Monday, May 09, 2005

All weather all the time

Dark, rainy and want to sleep but I had to go down the hill to the doctors. What a journey this was. Rain, hail , fire brimstone, funnel clouds. There was a brief period that it wasn't raining but for the most part it rained. Saw a couple cars on the side of the road that smacked into each other. One was on the side of the hill going the wrong way. Right at that time was when I hit a squall line so I guess they got caught off guard and smacked into each other. Like the rain hit and one bone head slammed on the breaks forgetting people were behind them.

Hand has lost it's numbness after the cortisone shot. I feel the cortisone part as a stiffness but the lidocaine wore off. It'll be a couple days before I start having better hand function.

Back at home.
The deer stopped by. Big Buddy, Stumpy and one guy last year was big buck on campus and now has a limp and Marty Feldman eyes. I thought he was going to die he was in such bad shape. One of his eyes last year was closed and his antler were knocked off. It looked like he dislocated his front left leg but it's seem to heal sort of well. Still he has a limp. Don't think he's going to be that same scrappy young thing he was last year.

It's nice having it stay light so late but today it just was one of those days. It just had a red dark fade to night.

Only two more episodes left. What city will get blown up! Let see the little places I used to see around Los Angeles that are suppose to be else where. Still, the series has a lot of great tension. The best way to see 24 is to rent the whole series and watch them all at one time. You don't even want to pause the DVD play to take a pee.

Friday, May 06, 2005

Good day for the critters

Sort of sunny today. Some high cloads so the sun comes out in spots. Had five deer here a few minutes ago. Have six squirrels outside right now chowing down. I guess it's going to rain again because every one is eating early. Usually this part of the day every one is kicking back in the trees and don't come back out until 3 PM. Grampa Tommy and one of his young hens are outside too. Since the turkeys have all mated they are out nesting. The only hens are one year old and daddy bird is watching the youngsters. It so cute to see the young squirrels. They like doing squirrel things to make them into a strong squirrels. They play chase and bounce off trees. The grosbeaks are becoming more visable. guess it's because there is more of them. The young squirrels are so small you could put one in your hand. I can get close to them but not that close. Everything here is wild and I bilieve that it's because of trust that I can get as close as I do to them. Well, done with my coffee and watching, better hop in the shower and get out and do something before it rains.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Rainy day but the little critters are out.

New "Life" in spring.

A great looking flower with some great detail.

Lazy day and a little hen getting some rays.

Big Buddy stealing the birds food. He lost a lot of weight since the rut and he's growing new antler.

Last night I had a bunch of deer eating in the field. There was Big Buddy, Stumpy fellow, Friend, Mom Girl and the two babies which are one year old now.

There are a lot of quail and grosbeak out today. My favorite little bird is the nuthatch but the little guys won't sit still to get the picture taken.

You can tell you have a healthy forest by the amount of birds you see. At least that's what I'm gauging my forest by.

I saw Mr. Stinkers last night. I didn't see him come on the porch but I did hear him pushing things around.

I see evidence of the bobcat coming around but I haven't seen him in a few month.

With all the rain we have been getting everything is growing so fine. Going to have a lot of fruit and berries. I think I picked up a little poison oak but it's not bad yet. It's just that I've got the scratches all over. I think what happened was the oil from the poison oak soaked through my sweaty cloths. Well it's sprinkling again and all the little critters ran off for shelter.

When I hear that Kansas is having talks on intelligent design and no science people are there to debate it, it shows me that the country is going backwards as far as science goes. Without people going into the science industries we are just making a country of burger flippers. It's one thing to have faith but to make that faith the law of the land is like Islamic countries making it the law of the land. That's why we went to war in Iraq and won't let them have an Islamic government. So why does Bush keep pushing the Religious Right as the Germany did before WWII? Unless this is a ploy to do the same thing that Adolph wanted to do in making it a "Christian" country. But no one learns from history these days. Hell, you don't even know what you did last week. To ask you what you did last year would be a pipe dream.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Getting ready to rain

Have all my toy put away and ready for the rain. Did some more forest cleaning today used the chain saw like crazy. Well, here comes the quail. They're here early. Then again every one ate early getting ready for the rain. It looks like it's going to rain 3 or for days then a one day break and rain another 4 days. Looks like inside work for me. As it is right now I'm still drying out from my forest fun. Been dragging a lot of trimmings that the power company has left be hind after there trimming. Makes a lot of sense to put a pile of dried wood under the power line so if one breaks and drops to the ground it could start a good fire. The bad thing about them trimming trees is they don't know how to. They cut the top of a pine tree off then it turns into six or eight trees growing up. Not to mention the branches they leave hanging in other trees as they fall. To avoid any clean up work the push the branches under other bushes. If it's one thing I learned in life, short cuts will come back to make problems. Last year when I complained to the tree service the power company uses they said they don't have to clean up in a forest but it was my back yard so I don't get it. Last year they started a very large fire in the county and it was totally out of control. Highway 50 was closed. Then it rained which put out the fire but also caused a land slide. I just wonder how many people have no idea they are sitting on time bombs.

Long day

It's been a long day of tree trimming. The good part of the day was watching the birds and squirrel. I never get tired of watching them. Saw two grosbeak today. Friend showed up, a young Stumpy Fella's son. Never thought I'd be naming all the deer but when you can tell them all apart and see how they all act it make them rather special. Trimming the forest of the dead wood to make it look like a fire has cleaned it out is a job. I did that on the south end of the property over three years and it's growing great. Now to the north end where the poison oak bushes are as big as trees. Took a few picture with my 500 mm lens with the Pentax, they came out rather well. Using the Canon they didn't. Not sure why that was, the Canon always worked well. Think it has something to do with no f stop. Thing is I had a Phoenix lens with no f stop and it work well. Maybe the shutter is hanging up. I don't use it enough. Although it will work with a 200 mm zoom lens with f stops. The Pentax I can control that problem. Think I'll be getting a lot of pictures this year. I've been slacking off the past year. Funny, a few years ago I was shooting 12 to 24 rolls a week.

Well, had a nice sit down with my Big Buddy. We both heard a noise of towards the creek then Mr. Stinkers popped up on the road. I see he's wandering up this way and will be here when it's a little more quiet. I know Buddy will run off as soon as he sees Mr. Stinkers. Later this summer I'll keep trying to get close to the little guy. Last year I was laying in the door way and he came right up to may face. Skunks got a bad rap. Then have such a nice coat of fur, it's just amazing. I hope to see some raccoons this year. The first year there was mom dad and the four babies. The deer didn't know what to think of then and the babies didn't know what to make of the raccoons. The deer did try to give them a sniff.

Have my coils almost finished to do my low frequency studies of the magnetic field of the earth. I'm sure I could read more on it but there is some new facts happening to the earth magnetic field. Could we be instore for a polarity shift? Again? From what I've read in college it looks like they happen over a 100 year cycle. So looking a Polaris might be the south pole. What they didn't say about polar shifts is does the planet turn over. That would be a real drag. But it could happen to keep order to the solar system. The suns pole has been constant as far as we know. I still look at it as our planet if like a spark from a welder that is cooling off with the hottest parts keeping it moving until it's cold like mars.

Monday, May 02, 2005

First grosbeak today

Saw my first grosbeak today. Got out the 500mm but he was gone by then.

Big Buddy and Friend came by and had dinner. I sat outside with them till they left. I don't think many people can say they can walk around with wild deer. When I bump into them in the thick forest and they can't see me, I give them my whistle and then they stop running because they know it's me, their friend.

I gave a whistle this morning and five young squirrels came running down with mom. They knew I had place sunflower seeds out.

The pigeons are coming back. They are good looking birds and they are wild but they are destroying my paint job on my car.

Having a good herd of quail this year too.

Saw the Jack Rabbit the other day. What a great looting creature. I was folding socks and I think it saw me move and took off running. It was just a few feet from my telescope and that was about 30 feet from my bed.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Rainy day and everything is so green outside

Nice and warm inside but cool and wet outside. It really came down last night. I saw a flash of light and started counting, one, almost two, bang. It was really close. I was waiting for hale but it was just water. My burn pile went out and smoldered like a camp ground trash fire, with it's camp ground odors.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005


Started raining about midnight lastnight. The wind was wiping though here at a unbelieveable speed. I thought it was going to rip some of the trees out. The oak tree in the front yard was moving inches which I never seen before because it was close to the base of the tree.

That flying of the ladder number I did last week has still slowed me down. You don't get to fly 10 feet into the ground and feel good over night. This sleeping is getting to be excesive. The pollen is doing a number on my too. The runny wet eyes and wet nose make me feel some what dinged out. Well the pollen from the Walnut tree is almost over.

Think I'll take advantage of the cold spell and do some work in the attic. Need to get my alarm in, put some foil on the roof to reflect the heat. Need to work on the venting too. The fan works but when the vent closes the air can't get out. Then there is the problem of no screen on that vent.

Well it llooks like it's going to be an early night tonight. Just haven't been able to wake up all day. Must be the rain and dark day.  Maybe it will be better tomorrow, maybe see some sun. I've always been one to be a sun peson. If I'm in the sun durring the day then I like to or able to stay up at night.

Histroy Repeating It's Self

Been a not so long time for me to be a grumpy old man at history.
I've been watching the BBC series on "The Wars of Britain."
Looking at what the English have done over the years have to be worse things then the, Roman's, Napoleon his French Army, Bo-Park, The Japaness,
Gengous Con
Cheaters always prosper.
and good guys always finish last.


Started raining about midnight lastnight. The wind was wiping though here at a unbelieveable speed. I thought it was going to rip some of the trees out. The oak tree in the front yard was moving inches which I never seen before because it was close to the base of the tree.

That flying of the ladder number I did last week has still slowed me down. You don't get to fly 10 feet into the ground and feel good over night. This sleeping is getting to be excesive. The pollen is doing a number on my too. The runny wet eyes and wet nose make me feel some what dinged out. Well the pollen from the Walnut tree is almost over.

Think I'll take advantage of the cold spell and do some work in the attic. Need to get my alarm in, put some foil on the roof to reflect the heat. Need to work on the venting too. The fan works but when the vent closes the air can't get out. Then there is the problem of no screen on that vent.

Well it llooks like it's going to be an early night tonight. Just haven't been able to wake up all day. Must be the rain and dark day.  Maybe it will be better tomorrow, maybe see some sun. I've always been one to be a sun peson. If I'm in the sun durring the day then I like to or able to stay up at night.


I guess you get what you pay for. Since it's free I guess that why is doesn't work. The 45 day of free service won't work until they start reaming you with a high bill. I bet this post won't even get to my blog. To bad, I feel sorry that people don't know they could get the came service or more for less then $10 per month.

Still trying to get AOL to work on my computer, it's been 4 days so far to try this out.

Sunday, April 24, 2005

AOL Hell, You get what you pay for, iff it's free you don't get much

I guess you get what you pay for. Since it's free I guess that why is doesn't work. The 45 day of free service won't work until they start reaming you with a high bill. I bet this post won't even get to my blog. To bad, I feel sorry that people don't know they could get the came service or more for less then $10 per month.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Saturday, rainny day blues

Started raining about midnight lastnight. The wind was wiping though here at a unbelieveable speed. I thought it was going to rip some of the trees out. The oak tree in the front yard was moving inches which I never seen before because it was close to the base of the tree.

That flying of the ladder number I did last week has still slowed me down. You don't get to fly 10 feet into the ground and feel good over night. This sleeping is getting to be excesive. The pollen is doing a number on my too. The runny wet eyes and wet nose make me feel some what dinged out. Well the pollen from the Walnut tree is almost over.

Think I'll take advantage of the cold spell and do some work in the attic. Need to get my alarm in, put some foil on the roof to reflect the heat. Need to work on the venting too. The fan works but when the vent closes the air can't get out. Then there is the problem of no screen on that vent.

Well it llooks like it's going to be an early night tonight. Just haven't been able to wake up all day. Must be the rain and dark day.  Maybe it will be better tomorrow, maybe see some sun. I've always been one to be a sun peson. If I'm in the sun durring the day then I like to or able to stay up at night.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

How do you know when you live in a big city?

Twenty some years ago I was working in Los Angeles, that when I noticed the rush hour sirens. Every afternoon about 3 PM the sirens started. At first I was like a moth to a flame running outside to see what was going on. My older brother ask, "What are you doing, it's only a siren." I could get over the amount of sirens every day. Living in Orange County I didn't hear the sirens like that every day. It wasn't until a few years later then I started to notice the sirens about 3 PM every day. It was slow in coming but it came as the county developed and more traffic.

Moving to the mountains and in a small town, I noticed the same thing, the 3 PM sirens. People coming from down the hill coming home a break neck speed rushing through traffic like it was some sort of race course. Every day there is the "they stopped and the others couldn't." Then there is the one car roll-over's or one car crashes. Going to fast for a turn, listening to the radio and changing the channel or talking on the phone and forgetting your on the road. I can't see how some one can be on the phone, driving and shift the transmission. Some how that doesn't make sense at all.

All in all, you know that the city is getting to big when you start hearing the 3 PM sirens.

Quail are up side. They look so cool running around in pairs. Turkeys are on the fence picking feathers. I went down the road with the weed eater today. The birds love it. I can see them scratching through the cuttings.

I put some dried cherries on the porch today and the squirrels found them. There's only little scrapes left when I checked where I put them.

Well, time to kick back and take off my boots. I'm glad I took the time to clean up my old boots. If you take care of boots they can last a long time if you buy good boots. These are, my old good old climbing boots made by Lowa in Germany. I haven't seen any boots like this in any stores these days. I paid $225 dollars in 1972. I wonder how much they would cost today. Funny thing, these are 5 pounds each and these aren't my heavy boot. The other boot, my High elevation boots are two boots in one. You put on the first boot which you can use to walk around camp and stuff. Then you put on the other boot over the top. Lowa made a pair like that to go to the top of K2 and Everest. These are Swiss made for there Army. How about that, Swiss Army Boots.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Evening time to fade away

Nice sight, four quail feeding until dark. I was rather supprised to see them out so late. That must mean they live or are staying real close tonight. I didn't hear them fly away so I guess they walked home.

Rather productive day, even if I was limping around. I know I did well today, my body hurts, just a little more then normal. Still need to clip that screw off one of the squirrels houses. At least I got the ladders there to use tomorrow. Antenna is finally finished and working good. Still might try putting an amp right at the antenna but might have to pad it at the house. For living in the forest with the trees blocking the signal, its working rather well. I can get the San Francisco stations now, no great but I can get them.

Squirrels went crazy today. They got under the house and were fighting down there. At first I thought it was the Bobcat chewing one of the little guys. It turned out a young male wanted to mate and wasn't taking no for an answer. I think there was two males fight for this one female but not sure. I did see this one squirrel running down the road to it's nest but not before I noticed that it's eyes looked chewed out. It might look worse then it really is because there was a lot of dirt on it's face. I know the oak tree that the little guy lives in so I'll check on him tomorrow. Since my first year here when I noticed the minor patterns that they have in their faces, now I can tell which family groups they are from a far.

Had a visit from my Big Buddy around noon today. I was wondering what he's been up to. I see his antler are coming in and the skin is bleeding on the right side. That causes flies to get on their face and go for the blood. If only I could wash them down the flies wouldn't bother them. Later in the summer when their coats are thin, the flies take bites out of them. If you ever just see a deer standing there and all the sudden take off running it's either a fly, bee or wasp landing on them. Two years ago, Mr. Fuzzy antlers had a wasp sitting on his nose. The deer didn't move a muscle until the wasp flew off. Then again, while foraging with Mr Fuzzy Antlers he just bolted and ran down to the creek jumping and bucking all the way. So I can only guess it was a big bug on him.

Speaking of big bugs, I was one land on the screen while typing away one night. It was at least 3 inches long. The antenna were a couple inches too. I should have took a picture and tried to capture it but instead I flicked it with my finger. Took a couple of flicks to knock it off the screen.

Well, better see how the sauce is doing. Doing "SPAG" tonight. To lazy after today. Foots throbbing, back is stiff and I'm starting to slouch, neck is going out too. Guess it's going to be a night with PBS and the Nova programs.

Will my copy of "Apple Quicktime" ever stop asking me if I want to update?

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Word of advice....

Always leave enough food outside for the critters. If they know your home and didn't come out, they become revengeful. They start chewing on anything and everything like Kenwood speaker grills you have on the porch. Didn't matter there wasn't any food value it was my value to them that the squirrels attacked.

I had a squirrel a couple years ago take a brass water fixture up the tree and drop it when he was over me from some 100 feet up. As I went for the nozzle, then I was attacked by red ants where the squirrel dropped the nozzle.

I also had them run off with one glove and then hide it from me. Drove me crazy looking for it

Still trying to recover from the fall the other day. Been sleeping a lot and not moving to fast. I feel like I've been in an auto accident. Have to keep reminding myself, I'm not a kid, I'm not indestructible, and what I see on TV I can't do. (Ha-Ha)

Lower left quadrant is still hurting and been having the skidders since I fell.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

It Not Facsism if you do it right.

Fascism \ Fash-iz-em \ n 1: often cap: the body of principles held by Fascisti  2: a political philosophy, movement or regime that exalts nation and race and stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.
When You hear the bush-it that come out of the republicans, I wish the news services would use profilers to tell who is telling the truth or lying. Maybe use stress meters to see the lies. I notice that the republicans tend to be very animated when it comes to head movement.
I had a friend that every time he was lying he would tip his head. In watching the cop shows, they say looking up and you are making it up and looking down and your lying. If you turn your head diagonally to keep your eyes looking forward isn't that the same as looking down?
Today they call it reform but it's reform so the rich get richer and the poor and middle class eat it. As Mrs. Helmsly once said, "Rich people don't pay taxes,"  and the republicans are working to make that happen too.  They did away with inheritance taxes which would have been only paid by the top three percent.  In the bankruptcy laws they made it easier for the rich to claim bankruptcy and hide there money but the poor need to pay back every last dime. Next they will be asking for their first born sons, oh they are and they send them off to war. A war for oil. To make the rich richer and the poor without sons.

Darn bi-focals, took a step off a latter today and ended up on the ground. It looked like it was a just a step down and turned out to be about six feet. I ended up on the road laying they stunned. I don't know if I was knocked out but I was stunned. I'm still feeling stunned and the pain is coming. It felt like a shock wave ran up to my brain. My hip hurts and back isn't doing the best. I was hungry before that but not anymore. I feel sort of tipsy like I've been drinking. To bad I stopped that 20 years ago. My left wrist is cramped up from trying to break my fall. My right wrist is cramping. Think I'll lay back on the heating pad. Took a hot shower and that felt real good. I don't know why my lower abdominal area is hurting too but it does. Doesn't look like I'll be doing to much tonight. I wanted to paint the trim on the bedroom door but it can wait. I have the door just about done. That's going to be an expensive door when I finish fixing it. It might have been cheaper to buy a new door. The door should look good with the burlap on it.

Pinheads send the flu to the labs in 18 countries. It only took 6 months to figure out it was a real dangerous. They said they are documenting the destruction of the flu vials but can't guaranty it. 

Air, you can't live with out it.
Out at Bob's

Sunday, April 10, 2005

What a good day to be a live until I ran out of gas.
Gas can $10 bucks, gas $5 bucks.

Went to church today, what a first in a while. As in the song I once heard, does a ritual make it right. They were talking about "The Hunt." What I saw there was real Hollywood. Selling Jesus as a commodity. A good show but what it make me think of is the physics of the universe. I think Jesus was an understanding person. Far to all and placed blame where it was needed. Then a movement saw it could be used to make money. First knocking off the trimming of the males for a little cash. Then it was Jewish light in diet. Give some more money and you can eat what ever you want to. Now it's lights camera action and the show is on.

The tid bits of the Bible and the way it's used is like saying Newton said, an apple fell there fore it must be fruit. And since it's fruit it has to be sweet fruit. It must be a color we all like too but with out an observation it a good fruit. That's a good deduction isn't it?

I keep looking at String theory and my idea of what I'd like to think it's more descriptive of it that is nodes. Interference patterns like a hologram. It's a matter of just knowing where the big bang started and where we are in relationship to where we are now. Everything we see is from the past. We need to find a way of projecting the way things are now in the universe.

Google Looking at me

What about data mining?

I was just think, again, that the "Patriot Act" where as the government gets to check out our reading habits at the library, is more then just that or could be. We know how credit card companies use our buying habits to predict what your going to buy next. Even what food you like and car you drive and want to drive. Where you want to go on vacation. Did you ever think what OnStar does for the government? It's like LowJack keeping track of you and your car. What about that cell-phone? A little GPS sending unit that keeps track of your where "abouts" going from cell site to site. As they used to say, close enough for horse shoes and hand grenades. Now the government is using data miners to predict your habits too. Is he a terrorist or could he be one. What's he reading on the web? What politics do they want to hear. What will they believe. It's a media circus and the G-Men are pulling the strings. They sold us a war and blamed it totally on the people that were suppose to know what's going on in the world. When they called it a rush to war, it was because if we hung out to long we would find out the truth and then no war. Right now the government is fighting the VoIP companies becasue the signals are encrypted. You can do that with your e-mail but like anything it can be cracked.
Tom Delay said it was ten year in the works but in Mike Moore's movie it's evident that no one read the bill that they were signing. I guess you can compare it to the credit card companies telling you 0% interest, then the fine print says for 6 month. Then after that the annual interest will go up to 18 percent. Then more fine print, if you screw up in any other part of your finance your rate will jump to the max of 25% annually. They used to call people like loan sharks but that was when life was still the American Dream and you could have one.