Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Bright Moon

It's almost like day light, bright moon light with a light blue tinge. Skunks ate good tonight. Eggs and dog food. I can hear dogs off in the distance talking to the moon. Almost swear that you can feel heat from the moon. Well should I see how close the mirror is lined up or end up curing myself because I bought a spherical mirror. Might be fun but the back really doesn't want to.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Evening time

Baby deer gets chased off as he started sniffing big brothers butt. Older deer is just a little touchy with mating season going on. Turkeys hung out most of the day here. Squirrels had the run of the place this morning and after noon.  Leaves are getting to be a real problem. Moon's almost full. Jupiter is just below the moon. The forest and surrounding lands are going through a drying out period. Air is getting to be under pressure as it evaporates and examined with the direct sun light we've been getting. Kind of nice, little rain then a drying out period. Skunks ate well last night. It was the pan with all the turkey drippings. I sliced some bread and soak up the juices. The little guys were having a blast going at the bread. One of the guys was in the roaster pan and not paying much to the other guy walking up behind him. The skunk sneaking up gave him a nose in the butt. He kept eating ignoring the skunk behind him. The skunk just lunged forward and snipped him in the butt. The guy in the pan jumped straight up and over. He just wanted to eat and not have anyone bother him. They are having chicken eggs tonight. I should try doing some time laps photography. I need to get the remote for the camera. I didn't realize it was so cheap. I thought it was going to be about $70 dollars. Time to roll me a after dinner smoke.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

To nice a day

Sunday. Suns out and the squirrels are playing in the freshly fallen leaves. Looks like everything in the forest wants to be in the sun, including me. I'll let the squirrels play longer and have another cup of coffee, take a few pictures of the kids playing chase. Listen to a little Sunday radio theater and reflect a little. Take a good look at the forest and see if I can find something new about it. Want to keep trying to make some sort of natural material check dams and organics holders which also doubles as water reservoirs. Something to keep the moisture in and from evaporating. A gust of wind sets the forest in motion. The squirrels jump and grab in at the sudden movement claws gripping like they were upside down holding on for dear life The hens are here. I'm getting a few shot off. Good color and light. Interesting brown tinge to the light. Looks like I'll have a lot of turkey until spring when the food source is returned. Maybe this year I can get a few to eat out of my hand. Got close last year but they stopped about a foot away. Seems the seven sisters turned out to be the Amazon hen army. The seven are this one mothers kids from last year. This year she had three kids. The momma bird had some sisters which took off in the spring to raise their young. So there's a few mothers here with there young and the grand kids. One of the mothers with the kids and grand kids has a terrible limp. I also found a arrow razor blade for the arrowhead. That could be one reason they are coming around too, hunters. Well they are going to the side of the hill to pick feathers. Little later it will be  a lap around the place to look for bugs and other strange things. Couple more hours and the males will be showing up. Set you watch by them. Always the last place before they fly up into the trees for the night.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

California Spoke

Yes, Californians spoke today in the special election. They said, "yes" to higher power cost.  I guess they like what Enron did to California. They said, "yes" to high drug costs. And yes, they said they are a bunch of morons and idiots. They have to be to afraid to read the voter pamphlet. They believe propaganda on TV. Maybe it was because they couldn't read or something. I know it wasn't an informed decision. Maybe if the teachers were better they could read and not rely on TV ads to scare them. I swear people would kill them self if you told them it would be good for them. How soon they forget how good things were when power was regulated. People! that was 4 years ago. When things were deregulated the power cost sky rocketed. I believe half the state are on crack and the other half are followers. I guess when you don't understand you just vote no. IDIOTS!!!! STUPID, STUPID, STUPID.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Fascism, Republicans and the Religious Right

Fascism, Republicans and the Religious Right something about other people telling me how to live just doesn't sound like freedom to me. As the Bible said, God gave you free chouse but the Religious Right takes that free chouse away. The Republicans are only using the Christian movement for the votes and don't really care about what the Christians have to say since they are into big business. They have always been into big business at the cost of any one that gets in the way. When it comes to workers rights you have none , you are a disposable cog in the machine. When you get broken by the machine you are cast a side. Regan showed the unions what for when the Air Traffic controllers went on strike. Whether it would even make flying safer it didn't matter. The controllers were going to have to use out dated equipment and face mental burn out. Every one that is in the union that votes republican is like shooting yourself in the foot over and over, you going to have less and less. The American dream is just that a dream. It's easier to get out of poverty in Canada and Europe then the United States. Your twice as likely to get out of poverty not in the United States. What really gets me is the way the religious right reads a page in the bible and take every word as fact. There are writers putting out books which are fiction and they are reading these books as they are fact. The idea of teaching theology in science is truly the dumbing down of America. The republicans talk about morals saying that abortion is murder but making war is okay as long as they aren't Christians. There was a song I really liked that came out some twenty years ago by the "Call," "When the walls came down." Not the John Cougar Melon head or what ever he's calling himself these days either. It has to say, "There are no countries, just corporate criminals, playing with tanks." The oil companies are in the Whitehouse and they are going for all the oil and they do not care how many cogs in the machine get toast out. It's perfect to see ho the republicans took in the religious right in that they make good solders, blind obedience without question. I don't think these people really know what is happening to them as they get brain washed in to thinking like what some one else wants you to think. It's sort of like becoming an alcoholic. At first it's fun and you think there is no harm. Slowly it takes over until you have to drink and you don't know how to behave with out it. You have to drink it's your life now and there is nothing that anyone can say to stop you. When I hear a Christian say, "I'm ready to die for the lord," I'm wondering if he really hears what he's saying. It's just like the suicide bomber who gets to go to Ala for being a matter. That promise of the after life where they promise you everything and you need to take it on faith. Just as long as you reach deep in you pocket to show God how much you love him. It doesn't matter that the guy saying that has a dozen mansions and a couple dozen car, with his heavenly bank account. For some reason, call it ignorance they can't see the similarities of the different religions. Every one thinks there's is right and the others is wrong. The Christian religion remember is Jewish light. The same old stories but if you pay some money you don't have to do the eating thing. For a few more bucks you don't have to be circumcised. There was even a time that you do all sorts of bad things but then the church needed money so they made you a deal, give them money and they will for give you sins. The church over the years did some really bad things like killing off millions of people. What a deal, "take Jesus or we will kill you." Let see what other good things were done in the name of God. We burned witch's. The Nazi party were all Christians. The KKK were all Christian. The church said slavery was okay. It's amazing how people make laws to make injustices okay. I guess it makes them sleep better at night. People around the world think "Bush" is delusional when God talks to him. Before I thought we locked up people like that in hospitals. That's right we need to stop abortion because we need a next generation of tax payers. The churches want them to donate the big buck and follower there every word. When it comes down to it slavery is sort of still here when you take into the fact inflation keeps taking and making you money worth less. Unless you not making a million a month the republican party isn't for you. If you are making the big bucks and have those millions and don't care about anyone but yourself then the republican party is for you. From what I hear you can live rather comfortably if you have 400 million or more. Below that you might still have to work. Rather funny how rich people get to vote themselves raises because they make the laws and poor people get what they can. If people didn't have to worry about money we would generate some outstanding people. It's amazing how much people believe in propaganda. It spreads like wildfire. Fear is a big factor in controlling the masses.

I just had to vent about people that say one thing and do another. It just gets me.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Stinkers having turkey

Stinkers having some turkey. Yes, I was that close. Funny how sometimes they prefer sunflower seeds over animal parts but they never turn down turkey of chicken. Still, they are very shy creatures.

My turkeys all stopped by including the hens. The males were showing off and the hens didn't want anything to do with them. The hens except the mothers are to young for breading and will stick with mom until next year learning how to be a turkey. Looks like three young males too.

Beaned Stinkers

Was feeling a bit sorry for the skunks last night since it's getting close to raining. I cooked a store bought turkey yesterday and not one of the wild ones here. I pulled off a wing and tossed it out the door towards the skunk. I didn't mean to hit him but I did. The wing landed right one him. He was a little dazed at first and sort of walked in a circle to get his bearings. He found the wing and picked it up. He looked like he was in fat city strutting off with the wing. It was like he was saying, "Look at me with the big bone." Usually they keep their heads down sniffing everything. Not this guy, he had his head high as he walked to the under brush to take part in his feast.
Looking like rain today. The squirrels were eating but took off. They must know something I don't. Usually they will continue eating even if it's raining, well sprinkling. The foods out there for them. Don't even see the turkeys so it must be a good storm coming up. The place looks void of life, not even a little bird or anything. I guess this is the calm before the storm.

Monday, October 31, 2005


I sure get a kick out of watching Stinkers the skunk. I find myself watching the little guys for hours eating and looking for food. They really rely on their nose to find things. To make them so brave "the Gland." Still the are very shy. Haven't feed them by hand in a while. I can do that when I cook up some chicken.
They are just little eating machines sniffing and eating. Now that there are only two skunks here they haven't been fighting. During the summer it gets a little funky when they start fighting and emitting the "odder." Seemed like my house smelled like skunks for a couple month. The worst time was when they were fighting under my bedroom. I couldn't sleep in my bedroom for a week.
Still they are very fascinating. They seem so gentle as the move about.
Was eating an apple tonight. It was tasting so good until I bit into the moldy section. I've tried rinsing my mouth out but the taste is still there. With my lucky it'll be some sort of ergot.
Only four turkeys today. I hope the rest of the girls are okay. No deer tonight either. What gets me, is the yards full of apple and no deer. I just might have to spend a few days walking around the property.

What a night, cool, clear, and you can see for light years

It's so clear I can see andromeda without anything. Tried to take a digital photo but I was blinded by the led's inside the view finder window. Couldn't focus on anything. Jupiter is out too. Didn't uncover the telescope just a little cool to be outside in my sweats, tee shirt and slippers. It was my quest that brings me outside on cold evening like this. Was having a problem with my right legs standing. Sort of a lot of pain. That'll keep you from doing things. I can feel my lower spine trying to come out of my back.
Got a treat for Mr. Stinkers today, got him some dog food. He seems to like it too. Missing one skunk though. Heard coyotes last night. The dogs were backing off in the distance. I saw Big Buddy and his son Ear' along with momma girl and the two young boys. Was rather strange not seeing more than that. Didn't see one turkey today either. I heard gun shots north of the house. Sounded like several guns. Maybe a couple small calibers and one larger. Still it sounded like a bit of a war a few times. I just might have to take a walk with my cameras to see what's going on and document it. They were shooting a couple years ago up that way and a round came over my head and hit a tree. I could hear them shooting in a half circle with the bangs getting louder as they pointed my way. That's when the one round hit the trees above me. What's bad about that is if it missed my farm and the park it would have traveled into a group closely spaced homes. Hearing the coyote last night and watching the deer I could see it was bothering them. Didn't seem to bother the skunks. Loud sound need to be almost on top of them. I know if they see me they hide so I can't see them but they never run to far away. I seem to worry a lot about the critters that come around. I know they are wild but they really have hard life's. When Buddy broke his leg, every rescue group told me to shot him. I couldn't get any help from even a college that did veterinary work. Seeing my deer family and how they are as a group they truly are a family unlike what people think. There is some independence but for the most part they have their running friends. The older deer teaches the younger deer. I seen the mother teach their young what to eat how to hide and where to go get food. Here, it's a safety zone for all the critters. I discourage them from fighting. I know it sound weird but I swear they know what I'm saying as I talk to them. My hand greeting seems to be being past to the young or they might pick it up. I know if I come upon then in the forest and they can't see me, they will take off running until I give them a whistle. Soon as they know it's me they stop and continue grazing or what ever. I've been finding arrows and arrow heads, a cross bow arrow here. I hate to find anyone killing my forest friends.
I've notice since I've moved here my hearing has improve in that I can tell what is around me. When I first moved here I walked outside at night and it started bothering me. Now, not at all, I know the sounds of my friends. My second skunk just showed up. He's the one living under the house. It's 43 degree outside. I've noticed that I can tell how far things are from me too. It's amazing walking by star light too. Funny how little light you need to see. I have notice that the deer can see in the dark but not as good as people think. They do trip over thing and run it to things.
Well if I feel more motivated I might get dressed and go back outside to view some stars. Right now that back is aching and the pain pill is making me woozy. Seeing the galaxy is a motivating factor.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Scooter takes the sword

Libby goes down for the President and his Vulcan's. The cover up continues in the reasons to go to war but Scooter was caught. Watch for the spin to come because it's coming. Then Libby will be the leper and be distanced from the Whitehouse.

It turns out the war was really for oil.

Rove develops an emergancy brain tumer and can't be questioned anymore.

The whitewash is coming.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Fornicators from Space

Isn't it amazing that there is "fornicators from space" that can hook up when they come from the other part of the galaxy. At least in the Sci-fi movies people always seem to find something to getting rid of some stress. Call it cosmic collisions or the planetary pelvic thrust it's always in a Sci-Fi movie. Chances are that life in other parts of the galaxy are completely different then us on earth are very high. That all thing on earth look a like are no great mystery but that doesn't mean that it's spread through the galaxy. I wonder if aliens use condoms? Just think if they were like the Spanish conquering the New World raping their way across the galaxy. Taking what they want and leaving their seeds. What happens if they are "Asexual" and go after every orifice they find that is warm and fuzzy. If they were like a cell they might suck the juices right out of you and divide into two cells. Say one human and it makes two cells or something like that. Then again they could be like a virus which seems to be rather common here on earth. Say they come down here on a rock or something because I don't think they have legs and arms to control a space ship. They could come as spores get stuck in your nasal cavity and make your head explode when you sneeze spreading the spores all over. Did you ever notice that aliens always have stand up poke you in the eye breasts. Seems the aliens have the same fashions as we have on earth. I like Star Trek in the sixties where all the women wear mini-skirts and high puffy hair. When you see a Sci-Fi program or movie these days they have some great prosthetics which they add to peoples faces but they forget to blend the colors past their neck. They might go from a green face to a nice tan neck with some good cleavage none of which matches the face. I also love that the good guys have light weapons of one color and the bad guys have another. What's the chances of that?

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Still Summer Outside

Was a rather nice morning watching the squirrels and turkey have breakfast and play. Saw a little squirrel that I haven't see in a while. Little Sparky, he's got more hair and getting bigger.
It was a lazy morning for me. I spent most of it listening to the radio and drinking coffee. Been getting ready for winter and the rainy season. Still need to trim up some dead or dying branchs. Still need to do some painting. Got the TV antenna fixed. There are still some late bloomers out which I find very interesting even if they are called weeds.

What ever you want to call this little flower I think it looks rather nice.

Think I've got raccoons again. That's not a bad thing because they are rather cool. I had a guy last year that I almost started feeding by hand. At least I could get an arms distance away. It takes some time for them to get to know you just like the skunks did. Still the skunks run off as soon as they hear any noise. Even a board creeking will scare them off. Me standing up will scare them off. If I squat down then they don't see me as threatening and will come right up to me. Some of the larger ones look to be about 20 pounds. The guy living under the house is a lot smaller. Not to sure what sex they are because of how hairy they are. I know when one of them fell into the water bowl and came out he was mostly hair. Enough playing inside today, time to get out in this nice sun shine.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Fake TV

Ever notice how fake TV can get. It's the little things that add up. Like the cop that can't shoot and hit a car from 10 feet away. Or the bullets that bounce off a car and don't leave a dent. What about the bullets that can't go through a plaster wall. In the CSI the one in Los Vegas they use digital Nikon cameras. Did you notice the film winder sound every time they take a picture? What about those flashlights they run around with, ever notice them using them in bright sunlight.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

From Thunder to Hot Summer Day

The hens are making the rounds. There's a nice warm breeze blowing in the house. Rather different from a couple days ago. Today I can wear shorts again but I won't since I'm cleaning brush. The squirrels are running around playing chase. What a life but there is the down side of hunting for food in the cold winter. One of the guys found the peanut butter container I cut open and left outside. I see the little guy has a dab of peanut butter on his nose as he looks over the top of the jar. With the moisture in the air there is a variety of fresh smells of the forest.

Republican back peddle as Tom Delay is indicted for campaign fraud matters. White House says, " Tom's a good guy, we will watch him swing when he's hung out to dry." Soon the deck of card will fall as the people see through the rose colored world the republicans have painted.

I need to fix my TV antenna before winter comes. The antennas are pointing into the sky and the mast is leaning. I'm going to have to make the whole thing stronger and make sure it's grounded.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

What a light show

The thunder turned into thunder and lightning for most of the night. I set up the video camera to take pictures of the flashes. I caught on bolt hitting the ground which was rather close. When I was looking at the seconds on the monitor it clicked over just one second before the sound and the sound was house shaking load. It seem to ran most of the night but the lightning tapered off after about 10 PM but for four hours it was a great light show. Listening to emergency services there was a lot of strikes that hit things from trees to telephone poles. I thought that the thunder didn't bother the deer or the skunks but I was wrong. When the lightning and thunder got right over head that's when they went off to hide.

Bush ask the country not to use gas or take unnecessary trips. Then he got on his jumbo jet and flew to Texas and New Orleans. There goes an extra 70,000 gallons of fuel each way. Just follow the "Fearless Leader" and set a great example.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Lightning Storm and some rain

Big Buddy is here eating apples I cut up for him. The lightning doesn't seem to bother Big Buddy or Little Stinkers. Me moving around bothers Little Stinkers more then anything else. The deer and the skunks seem to get along and not bother each other. Big Buddy still only lets me get about ten feet from him. While I was getting apples and trimming the apple tree it started raining, not much just enough to get the ground wet. It felt good because it cooled things off but then it got real steamy. It was suppose to cool off and get hotter later this week but it doesn't feel like it. TV had a warning for a sever thunder storm in Butte County. Maybe that's why I can see the light from the lightning but can't hear the sound. Did earlier, it sounded like a plane was flying right over the house but it wasn't. The babies are here along with Momma deer. The baby deer can't even see over the top of the picnic table, it's so cute.
Well got a head ache starting so I think I'll turn down the lights and watch some TV. See if I can find an aspirin or some thing.

The deer are pushing each other again

Looks like it's going to rain, that's what the weatherman said too. The moisture is coming from the south. This place could use some water. The rainy season should be stating soon and will stop six months from now. Here comes the hens the weather doesn't seem to bother them. Last night big Buddy and another deer got into a pushing match. For an old deer Big Buddy came up on top. I was worried that his broken leg wouldn't heal but it seems to be working just fine. I picked about a shopping bag size of apples. Big Buddy had a time trying to eat them so I had to cut them up for him.
I need to fix my TV antenna. Since I put it up the wind has bent it back pointing the elements off of horizontal. It worked rather well until the storms of last year. Wonder how the storms are going to be this year. Are they going to be more intense. Last year they seem to come in groups or waves. Hot for a while then massive down pours. That reminds me to dig the drainage trench.
I've been hearing the geese flying south. I haven't seen them just heard them. I want to get a picture of them flying in formation. Last Wednesday was the mid point of our journey around the sun it's down hill form here on till next spring. I noticed Orion and Pegasus in the sky. I'm going to have to look for Andromeda before it set weather permitting.
Well better pick up my tools before it rains. The days of leaving them where you finished off one day and picked up the next are over.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

What is America coming too

Sunny day with thunder off in the distance

Had a good nightmare this morning. Dreamed that my ex-wife came to pick up things. That woke me up. I remember asking where she's been and she said Brazil. For some one that didn't like to leave the state that was a stretch. I know she's off some where in New York but that's all. I guess it's good that I don't see her or know where she is. I guess listening to the radio while I was sleeping wasn't a good idea. Seems when I do I wake up to something in the news. What this dream has to do I don't know. It seems that I was in peace until I saw her. Seems I had everything I wanted and was living where I wanted but seeing her tended to shatter my dreams.
Well I feel better now that I'm awake and had my coffee. The hens are out doing their hen things and my little furry squirrels are playing in the yard. Thought it was a jet going off to Tahoe but it was some thunder off to the south.
Watched another show last night about H5N1 virus. Then this morning I heard that there was an outbreak in the Philippians. Something that our country isn't doing to much to get ready for. Today's topic on Talk of the Nation was that baby boomer that are retiring. I wouldn't put it past Bush to let the supplies of anti-viral medication and vaccines to run low so that the government wouldn't have to pay out retirements. It the republican way. Seems that the republicans want to skate by and not prepare for any disaster. Manly they cover their rich butts and let the rest of us fend for ourselves. It's going to take years to undo the things Bush has done. Maybe these hurricanes and other disasters will let the public see how the republicans really are, blaming everyone but themselves.
When Lindy England was first putting in her plea the judge ended up throwing it out. Now she is on trial again facing even longer jail time even though one of the solders cleared her of what she was involved in. I don't see why that bottom of the chain is getting prosecuted when the people that came up this the plans to get rid of the Geneva Convention treaty. That's not the way Bush team works though. Now that the team Able Danger has appeared and had identified four of the terrorist a full year if not longer before the 9/11 event the pentagon wants to cover that information up. Almost seems like what I posed to my dentist a retired military officer that the Neo-Cons planned the terrorist even or let it happen. I don't think it will come out in my life time and if it does come out it will be like the Kennedy assassination and the one man theory. At least those sealed papers will be coming unsealed soon.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Concerns about FEMA and Homeland Security, (a must read, please)

You guest had said that FEMA ask for 20 computers and phone lines which surprised me but not really.
Seems the last four years homeland security has turned into a money pit.
We keep spending money and for what?
We really don't have more first responders.
Cities are going out and buying stuff that they don't need like a mobile lab.
They have these wimpy decon outfits able to decontaminate only a few people an hour.
There is no plans set up for any kind of large scale hazard.
So a city has a lab that can tell you what kind of radiation you are dealing with this doesn't save people.
So a few cities have those cool space suits to go into a biological area or some space suits to get close to a radioactive area, they don't have enough suits.
What about mobile hospitals?
We have those in Iraq and they take days or weeks to set up.
Seems FEMA and Homeland Security should have a way of communicating with itself and to the effected communities.
The FBI still doesn't have a workable software program to talk to each other when that is a standard off the shelf product.
We have the best software companies in the world seems like a good idea that we use them.
FEMA should have had laptop computers with hookups to satellite communication.
The directors of FEMA and Homeland Security need to have experience in the fields and not be political appointments.
From what I see the first responders are set up to handle matters like a car accident and not a large scale event.
The idea that the White House said we should use the military over the National Guard is wrong when The Guard was designed just for that.
Seeing the military in New Orleans walking around doing nothing since they were not trained in emergency services was another waste of money.
We were warned from Alquida that Los Angeles will be a target.
When the Los Angeles police chief was asked about it he said, "We don't have any credible threats" and discounted the Alquiada threat.
From every thing I've learned over the past four years it seems that people should be connecting the dots and not discounting them.
Our homeland security needs to be set up like the Civil Defense that we had in the 50's.
A lot of small groups of first responders and small groups shelters across the United States.
When it comes to the leaders of this country that all have a place to hide in the case of attack.
If the tables were turned and they had to wait outside while something was happening the story would be changed.
You could be assured that they would be jumping into action and making the people safe.
This war on terror seems to me a way of scaring the public into spending money on matters that aren't really there.
It reminds me of the witch hunts done in the 50' looking under ever rock for a communist
Bob Sakall
Placerville, California