Forest FloorWhen a religion thinks it's right and wants to make it a
national policy then they are making the biggest mistake. Watching the news
of the Israeli people being idiots and putting up resistance to the give
back of Gaza to the P{Palestinians. Yes I said give back, but the Islamic
group hamas is saying that their terrorist actions worked is a big mistake
too. Why are there so many religious bone heads out there. They can't see
what would be good for their country. For example, the woman that set
herself on fire to show them. Boy, she really showed them, now she's burned
up and still alive, that really showed everyone. What did it show them, we
got an idiot woman setting herself on fire.
Iraq is sort of the same mess. Every group is saying that their God is
better then the other guys. When some one blows themselves up to show them
how much they believe in there God, it only shows me how backward they are.
In this country, the religious right is doing the same thing but they can't
see it. They think every one else's God is wrong. That only the born again
Christians are the only way. If they had their religion down right the first
time they wouldn't have to be born again. What about a child brought up in
this born again culture, do they need to find some other better religion so
they can be born again. They can't be born again in the church they are
going too. If this country doesn't get it's act together and keep the
separation of church and state then this will be it's down fall.
Looking at what the church is doing to science is setting the wrong image of
science. It's turning superstitions into fact, in stead of disproving the
superstitions. Seems anyone can right in the bible, there is no
prerequisite. All you have to do is say is God told you to write it and
everyone bends over to kiss your butt. If this is your requirement then I
can say God inspired me to write this and it's divine. Who is going to
disprove it, you can't.