here at a unbelieveable speed. I thought it was going to rip some of the trees out. The oak tree in the front yard was moving inches which I never seen before because it was close to the base of the tree.
That flying of the ladder number I did last week has still slowed me down. You don't get to fly 10 feet into the ground and feel good over night. This sleeping is getting to be excesive. The pollen is doing a number on my too. The runny wet eyes and wet nose make me feel some what dinged out. Well the pollen from the Walnut tree is almost over.
Think I'll take advantage of the cold spell and do some work in the attic. Need to get my alarm in, put some foil on the roof to reflect the heat. Need to work on the venting too. The fan works but when the vent closes the air can't get out. Then there is the problem of no screen on that vent.
Well it llooks like it's going to be an early night tonight. Just haven't been able to wake up all day. Must be the rain and dark day. Maybe it will be better tomorrow, maybe see some sun. I've always been one to be a sun peson. If I'm in the sun durring the day then I like to or able to stay up at night.
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
How do you know when you live in a big city?
Moving to the mountains and in a small town, I noticed the same thing, the 3 PM sirens. People coming from down the hill coming home a break neck speed rushing through traffic like it was some sort of race course. Every day there is the "they stopped and the others couldn't." Then there is the one car roll-over's or one car crashes. Going to fast for a turn, listening to the radio and changing the channel or talking on the phone and forgetting your on the road. I can't see how some one can be on the phone, driving and shift the transmission. Some how that doesn't make sense at all.
All in all, you know that the city is getting to big when you start hearing the 3 PM sirens.
Quail are up side. They look so cool running around in pairs. Turkeys are on the fence picking feathers. I went down the road with the weed eater today. The birds love it. I can see them scratching through the cuttings.
I put some dried cherries on the porch today and the squirrels found them. There's only little scrapes left when I checked where I put them.
Well, time to kick back and take off my boots. I'm glad I took the time to clean up my old boots. If you take care of boots they can last a long time if you buy good boots. These are, my old good old climbing boots made by Lowa in Germany. I haven't seen any boots like this in any stores these days. I paid $225 dollars in 1972. I wonder how much they would cost today. Funny thing, these are 5 pounds each and these aren't my heavy boot. The other boot, my High elevation boots are two boots in one. You put on the first boot which you can use to walk around camp and stuff. Then you put on the other boot over the top. Lowa made a pair like that to go to the top of K2 and Everest. These are Swiss made for there Army. How about that, Swiss Army Boots.
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Evening time to fade away
Rather productive day, even if I was limping around. I know I did well today, my body hurts, just a little more then normal. Still need to clip that screw off one of the squirrels houses. At least I got the ladders there to use tomorrow. Antenna is finally finished and working good. Still might try putting an amp right at the antenna but might have to pad it at the house. For living in the forest with the trees blocking the signal, its working rather well. I can get the San Francisco stations now, no great but I can get them.
Squirrels went crazy today. They got under the house and were fighting down there. At first I thought it was the Bobcat chewing one of the little guys. It turned out a young male wanted to mate and wasn't taking no for an answer. I think there was two males fight for this one female but not sure. I did see this one squirrel running down the road to it's nest but not before I noticed that it's eyes looked chewed out. It might look worse then it really is because there was a lot of dirt on it's face. I know the oak tree that the little guy lives in so I'll check on him tomorrow. Since my first year here when I noticed the minor patterns that they have in their faces, now I can tell which family groups they are from a far.
Had a visit from my Big Buddy around noon today. I was wondering what he's been up to. I see his antler are coming in and the skin is bleeding on the right side. That causes flies to get on their face and go for the blood. If only I could wash them down the flies wouldn't bother them. Later in the summer when their coats are thin, the flies take bites out of them. If you ever just see a deer standing there and all the sudden take off running it's either a fly, bee or wasp landing on them. Two years ago, Mr. Fuzzy antlers had a wasp sitting on his nose. The deer didn't move a muscle until the wasp flew off. Then again, while foraging with Mr Fuzzy Antlers he just bolted and ran down to the creek jumping and bucking all the way. So I can only guess it was a big bug on him.
Speaking of big bugs, I was one land on the screen while typing away one night. It was at least 3 inches long. The antenna were a couple inches too. I should have took a picture and tried to capture it but instead I flicked it with my finger. Took a couple of flicks to knock it off the screen.
Well, better see how the sauce is doing. Doing "SPAG" tonight. To lazy after today. Foots throbbing, back is stiff and I'm starting to slouch, neck is going out too. Guess it's going to be a night with PBS and the Nova programs.
Will my copy of "Apple Quicktime" ever stop asking me if I want to update?
Sunday, April 17, 2005
Word of advice....
I had a squirrel a couple years ago take a brass water fixture up the tree and drop it when he was over me from some 100 feet up. As I went for the nozzle, then I was attacked by red ants where the squirrel dropped the nozzle.
I also had them run off with one glove and then hide it from me. Drove me crazy looking for it
Still trying to recover from the fall the other day. Been sleeping a lot and not moving to fast. I feel like I've been in an auto accident. Have to keep reminding myself, I'm not a kid, I'm not indestructible, and what I see on TV I can't do. (Ha-Ha)
Lower left quadrant is still hurting and been having the skidders since I fell.
Thursday, April 14, 2005
It Not Facsism if you do it right.
Out at Bob's
Sunday, April 10, 2005
Gas can $10 bucks, gas $5 bucks.
Went to church today, what a first in a while. As in the song I once heard, does a ritual make it right. They were talking about "The Hunt." What I saw there was real Hollywood. Selling Jesus as a commodity. A good show but what it make me think of is the physics of the universe. I think Jesus was an understanding person. Far to all and placed blame where it was needed. Then a movement saw it could be used to make money. First knocking off the trimming of the males for a little cash. Then it was Jewish light in diet. Give some more money and you can eat what ever you want to. Now it's lights camera action and the show is on.
The tid bits of the Bible and the way it's used is like saying Newton said, an apple fell there fore it must be fruit. And since it's fruit it has to be sweet fruit. It must be a color we all like too but with out an observation it a good fruit. That's a good deduction isn't it?
I keep looking at String theory and my idea of what I'd like to think it's more descriptive of it that is nodes. Interference patterns like a hologram. It's a matter of just knowing where the big bang started and where we are in relationship to where we are now. Everything we see is from the past. We need to find a way of projecting the way things are now in the universe.
What about data mining?
Good morrning "Critters"
Saturday, April 09, 2005
What a great day.
Friday, April 08, 2005
By Stephanie Nebehay
GENEVA (Reuters) - The World Health Organization (WHO) Friday called for stepping up measures in Angola to halt the further spread of the deadly Marburg virus, which has killed 174 people mainly in the north of the country.
The United Nations agency said a first case of the incurable disease had been found in Kuanza Sul, the sixth province in the northwest to be hit, while a suspect death was also under investigation in neighboring Democratic Republic of Congo.
There was an unusually high death rate among the 200 cases identified since October, mainly in the northern town of Uige, with an overwhelming number of initial cases striking children under 5 years old, the WHO said in a statement.
"The situation right now in Angola is not under control yet...This is still a health crisis at the national level and requires a profound commitment both from national authorities and the international community in order to contain this disease," Mike Ryan, director of WHO's alert and response operations, told a news briefing.
Some 50 international experts have been deployed in Angola, where 27 years of civil war have left weakened health systems and staff untrained for coping with a major epidemic, he said.
By isolating victims and tracing their contacts, officials were "breaking the chain of transmission" in Uige, he said.
Two deaths have been confirmed from Marburg in Luanda, a teeming capital of 4 million people, where six more cases are being investigated, Ryan said.
There was no evidence of transmission within Luanda, where the two deaths have been a 15-year-old boy and a nurse, he said.
But Ryan noted the densely populated city saw "movement and exchange of people between all areas of Angola," adding: "Therefore it is crucially important that the surveillance systems and isolation units have to be fully established in Luanda, both to maintain confidence in travel to Angola and also to protect that population. That is ongoing."
Separately, the United Nations issued an emergency appeal to donors for $3.5 million to combat the virus, one of the most virulent pathogens known, over the next three months.
The rare haemorrhagic fever, related to the deadly Ebola virus, is characterized by headaches, nausea, vomiting and bloody diarrhea. It is spread through close contact with bodily fluids including blood, saliva and semen.
The outbreak has surpassed the previous record of 123 deaths in a 1998-2000 epidemic in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
The hospital itself in Uige, a town of 500,000, may have contributed to spreading the virus, according to Pierre Formenty, a WHO expert on haemorrhagic fevers.
"There is a possibility ... that the hospital served to infect children who came to be treated there. It is not confirmed, but it is a hypothesis," Formenty told reporters.
Twelve health care workers were among the total 200 cases.
Medical anthropologists were enlisting tribal leaders to inform the often illiterate population about the dangers of contracting the disease while caring for the sick or preparing bodies for burial, Formenty said.
"Our simple message is very clear: don't touch sick patients and don't touch bodies," he said.
04/08/05 09:52
© Copyright Reuters Ltd. All rights reserved. The information contained In this news report may not be published, broadcast or otherwise distributed without the prior written authority of Reuters Ltd.
Still raining.....
Now that Terry and the Pope have past, what about that "Marburro Virus" in Angola? Just a passing threat or something to worry about. Well, it's in Africa and for the most part it's been hands off for the white countries. Let them run themselves into the ground and let the White's pick up the pieces when the worst is over, I guess. They say this virus is worse then the E-Bola virus. Wonder why it's not in the news?
Been going over some of my old notes and videos. Forgot so much over the years. For that much the world has forgot so much. It's day to day and hour to hour and not year to year, no long term planning. It's what's the price of gas today. "Oh, by the way, we are going to drill for oil in Alaska's wild life sanctuary."
I can hear the 2 meter hams coming up the hill complaining about the weather. Good thing I'm inside.
Going to cook a turkey tonight, not one of my buddies but a store bought one. 12 pounder. That should last me a couple weeks.
Been changing my front side bus clock and it seems to speed up the computer. Not sure if it's hurting anything. If I can I'll keep pushing it until it's not going to run any faster but stable. So far the front side bus clock is set at 142 and that works out to 284 and that pushes the system to 2.0 gigs plus as it says in easy inspection. Good thing I have lots of fans in the cabinet. Think I'll get off line and push it 2 more and see what happens. The worst is that it locks up and I have to rest the BIOS.
Lot of one car accidents out today. Morons racing home in the rain rolling over.
Thursday, April 07, 2005
Why isn't it working when I send a message to my blog site?
Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today - it's FREE!
Nature, you can't live with out it.
Monday, April 04, 2005
Have two ups units going, now. One will be just for the alarm system. The other one will drive the computers. It's just a matter of power distribution. Going to try to make something that would be more solar over the next year or so. The wind turbine with the pulse generation of power. Not to many people use this system since I seen it used on a BSA motorcycle.
This "March Madness" is a great marketing ploy. Myself, I can't see it. I liked playing sports growing up but I can't see sitting on the couch and getting fat.
Sunday, April 03, 2005
Latest NOAA Pictures
Dream Speakers, again.
Been thinking of making the same speakers but using 10 inch speakers and miniturize the cabinets. Need to do the math to see how the back pressure works out. See if I can get things in phase.
Usually this works good with Foxfire but this time it looks better with IE.
Ohhh, my little toe.
Long day
Was thinking about Greene's 11 dimension string theory, which I like to call wave node theory, it's just a little cleaner that way the way things work out.
Been thinking of a way of setting up a multi-visual astronomy base here. Going from low frequency to light. If I could get the e-ray maps to fit to my system it would give you a good view of what's out there and what time it is. The question what time is it really? Speaking relative to the rest of out known universe. Based on the big bang and constant expandtion, there must be other "universe" out there too. It's just that we never over lapped or maybe we did and haven't seen them yet. They are to far in the past. It's to bad we can't make a computer model to place the universe as it is now, in real time. No lag time like the edge of the big bang. Some where in space there is a large shock wave traveling out there. Wonder if it's slowing and at what progression. We know the heat decay.
Rain is on the way, going to check NOAA before I get off here. Need to find out if I can do some of the concrete work to seal the one side of the foundation.
The apple tree that fell over last storm I propped up and it seems to be growing again. Thing I'll give it a vitamin fix tomorrow. I just hate working in pouring rain. And to think, there was a day I'd think anyone that couldn't drive a bike in a driving rain or snow storm was a woos. Must be getting old. Had to use bi-pods to set the tree right. Those days of muscling up a tree with out aids are over. Bi-pods, tri-pods, pullies and ropes and cables are the way to do it. It takes longer and I never thought I'd be applying physics this way instead of making tin cans land on a dime. Wonder how Robin's father is doing, he did do the equasions for the "Apollo" moon trips. Some thing cool to through on your resume.
The other Robin, Wonder if she still where's the ring I gave her. That was a love that just went wrong but we needed to grow. Wonder what would have happened if we would have gotten married. It would have been a real difffernet reality.
Saturday, April 02, 2005
Great Observation
I hooked up my squirrel cam. Not to good at night but good at dusk settings. Going to set it's focus real close and put a pile of seeds in from of it see how many pictures I can get. Close-ups!
Wrist are still feeling funky after the two cortisone shot in them. I think they will feel better in a couple days.
Still working on my horizontal TV antenna.. Just doing a bit of beefing up and making it a bit stronger and more directional.
Happiness is a working calculator!
Bed room door is almost finished. Need to do some shaping and sanding. A little filling of the molding and screws.
Need to do some chain sawing after this last rain. Got 12 - 14 inches in a bucket which works out to 12 - 14 feet of snow up top.
Living here it's either wet, wet or dry, dry, dry weather. Prevention of water damage is very important. Also, dry wrought is an summer destroyer. It's amazing that anything is still standing here after 150 year. The stone work was don good. The Victorian houses did a good job of following good building practices. I've seen some wood work that is failing after just a few years. Craftmanship is something that is dying out.