Sunday, November 04, 2007

Amazing, wasted votes

It just amazes me to hear people who are conservative vote for the president because he is against abortion, like that will make the country safer. Another issue is the vote against gay married like that would keep a terrorist from attacking the United States. Or even voting for a president because he's a born again Christian like that makes him a better person of something. Just voting pure republican blindly like the vote for Bush was and you see where that got us. Jobs are still moving over seas that's because republicans are for big business and don't care about you. Bush hates children but will support his buddies and the military industrial machine. Most all the contractors now working for the US government in both wars are riping off the tax payers but you thing those narrow minded voters care, no they are going to vote for a president that is against abortion. To hell with the way the country is going. Forget you future and your children's and grand children's future, we selling America to anyone that has some fast money. No one is talking about long term goals for the country. Bush has the balls to ask for $200 billion to fight his war but can't help kids because he says it would cost to much. 41 days of the price of the war would take care of the program for ten years. Bush s saying things about global warming but is doing nothing to change things. He changed the way we measure unemployment and inflation so things look better then they really do. The only people that are doing any good financially are the filthy rich the rest of the middle class are loosing there home. Bush still hasn't done much in the recovery of the gulf coast but Texas is all fixed up like nothing ever happened there. It just amazes me that these backwards people vote for people that are only interested in big business and end up shooting themselves in the foot by the way they vote.

Friday, November 02, 2007

Second hand smoke and mirrors

In the last few decades they came up with the second hand smoke deal like that is the only thing bad in the air. That for the most part is the least of your worries. The buses and trucks and even the diesel powered cars are a lot worse then second hand smoke. Breathing diesel exhaust is like breathing asbestos. I learned about that back when I was in college in the early 70's. At that time it was being covered up by the manufactures of diesel engines and the oil industry who makes the fuel. It's just like the manufactures of asbestos who covered up the fact that you could get sick and die from breathing asbestos and did that very successfully for 50 plus years until in the 60's. The chemical industry doesn't want you to know what it's doing because it would cut into their profits. I wouldn't put it past these same people to blame all the problems on second hand smoke rather then taking responsibility for the problems they have created. We can't forget the regular cars either and the tons of dirt they pump into the air. Living in the foothills looking down on the city I can't see how people live down there. The air is so think and brown you can't see anything down there except maybe a few lights but no details. Bush has tried to raise the exceptable levels of lead in children. For years the lead level ratings have been going down and down as how much a child could be exposed to but Bush hired a guy from the lead industry and changed it to several hundred times what we used to have. Same thing happened with coal but Bush called it "the clean air act." Increasing the amounst of polution that power plants can spew out. That they didn't need to upgrade the plants to cleaner burning plants but that they could expand without any safe guards. Bush has took the country and world backwards. So in history there will be Bush 41 and then there will be Wrong way Bush started of several wars for oil. Contractors with no over site steeling billions from the American people. He could insure children saying it was too expensive but he can ask for 200 billion for his dead end war. There ar more Blackwater people in Iraq then there are American troops. Is Blackwater an word for oil by the oil corporations. This new world order is getting to look like it's one run by corporations and not countries. Blackwater is so big that it could if it wanted to take over a small country since it's better armed then most countries.

Just lay back on this bed Mukasey and we'll find out if this is torture.

Mukasey can figure out if torture is torture, maybe he should try it out to find out. To say you don't know if it's torture and then Bush saying it's classified just gets me because almost everyone in the world knows about it now. It's been all over the web, TV, magazines and news papers that doesn't sound like it's very much a secret any more. The only reason he's balking is to protected the whitehouse like Alberto did and you seen where that got him. Well he's always got a job picking fruit.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

What is porn and what is a nasty book

I've been hearing the take from the Supreme Court talking about porn, child porn and what books to ban. Listening to the arguments just gets me when people take religion into the matter. Some people are just twister and need porn to get off. I don't know if it's because they are insecure with themselves. Whether it was their upbringing and the religion that was forced on them which kept them from developing normally. The people that want to live this Victorian life on the outside but once they are in a bedroom they become some nasty thing and do things they condemn in the outside world. So many people like senators and Christian leader and their followers talk against different life style but end up they find they are doing the life style they condemn.

The bible is a good example of a book with a lot of naughty passages. Mosses gets raped by his son. There's a lot of bigoting going on. Lets not forget the angel that came to Mary, must have been a real good lay.

Lets not forget the fundamentalist Mormons who marry off as teens to old crusty perverts.

Then there is the middle easter cultures that have to have a virgin to marry. Or that when they go to their heaven they get a bunch of virgins. That would be ironic if all the virgins looked like their mother and that's why they are virgins in their heaven.

From what I heard that child molesters where once molested them self and that's why they do it too.

It seems you do what you have learned as you were growing up.

When it comes to locking people up for long periods of time to take them out of society, I really think that's sort of the right idea but they should be treated as mentally ill people. Throwing someone into a violent environment without some sort of treatment will only get you a violent person when they come out.

Well enough ranting, time to get on with the day. It must be because I didn't sleep well that I'm so ornery today. I think what I was trying to posse was that some people just jump into ideas to restricted others and they are just as twisted themselves.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Bombs away Bush. Chaney told me to...

We the people? Well is it really? From wire taps to hiring solders of fortune to fight our battles so we don't get blamed. Protecting the Constitution, well are you really or just making a few bucks for your friends at the expense of the American people.

Bush administration levels more sanctions against Iran. Does that me Chaney's Halliburton will finally have to leave Iran or are they going to continue to say they are a international company and stay in Iran. They still haven't left Iran since the first sanctions started under Carter.

Then again that might cause Chaney's kickbacks to be cut and he wouldn't want that.

There should be a law that if you can't say, "Nuclear" you can't use it. After all these years of being criticized about his pronunciation of the word Bush still hasn't gone to a speech therapist to learn how to say the word.

Is the "New World Order" going to be a world run by corporations?

CO2, we'll, take care of that tomorrow when things are better

It's interesting how governments are putting off cutting down on CO2 and making such small strides to cut CO2. Things like cutting 20 or 30% but 2020 sure it's good but we know that the worlds condition is direr right now. I see this slow action as like the people on Easter Island cutting down the last trees to put up ideals. Whether it was to appease the gods or to catch the eye of a passing ship. We are in the same predicament today. We need acting today. The worlds atmosphere is messed up right now. Cutting the CO2 in the future isn't going to help the worlds existence. When you talk about billions of people being displaced so you can keep your life style right now doesn't make much sense. This is going to be a mass extinction of the earth and nothing short of that. So your kids have to swelter but you grandkids bake in an oven, how does that make sense to put things off and only reduce CO2 a little bit. This is something your going to see in your life time. It's not going to be a story passed down from generation to generation. Your not going to be able to say this is how it was but more we used to be able to breath. We used to have plants here and new the danger but ignored it and put it off to tomorrow to fix things, waiting and hoping for technology.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

2.3% cost of living increase, boy that was real white of you

It just amazes me every time congress or the senate votes themselves a raise. Meanwhile working people don't have that luxury. Maybe we need to take our elected officials raises to a vote and not leave it to them. They gave people a 2.3% cost of live for social security which works out to about $24 dollars. Maybe congress and the senate should only get the same amount of a raise based on what social security gets. So if they get $24 dollars a month raise congress and senate get the same money too, not a percentage but $24 dollars. No more of this 30 or 40 or 50 thousand dollar raises. They are all rich to begin with and could live just fine without working. Then again they didn't get rich by giving there money away. Rich people tend to be rather cheap and only think of themselves. Look at Bush vetoing the S-CHIP program saying it's going to cost too much but his war for oil for his friends he will spend you money like crazy. Now there is a bunch of investigations ongoing about kick backs on food and supplies for the troops and the cost of the war. Chaney still getting kick backs fro Halibuton. They even moved out of the country so it would be harder to audit them. When it comes to companies dealing with countries put on the no trade list Haliburton will be there. They have never left Iran of Lybia. As they say crime pays and it pays rather well. Bush's legacy will be the president that ran the country into the ground while enriching his friends. I can't wait for the next landslide election in 2008. That when there won't be the obstructionist left in office supporting Bush and that's when some real investigations can happen. The scary thing I see that can happen it the republicans pay someone to attack the country to get reelected. You don't think they would do that just look at what they have done so far.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Propane and propane accessories

Well, heater stopped working last week after sitting all summer. After taking the gas valve out, it was full of black goo. I had to order a valve and replace the generator a bi-metal strip. In ordering the valve I found the the propane dealers didn't know much about their products. One dealer said propane comes from the ground and the refinery puts it in tanks. When I questioned what the refinery does he really didn't know. Then it was the question about the difference between LP Gas and Propane, as far as they were concerned they were the same. Looking up the heater I found that the LP Gas model was more expensive. Dealing with a supplier of heater products they couldn't tell me what the difference was between the valves just that it was a different serial number. I use propane but a LP Gas unit was installed here. He won't sell me a propane valve or even look it up but he will replace the LP Gas valve. I looked up the difference between the gases and it's a big difference. Propane a distillate from crude oil. So it butane which is added to propane to make up LP Gas. The ratio is 60% propane and 40% butane to make up LP Gas. Natural gas is totally different as far as the chemical make up. Natural gas has a lot of goodies in it to make it what it is; methane , which make up most of the gas, 70 to 90%, then ethane, butane, propane, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, helium and hydrogen sulfide. What gets me is how so called professionals don't know their products and why they work like they do. I could see the LP Gas need a product that is more resistant to alkaline gas. It just amazes me that these people like the ones at Suburban Propane here in Placerville just think gas comes right from the ground and it put in tanks. They were the original people that put the heater in in 1985. Why they would use a LP Gas unit instead of a Propane Gas unit, I can only surmise they sold it because it was listed at $100 dollars more then the Propane and Natural Gas units.

Monday, September 17, 2007

your going to force people to buy insurance to solve the problem?

Another politician has come up with a way of solving the uninsured, make them buy insurance. Boy won't that make the insurance companies happy. Mean while the other developed countries of the world have solved the problem with the high cost of insurance. They still have insurance that you can buy if you want a private room and stuff if you in a hospital. The government takes care of it's people. Not here, they want the old and broken people to die off. A good example of this is Bush's cuts to the VA. He knew he was going into two wars and that they would need hospitals to help the wounded solders so he cuts the VA. Mean while his buddies like Hallibuton is making billions on the war. Just think about all the equipment that's going to be replaced or the new stuff. That MRAT's contract won't be finished until 2012. Gives you hope on how long the wars going on. Seems politicians are sucking the Dick Chaney's of big business with no regard of the people of this country. Big business has turned to the labor force of China and other third worlds countries where people get paid penny a day. It's not going to be long before China and India pass us in wealth. Then the NeoCons will want to be on top and take on China. It's the same old history repeating itself.

Well that's my rant for the day.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Same old, same old

General says stay the course and repeats Bush's build up to the hearings. He has a bad job right now since the White house dumped this war on him. Iraq is a horrible mess. So, the new plan is, stay the course and it might get better. As far as the "Surge" goes it brought a lot of people into Iraq but that's where it stops. He's talking about bring troops home, like it's some sort of great idea he has. Now Bush is claiming he's going to sign off on it, like that a big deal. The guys served there time there and it's time for them to come home anyway. It's normal troop rotation except he's saying that he won't add any more troops to replace them. So, we are going to be at that same place as we were before the "Surge" next year. Since they said troops will have to stay there for 15 month and the last of the "Surge" troops came in last July they are going to be there until next October.

So, all I see is stay the course. Things might get better. Dollars are falling into the money pit and no ones keeping track of where it's going. For the contractors it's a hay day. Halliburton is making a killing since they are Chaney's buddies. I'm sure he's getting a kick-back. After he gets out of office we'll know if he retires to his own private island or country. Mean while Bush is still pushing the Iraqi's to privatize the oil fields so his oil buddies can get in there and rape the lands. It still amazes me that the first law that was pushed on the Iraqi's was they could unionize.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Conserve power?

Energy companies are complaining that people are conserving too much power and want to raise rates to make up for the money they are loosing with people conserving energy.

Don't that beat all. Mean while they keep building large houses that use large amounts of energy to light to cool or heat. Solar is for the rich and if our government was on the ball, they would have some sort of way of putting solar on all the poorest peoples houses to help them out. Here in California where the sun shines almost every day it would help all those air conditioners and new homes that need tons of extra energy. The energy companies serving their stock holder want to make as much as they can no matter who they hurt in the process.

Wouldn't it be great is all the houses would have solar cells on there houses. Then you wouldn't have the scare of brown outs.

What gets me is the oil companies and the price of oil. Even thought the west coast doesn't rely on oil from the Caribbean when a hurricane comes around the price of gas goes up on the west coast. That sounds like price fixing which I thought was illegal. I guess that shows you that if you have enough money then you don't have to obey laws.

I'd be in favor of nationalizing the utilities here and giving the people far prices. Now with insurance constantly going up some states are making it mandatory to have health and car insurance. That makes them a monopoly. They don't have to lower the rates because they know you have to buy it and will be fined if you don't. Because it's mandatory then it should be nonprofit. How else could it be fair?

The Night Shift

Well I guess you can't put a picture where you want to on the page.

The gangs all here. Haven't made a post in a while and it seems there's been some changes to the blog site. Found that Firefox doesn't seem to work right any more as far as posting pictures.
There's a red brown tint to the shy here. I'm listening to the fire near San Jose and I guess the smoke is blowing this way, 150 miles to the East.

I woke up today freezing and had to close the doors. It was still dark out and the deer were milling about the yard. The night shift was all gone and had turned in for the day. I really find the wild life here so amazing. I know I've said that before but it is. If you treat them with respect they respond in kind. Found out that the skunks can smell butter on your hands even if you wash them and they really love butter. You could put butter on a rock and they will find a way of eating it.

I haven't seen my baby turkeys in a while but they are hanging out today. They are getting so big almost the size of mom. I think the smell of smoke in the air is making them want to stay here. It's not strong but still you can smell it. At first looking outside I thought it was a fire near here which is rather common but haven't hears and air craft flying around here. Going to check NOAA's web site to see the latest weather pictures to see if the smoke will show up.

If this is good what is bad

President Brownie selling the surge and it's aftermath is pushing the idea that things are just fine. The generals who remind me of a Frank Zappa lyric, "You sniff the buns of angles like it was cocaine."

So Bush thinks it's going great. What would something like a total failure look like. New Orleans still looks like it did after the hurricane or close to it. Right before his going on vacation speech he said that Americans were taking home more money per year not thinking that it was only the top 5% of American that were doing well.

At a boy Brownie will go down in history as the Bush administrations most famous quotes. Bush surrounded himself with yes men and butt sniffer that never tell him things are crap but yes your doing the right thing.

Mean while everyones phone calls and emails are getting read and even your snail mail is getting opened to see what's in side.

I can see why the Iraqi's haven't met the goals the congress set. The oil deal that Bush and Chaney are pushing is to privatize the oil fields. The Iraqi's say no to that and I can see why. It would be counter productive to their country to sell their future. What gets me is Bush and Chaney keep saying it's not about oil.

Chaney still being tied to Hallaburton who still working in Iran to matter what the sanctions are on that country. Even after the hostage taking back in the late 70's Hallaburton's been in Iran. Another country that's been off limits was Libya but how's there all these years, Halliburton. Now that they moved their office to the Gulf it would be wise not to have them working or having contracts with the military since they can't be trusted as being loyal to the United States. I have to question Chaney's loyalty wheather he's loyal to the United States or to Hallaburton.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Ba-Ba-Ba-Ba-Bush give his studdering going away speech

Bush stammers along with another speech toting how good he thinks he's doing. Since he's been on vacation his approval rating went up. This tells me that the country thinks he's doing a better job while he's not doing anything. His statement that the economy is doing great came a bit soon before the stock market start taking a dive do to sub-prime loans. So far the federal reserve has been pumping billions into where ever the pump it, bailing out the banks and big inverters. Bush said he would help people from loosing their home but will help out the banks, investors and stock market. He's still out of touch with the war and thinks it's just going fine. He also this week made Iran Guard a terrorist group so I wounder if Halliburton will have to stop doing business with Iran, it hasn't so far in the past thirty years. During his speech he said people on average are taking home $3,500 a year but that is really all going to the top 5% of Americans. The rest of Americans have been going backwards. Bush never talks about inflation but only the core inflation which isn't much of anything. That's like saying you cut down on eating but still are 200 pounds over weight. He stays away from talking about the cost of the war also. He wants to push the September due date for the big report down a couple months but that's not going to happen. warrant-less wire taps are on the increase. All Americans are now far game.

So glade Texas has and is still getting pounded for putting this lier in office. Just proves that the Texas God is the wrong God. That steeling and lies will come back to haunt you. If they need to believe so heavily in the bible this is there biblical flood for Texas. Maybe they will take note about global warming now.

Friday, August 03, 2007

Bush wants peace in the Middle east or does he

Bush is claiming he want peace in the Middle East so that's why he's selling them billions of dollars worth of arm. Now that makes a lot of sense. Mean while back here in the states they are trying to approve a bill to give more money to the Veterans Administration but he says he's going to veto it. Why does he say he supports the troops but doesn't support the VA? I guess if your a wounded solder then your no good to him. He must expect everyone to come back or to come back dead. Now the generals are saying that "we will know better how the surge works in November." Putting off the September date. He really wants that oil, at any cost.

Windows XP Headaches

Had to format my hard drive and start over after 6 or 7 years of having "XP" working some what good, asides the usual updates and fixes. Well the registry crapped out and I couldn't fix it, so Windows wouldn't load. Every thing's going some what good now but Outlook Express isn't working with "Hotmail." So been rooting around looking to see what the problem is. Wrote a letter to Microsoft and they sent me a note back telling me to load these three updates. One turned out to be a 64 bit program and couldn't run. The other one said I didn't have Outlook Express 6, so it didn't load. The last one ran but now my Internet Explorer doesn't work. What's real wild, every thing else works online. My Firefox, Netscape and Mozilla browsers all work. The auto update for Windows works. Norton can't update. I do get a error message when I sign on that something like the protocol isn't right. Trying to find Outlook Express on the MSN site, well it's not there. Even the older versions aren't there. The one update that the tech told me to load changed the address to Hotmail. So, to live the way it is or to keep trying to fix this problem. What ever is keeping IE 7 from working must be the same thing that's keeping Outlook Express from working.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

No Sockets Error

Sounds like a Mike Myers skit from "SNL," "No Sprockets." That means no email from hotmail with Outlook Express.

Well momma deer and the babies are here so need to knock some apples and plums from the trees for them. Mom's looking at me through the front door window. She's got that, "Why aren't you getting fruit for us? look."

Mean while I'll keep plugging away at the hotmail crap.

Monday, July 30, 2007

County Helth Department doesn't take State insurance

Well, after getting a love bite from Mr. Stinkers, one of the skunks here that I've been watching for the past five years. Finding out that skunks all carry rabies it got me worried, a lot of stressful nights with little sleep because the mind wouldn't turn off. So, called the doctors office to get a rabies vaccine and tetanus shot. Show up and all they have is the tetanus shot. They said I needed to go to the county health department. So, after talking to several employees I get to the right place and am talking to the right person. They Tell me I need to go to the hospital to get the first shots. Okay now, off to the hospital for a 6 hour wait in the ER, well I didn't have anything planed for the day. At the ER they call the health department and set up time for me to come to them to get the rest of the shots. So I show up at 10:15 AM. I'm half asleep still. Only had one cup of coffee. Then they tell me they don't take the states medical insurance. That just got me, the county doesn't take the state insurance. It's one government service to another government service. Now if I didn't have insurance they would cover me, so they tell me to go back to the ER for my shots. Today wasn't bad, only a couple hours, almost three for this shot. What gets me is my name was Juan from south of the border I'd be covered for everything even having a baby.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Bush make more lame claims

"Say the course." "9/11" "Stay the course" Mushroom clouds" Stay the course" "Need more money" Support the troops" "We're cutting back funds for veterans administrations again for the 6 year in a row." We're cutting back on science and real stuff and placing it in the hands of Christian Fundamentalist." Clean Air Act is good for my buddies so it's good people, just don't breath to deep." "I broke FEMA and I plan on breaking a few more things before I'm done." "I can do it, I failed at all my businesses so I can do this and my father won't bail me out."

It's funny when you hear someone lying, there is certain tells like playing cards. If they start out by saying, "Now Look," or "Look this is how it is," then you know they are lying. Even if they are trying to explain something and use that word "Look" they are trying to have command over you and make you think that are telling you the truth. Also talking fast like they practiced their responses before they even heard the questions. Talking fast doesn't mean it's right. Nether does talking louder then the other people who your talking to. This is just ways of tricking people into thinking your the speaker that is saying the truth.

If you listen to people that think things out they talk slower and softer and don't try to dominate any conversations. They don't have to the message gets out but it's up to you to listen and hear it.

Militants with balls

It's one year later after the militant group Hezballah started a war with Israel. It's terrible that some country are so weak that they let militants run around freely. They weren't acting in the interests of Lebanon and it's people had to suffer and the hands of a few.

I think it's sad the militants put others in harms way. It's to bad that Lebanon was so weak that they couldn't kick out the militants who had interest not with the country they occupy. They always say they will fight to the death with no regards with the innocent people living around them who don't want to fight to the death but just live and farm and have no political interests.
Maybe if the U.N. and the World Courts would say or pass a law that if militants place themselves in populations those populations can be considered as militants also thus be fired on for being complacent and letting the militants set up their hardware and use them as human shields.
I don't see why they don't deserve a Dresden style type air raids, they are as much as at fault as the militants.