Tuesday, June 10, 2008
McCain vows Bush tax cut and more for industry and the 1% of the richest
Iraq is holding it's breath to the end of the year when Bush goes out of office because they don't want us there after the U.N.'s mandate runs out.
Iraq isn't going to follow Bush's oil law he's been pushing which signs over the rights to Iraqi lands and give it to big oil. Could that be part of the pressure being placed on the world by big oil raising the price of gas to force them in to signing. I don't thing so.
So if Bush was Chaney's puppet what would McCain be, Bush's puppet.
Monday, June 09, 2008
Zero Sum CO2 game
People keep passing this idea of trading CO2 credits but that means there's still pollution being pumped out which will take 50 to 100 years to cycle out of the air. Coming up with a Cap and Trade system only means it's going to take centuries to get pollution out of the air if at all. The right idea would be to have a zero pollution at some point in the future to return the earth back to normal. As far as global warming goes, people with the cap and trade ideas want to live with pollution and deal with the problems of higher sea level, less water, flooding, bigger storms. Telling people that have had their cities removed from earth because of super cell tornados because it wasn't economical to change our ways is going to be a little hard to do but elected official will do it, just like fabrications of the facts for going to war in Iraq. Some elected officials oppose anything to do with correcting global warming just because the other side is suggesting it and they didn't come up with it because it's going to effect the bottom line of the companies they have invested in or they are in their constituency. There's been more tornados since the first of the year then there has been in the past three years. Yet people don't get it. I saw a sheriff say, "The weather is changing and I don't know why," he live in a flat land red state in tornado allay and most likely was a republican. Ask him why he votes that way he'll tell you, "I don't know, my parents were republican and their parents were republican, so I don't know."
I've heard people suggest that we have something like "The Manhattan Project" to solve the problem through technology. I remember in the sixties when the "Army Corps of Engineers" wanted to drill a tunnel through the San Gabriel Mountains and place large fans in them to solve the smog problem in Los Angeles.
The idea of leaving it up to the energy companies to do something will take as long as there's still oil and coal. Until they run out it's going to be the same thing with higher prices and record breaking financial quarters like what Exxon is having right now. Part of the problem is they want to drill in wild life refuge in Alaska and off the east and west coasts and in the gulf. Maybe this would be okay if they could be fined at rates that they would really be careful about any oil spills. Maybe a million dollars a barrel as a fine plus the affected people must be compensated for the loss of wages due to a spill and until the area is returned back to the way it was before the spill. Also if they want to drill in Alaska they have to pay of the law suit before they even start talking about it in congress. They have been fighting that law suit it seems forever and still are fighting it saying that the fines are still too high. There will have to be a no exceptions to the fines and penalties before they start drilling. From what OPEC has said that there's enough oil just that the market has driven up the price, maybe to get there way in drilling like they did in the seventies when they wanted the Alaskan Pipeline. Soon as congress gave the okay to build the pipeline the price dropped over night. All the sudden there was more oil and no more lines and the pipeline wasn't even built yet. Was that a manipulation of the market, of course it was. So much pressure was put on congress to increases the amount of oil output that congress caved in.
What truly would be good to do is put solar on everyone's home and flat surface out there. If it's build it has solar on it. Have government project to increase the output of solar cells. Put them on thee poorest peoples houses first. There still will be energy companies but with the amount of solar cells on roofs it would cut the cost of energy for the people. The rich can afford to pay for their own solar cells so have cut off of some dollar value based on income and how the economy is going. Of course the energy companies will be against it and come up with all sorts of reasons why it won't work, only because their bottom line will be cut. Also you could put batteries in each home so you could have power at night or cloudy days, something the new solar systems aren't doing but are selling power to the grid but then people are buying energy back at night. This could be eliminated with batteries.
Having electric plug in cars would be the way to go as far as transportation goes, since people don't drive that far for work or going to stores. Besides most of the oil doesn't go for fuel anyway's but most of the fuel goes to making chemicals for making plastics, most of which aren't recycled. Having all plastics recycled and not put in land fills oils consumption would also drop.
Friday, May 16, 2008
What is a Neocon
I knew people that were want a be bikers and only had the shirt to impress people. So I had to go from there to figure out what it is to be a neocon based on what Bush and his crew did in the past seven years.
The con part was easy because we were con'd into going to war based on made of facts sold to us in a form of fear. Sure I can see taking revenge for 9/11. Then there is also to to the north of Iran too which you also need to take into consideration. Iraq was sold as partners of 9/11 which it wasn't. There was oil there and Bush and Chaney are oil guys.
We are also getting con'd to drill in Alaska's wild life refuge. The oil companies are all in on that one driving the price of oil up by not refining as much oil. Weather events also drove the price of oil up by panic buying on the futures market, most of that was flat out greed. What gets me is oil comes into ports on the west coast far from Texas but still when they said Katrina damaged the refineries that don't deliver gasoline here I had to questioned that. This is that same thing that happened before the Alaskan pipeline was okayed to be built. Then over night the price of gasoline went down almost over night. Makes you wonder how that is since the pipeline wasn't built yet and we all the sudden had all this oil to refine. Part of Exxon deal was to ship oil to any place but here making a shortage. They still haven't cleaned up after the oil spill and haven't paid all the people that lost money because of the spill.
So, Con was easy to figure out what that was, a confidence scheme. They are starting one to invade Iran not for what they are say but again for oil.
Bush wanted to pass a Nafta scheme with Colombia but I think that's more like no cocaine left behind. Plus it's a stepping stone to Venezuela, another scheme to take over a country with oil.
It's been a systematic villainous statements about other countries and people. When They were questioned about it they became the enemy and a none patriot. They didn't have a big enough flag and didn't fly it high enough. They also were refried to as people siding with the enemy. It was a good game run by them. Whether it was in the best interest of the country or was in the best interest of the Neocons.
Clearly as we look at the war we now see that the people in these two countries have truly a different culture and different ways of doing thing. The administrations knowledge of the middle east is clearly limited. Listening to Bush's speeches it's clear he has a wet brain from drinking, alcoholics get that where there brain gets pickled and shrinks. You get a person that stammers.
So that brings me to "neo." which I new was short for something and the only thing I could find in the dictionary to fit the past seven years performance is "Neophite" slang used by educated people to refer to idiots. So that fits. I'm sure everyone knows at least one neophite if not more.
So looking at the past seven years neophite con sure fits the bill. If you look at Bush's campaign speeches or remember them, he's done everything he said he wasn't going to do.
Whether the price of gasoline will ever go down depends on if the oil companies get their way and start drilling off the coast of Florida and California and drilling in Alaska. If you watch the commercial on TV they say they can do it responsibly but we only have to look at Exxon's oil spill. Maybe if they pay off the law suits it could be considered.
So I seem to come up with neocon meaning stupid con job. The truth will come out once Bush and Chaney aren't they to silence everyone. They won't have that pull to call people names and make it stick anymore. I just wonder what country Bush and Chaney will be buying after they leave office since we don't know where all these billions are going just that it's going, and soon Bush and Chaney will be going.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
and justice for those who can afford it
If you look at stock brokers who steel billions, they got to jail for a few month if that, while some poor back robber excluding John McCain who robbed a Savings and Loan they end up in jail for 20 years. Fraud is a bigger crime affect more people but has less jail time and you get to keep the money too.
We need to change the laws where someone like a elected office convicted of fraud or what every it is, they go to jail for the crime plus go to jail one year for each person they affected. So it they affect every tax paying in the country that would be about 300 million years. It would keep our elected official on the up and up and doing the right thing for this country and not doing what's right for them.
There are more white collar crimes that affect the whole country then any one single crime that one person does with a gun. Judges are biased in favor with the rich people because they get funds to get re-elected or they end up with a house addition, a new car or sky box for a season. They call it the cost of doing business. When judges get busted from smoking crack, do they go to jail. No, they get a teaching job to tell other future lawyers how to stay out of jail and still get favors. They still get to practice law at their same high rates which is ridiculous. No one is work $400 dollars an hour or more. Even CEO take home so much for failing a corporation.
We need federal laws to balance the playing field and that field can't be changed without a act of congress who seem to vote themselves a raise any time they feel like it.
Working for hourly rates in this day and age is a form of oppression or what I see as a form of slavery. Sure you get something but there is always those changing the rules so you'll never get ahead. Right now energy prices are going up faster then inflation which I think inflation was invented to keep the masses down. Say you put money in the bank. The bank uses it and makes money with your money but they never pay you enough to keep up with inflation. The interest is always 1% less then the inflation rate.
Fluctuations right now in the value of the dollar are going to help the rich and not the masses. I really think that this past 7 years has been a big manipulation of the market and the people to benefit the extreme rich. As they collect your money right now saying everything cost more they are always coming out ahead. When the dollar regains it's value, like when the next democratic president is in office those inflated dollars will be worth so much more.
Today Bush said he has a way of solving the oil or gas problem by drilling in Alaska's wild life refuge. Exxon is just doing the same thing they did in the 70's by diverting oil to other countries causing a shortage here. It's been suggested that gas tax be suspended during the summer months, money which is supposed to go for road improvements so bridges won't fall down but that money that is suppose to be set aside is spent on other things in the general fund.
How people can start wars for oil and lie about it amazes me but the American is so stupid and believes everything on TV unlike countries where it gets to be debated to find the truth. Mike Moore's movie talked about a pipeline going through Afghanistan. Everyone discounted that and most likely don't even remember the movie since they don't remember last week.
If it's one thing I've been learning is that crime pays and it pays very well. Look at Waste Management, a mob owned disposable company squeezing out the little guys over the years until one company is in every city across the country. You would think there's money in trash but the mob so it as a long term investment.
A billionaire in Texas who made his money in oil is now buying up the water rights around Texas and surrounding states. He said you can't drink oil. He's true and he's going to put a price on water just like oil. He's not the only one companies from other countries are coming here and buying up water right because we will sell anything for a short term profit.
Is there anyone out there that wants to do the right thing for this country without taking away a big profit? Some one that will do something for the long term goals of this country. So far all I've seen is people talking telling me lies.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Old Dogs can't learn new trick
People move to the mountain where I live and want to bring the city with them destroying nature a they go. Why plant plants that take more water then natural plants that have been growing here for millions of years. Erosion is another problem that they can't grasp. Since you strip the plants off that hold the soil in place and it washes away and they wonder why. It also creates flooding in low lying areas because there's no water sheds in the mountains anymore. Then when there house is floating away they wonder why.
They is one thing I've noticed about the air, that there is no sunset that doesn't have a brown sky. I was watch Carrier on PBS last night were they were in the middle of the ocean and there sunsets were all brown and red because of air pollution.
What's wrong is these people can't learn. They do the same thing over and over even though smarter people tell them the right way of doing things.
It serves man right that he destroys the planet he lives on because he could do the right thing but what was easy. The planet will go one without man and it will be a better place like it's done in the past and will do in the future.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
WHAT? "Amarican voters are idiots"
Some of the latest poles show that McCain has a good chance of being elected even thought the democratic voters are coming out in record numbers and even republicans are voting democrat. I just wonder how they are poling and what the sample size is. What gets me is Bush has been gesturing to invade Iran. McCain made a joke about it singing a song from the sixties with the words, "Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran" taken from the song "Barbaraanne." Why don't they pick these things up? A vote for the republicans means a vote for more war and more dead people. Well that sounds rather moral doesn't it.
McCain isn't much of a leader but more a follower listening to the little birds speaking in his ear telling him what to say. So he's not a good pilot and crash. That's no reason to vote him president. For the most part republicans are elitist because they are all lawyers graduating from the top schools. When they play dumb except George Bush, they know how to push peoples buttons calling others as elitist. Everyone in office has gone to school even Bush. Some people have ideas to help people some good and some only to help out there friends at the expense of the people of the United States.
Back to the idiots at hand. There are a lot of uneducated here hanging on to religion as the word and not just using it as one reference book of live and not the only one. That just gets me. All those books out there and they choose to only read one book. Well our school are pumping out children of the none book readers to follow in there foot steps. When they hear a sound byte they don't try to find out it's true. It's got to be true, it's on the TV and they said it so it's got to be true. Even though the country is getting run down by Bush there are idiots that want more of the same.
What gets me about Bush is he believe that going back on a decision is a sin of weakness. This is a guy that failed in the oil business but still wants to think he know what business is about. He keeps "Yes Men" around that won't contradict him so he gets no real input. He's got a wet brain from drinking and that's why he stutters and stammers. He made his money off the Rangers baseball team and through tax payers money. Yet he says he want to cut taxes which only help out him and his friends. He doesn't do anything for the good of the people of America but for the few rich friends of his.
Morals, what idiot wants to vote for a so called moral person that wants to start another war to improve the bottom line of military contractors. Who doesn't take anything said by scientist as truth but looks at it how it would benefit cooperations.
McCain is getting his butt kissed by the republican shadow government, the same people that put Bush in office. The same people that called the "Clean Air Act" as a way to put more coal fired plants in, to put more lead into the environment. To sell people crap stocks and call it good business. That didn't like the numbers of the unemployed to reflect a better outlook. You call these people moral. The richest people how made money last year made it on beating that the sub-prime loan business would fail. Yet the people loosing there homes will vote again for a republican even though they are paying double the price for energy. A president that took a wait and see approach on everything. When the war is going bad, which it's never been doing good at all, sat back and watch things fall apart just so he wouldn't have to go back on his earlier decisions. Generals told him he would need so many troops but didn't listen but fired the general because he contradicted what their grand idea.
This has been the worst president in the history of the country and yet people are planning to vote the same way and like the outcome believing the crap spewed from the TV. Only catching the a brief blurt of what is going on not knowing if it was taken out of context. I'm just discussed at those people that want to believe in myths over truth like science. What's in your little heads, not much because you want more crap for four more years.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
My take on a couple PBS shows
Saturday, April 12, 2008
The new slavery
For many years now the prices of peoples wages have been going down not keeping up with inflation. That's a word I wonder about and how the markets are being manipulated so the rich can profit during these times and when the dollar gets stronger they would be setting pretty well off with more buying power besides the power they already have for being so rich.
Our view of slavery is a master and his slaves owned like property. Now times have changed, and the owners now use temp slaves. People that are expendable and get just enough money to keep them coming back. They also have rules where you can take time off for yourself to say, look for a better job. You end up driving a couple hours each way to work each day so there's no time to do anything else in your life. Your stuck in this endless loop of getting by.
Republican's talk about the American dream but you can get there from here unless you were born with a platinum spoon in your mouth. Starting from nothing you can only go so far these day. If you have money you can make money which poor people don't have and never will.
Lately I've been hearing about illegals, aliens getting college scholarships and student aid. It's funny thirty plus years ago when I was in college I was working full time while going to school full time. When I applied for student aid I was turned down. When I ask how do I qualify to get student aid. You see I haven't been living at home for years at that time so I didn't understand why they ask me about my parents income. They told me to change my name to a Mexican surname. I didn't understand my father wasn't making that much money, it was a factory job. My mother worked part time. They were just getting by but I was turned down because they made to much even though I didn't live there for years. My parents kept telling me to get a job in a factory somewhere. They never went to college and could understand why it would be good to go to college. When I dropped out at the end of a semester a couple times my GPA went from a 4.o to a 2.5 because I needed to eat and keep a roof over my head. Now illegal fence jumping students are getting a free ride because they are poor fence jumpers that down want to work to put themselves through college like I had to do.
This influx of cheap labor is driving labor prices down except for people like fireman or policemen who have unions that are going to cause the depletion of cities wealth and are really over paid if you ask me. They have a real good retirement package too based on their salary at the time they retire. Most of them get promoted just before they retire too, it's a real trend. If you ever see a cop of fireman at a event, where it take one person there will be at least six. I guess you could make a joke about that. How many cops does it take to change a light bulb? One to do the actual work and six others to bring coffee and donuts for moral support.
If you look at what corporations are doing these days by cutting retirement programs and health care benefits making the worker a disposable commodity. The airlines that went through bankruptcy got the unions to take less money and less benefits then gave the office managers big bonuses for saving the company so much money. This FAA fiasco that's going on right now is part of the cost cutting looking at statistics for saying how safe a airplane is to fly. Playing the odds that if one out of the whole fleet crashes, the insurance will pick up the tab. No loose to the airlines. What gets me is that some airlines get government bail outs while outs get to fold. That has to do with who you know and how much money you donate to campaigns.
If you ever noticed that when people get discounts on things it's always the rich that seem to get prices cut. I never heard a poor person say since I was poor they gave me a huge break. No it doesn't work that way. Say you want to do something to be green and put solar cells on your house. You can get a tax credit for that but the poor who don't have the money to lay out for solar cells that could really use the help get nothing. Every time there is some idea on capital hill it's always people get tax breaks for doing what would benefit them.
It would be a good program to start putting solar cells on all the poor peoples houses free of charge. They would get a benefit for lower cost for their power consumption and there would be more power out there for peak times of the day.
For the most part the energy companies want to have their claws into everything power where you are going to be paying all the time, every month. Just think how much power would be generated if ever person in California had solar cells on there roofs. What is getting me right now is the power companies are telling you to save power but that turns out to be so that more houses can be built. There are so many sell out in offices every where. They are only in office to push through a development for buddies or their self.
When I moved to Northern California I started a series of picture with I called "We Used To Get Food There." It's about the farm lands that are getting homes and econo building put up. This is taking the best farm lands in the world out of productivity and putting a burden on the land. Still working on the series of pictures. Looking at a Google Earth of this area I noticed that the land had what from space looked like a skin condition. It was mini ranches striping the land of water shed plants making bare lands also increasing the heat on the surface because the land was bare. These for the most part are using well water which is depleting the water table making the creeks flow less.
So, as people get less and less for doing more and more without having a master to take care of them because they are now disposable, there's no reason for improvement since there's another worker around the corner that is desperate for work. They say slavery ended after the civil war but has it really. If you making tons of money from a person and not sharing the benefits of those profits, then it's just like slavery. You get a few trinkets for breaking you back and if you get damaged in the process your on your own. The master isn't going to take care of you. Your broken and can't work so what do you do? Some people turn to crime and sell drugs to make ends meet. Some like the cop that started robbing banks to pay his bills.
From the beginning of this countries history it's been about taking advantage of people for your better living. Now it's the republicans mantra. They say in the bible which I doubt that most of these religious right republican haven't read, the meek shall inherit the earth. What does that mean. My best guess is that when things fall apart and you have to live off the land again, the meek, which live off the land and use the least share dominate the earth. It would be great to get these meek people who think they don't count start voting for a more perfect world, stopping pollution, ending hunger, making it where money isn't the root of all evil but people working because they want to work because their efforts would be for the benefit of man and not for a few people that think of scams to get peoples money selling them useless junk and food. No more paper that is worth nothing and getting to be worth less as time goes by. No more people rolling the dice of the economy beating that things would fail and making money off that. This is the communication age maybe this could be the start of the communication world government where we can leave these scamming, swindling leader out and do what's right for the world.
Sunday, April 06, 2008
What I've seen today
Every day there's always something new to see. It always amazes me on how much I see every day. Some the same some things totally new. It's spring and with spring brings the flowers and blossoms on the trees. That brings in the bees which haven't been out all that much since it's been cold.
I have been making updated bird bath watering bowls for the birds and mammals. Been watching a woodpecker building a nest. Not sure if it's two birds or one bird making a hole on both sides of the tree. He didn't like me getting close to his work as I worked on the bird bath. Even at the water, about 20 feet away, the bird wouldn't come down and start working.
While moving stones for the bird bath I saw a small lizard like creature. It's almost a snake with real small hands and feet. The other day I saw a real small snake not much bigger then the lizard, about the size of a pencil but half the size around.
There were two quail that come by the last couple days. That's real good to see them. Hope to see a lot more. Waiting to see some baby turkeys soon and also baby skunks, maybe next month. Still trying to make up a housing complex for the skunks so they don't need to live under the house. I don't mind, for the most part they are well behaved as far as you can expect for skunks. They sure are miss understood creatures. For me they come up and walk around me and I never have any problems with them. Last year one of the babies would lean up against my warm foot, just like mom.
Humming birds don't even use the feeder and are taking advantage of all the flowers. I got a few great pictures of the little birds while gardening. They don't seem to be bothered to much by my presents.
The varieties of grasses are growing and the deer are grazing on the grass and trees.
Been hearing owls at night. Can't see the stars with the on and off clouds and rain and cold.
Well, "Wait-wait don't tell me" is on so time to take a time out.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
MSRA at St. Elizabeth Heath Care Hospital
If anyone in your family has come down with MSRA from St. Elizabeth Hospital Brea or anywhere please post and tell me your story.
Here's the BEEF about MSRA
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Just when you thought you had it all then it happen, new stuff
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Industry Leaders Develop Superspeed USB InterconnectPopular USB Computer Connection Technology Expands performance with Proposed USB 3.0 SpecificationINTEL DEVELOPER FORUM, San Francisco, Sept. 18, 2007 – Intel Corporation and other industry leaders have formed the USB 3.0 Promoter Group to create a superspeed personal USB interconnect that can deliver over 10 times the speed of today's connection. The technology, also developed by HP, Microsoft Corporation, NEC Corporation, NXP Semiconductors and Texas Instruments Incorporated, will target fast sync-and-go transfer applications in the PC, consumer and mobile segments that are necessary as digital media become ubiquitous and file sizes increase up to and beyond 25 Gigabytes. USB (Universal Serial Bus) 3.0 will create a backward-compatible standard with the same ease-of-use and plug and play capabilities of previous USB technologies. Targeting over 10x performance increase, the technology will draw from the same architecture of wired USB. In addition, the USB 3.0 specification will be optimized for low power and improved protocol efficiency. USB 3.0 ports and cabling will be designed to enable backward compatibility as well as future-proofing for optical capabilities. "USB 3.0 is the next logical step for the PC's most popular wired connectivity," said Jeff Ravencraft, technology strategist with Intel and president of the USB Implementers Forum (USB-IF). "The digital era requires high-speed performance and reliable connectivity to move the enormous amounts of digital content now present in everyday life. USB 3.0 will meet this challenge while maintaining the ease-of-use experience that users have come to love and expect from any USB technology." Intel formed the USB 3.0 Promoter Group with the understanding that the USB-IF would act as the trade association for the USB 3.0 specification. A completed USB 3.0 specification is expected by the first half of 2008. USB 3.0 implementations will initially be in the form of discrete silicon. The USB 3.0 Promoter Group is committed to preserving the existing USB device class driver infrastructure and investment, look-and-feel and ease-of-use of USB while continuing to expand this great technology's capabilities. About the USB-IF Participating Company Press Quotes: "Intel worked jointly with industry leaders in the development and adoption of two generations of USB, which has become the number one peripheral interface in computing and hand-held consumer electronic devices," said Patrick Gelsinger, senior vice president and general manager, Digital Enterprise Group, Intel Corporation. "As the market evolves to support customer demands for storing and moving larger amounts of digital content, we look forward to developing the third generation of USB technology that leverages the current USB interface and optimize it to meet these demands." "NEC has been a supporter of USB technologies since the first installment of wired USB," said Katsuhiko Itagaki, general manager, SoC Systems Division, NEC Electronics Corporation. "Now it's time to evolve an already successful interface to meet market demands for moving large amounts of content at faster speeds to minimize users wait time." " NXP is pleased to join other top-tier companies in advancing the number one interconnect technology in the world to meet the needs of next-generation peripherals," said Pierre-Yves Couteau, director of Strategy & Business Development, Business Line Connected Entertainment, NXP Semiconductors. "As a leading provider of USB semiconductor solutions, NXP is committed to drive the standardization and applications of Superspeed USB in the industry." "With the proliferation of Hi-Speed USB in a wide number of market segments, including personal computing, consumer electronics, and mobility, we anticipate that USB 3.0 will rapidly become the de facto standard as the replacement of USB 2.0 ports in applications where higher bandwidth is valued," said Greg Hantak, vice president Worldwide ASIC at Texas Instruments Incorporated. "TI is excited about the new applications and improved user experience that will be enabled by the performance of USB 3.0." For more news coverage out of IDF, visit the complete press kit at www.intel.com/pressroom/idf. About Intel Intel and the Intel logo are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the United States and other countries. * Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. |
Who they did that and why they are not protecting it
I agree that you can't make a law protecting some one or some thing if you don't know what it is. We still can't find out why the whitehouse had some people fired and the emails from the whitehouse which are suppose to be archived. The torture tapes were destroys and it wasn't an ooops of one tape being taped over, it was 200 to 300 tapes that were destroyed.
The idea that you trust a person that lied about a war and why he wanted to get into it and now it looks like they are planning for this war to continue at least for another 10 years. We are been blasted day after day why we need to invade another country because of a weapons development program they gave up 5 years ago. But Bush doesn't believe the intelligences and insists he knows better.
This sound like the same things the Germans did before they invaded Poland, being told that Poland was planning to attack them so they need to attack Poland before they attack.
So, big brother is watching you also listening and reading your mail. You can now get tortured. FBI and law enforcement can do what they call a sneak and peak into your house without a warrant. To me this doesn't even sound like a country of laws anymore. It sound more like the totalitarian countries the president is talking about to be democracy to. I guess the next step would be secret prisons for the dissidents what we got that already, Gitmo and a numerous other secret prison in countries you never heard of. We have private army contractors bigger then the army's of many counties. 50% of the contractors in Iraq are this private army which just so happens to be called Blackwater an acronym for oil or hasn't everyone got that yet. The police dogs and enforcers of the corporations. Also a friend of the republican Neo-Cons.
My God, we have become them, the people we have been taught to hate.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
You get what you pay for
Why do men hirer $1000 dollar a night prostitutes? Hearing some explanations on the radio really didn’t make sense for me. Saying it was daring for that man. That it was for convenience purposes when a mate wasn’t available.
What I see is a person with the money to spend a $1000 dollars for a night for a professional woman is because he can. You get a quality woman someone of the beauty as a movie star if not better. They are clean a disease free. I’m sure if you gave any average “Joe” on the street the money or the woman and say, have at it, they would take it in a New York minute.
If you noticed the news has said that many of the girls cost up much more then $1000 a night. I’m thinking they are something real special. The news also compared Bill Clinton as hiring a prostitute also, wonder how that make Monica feel, well I guess she was a working girl in one way or another.
To hear all these people especially the republicans being outraged after being caught many times soliciting sex from some one, Larry Craig. Or a minister saying how bad homosexual is then he finds out he is one and have been paying a male prostitute plus doing methamphetamine, Reverent Ted who said he didn’t have sex in Denver as his defense, since it was in a out lying area. That was the truth as far as saying it was not in
As far as Elliot goes, I say right on for getting quality goods that men only dream about. As far as how they found out about it, that warrant-less wire tapping really works when you want to destroy a political opponent. Then again the very rich companies that he went after have enough money a resources that they could monitor his behaviors and find out just about anything about anyone. Just look at all that junk mail that is targeted towards you. Republicans are feeling rather desperate right now and won’t stop at anything to win. So the man is human and had to relieve a little tension, it just cost more then the average guy could pay but if they could I’m sure they would be giving them a call.
If you listen to the pop culture there aren’t very many singers that don’t talk about getting a professional woman. You get what you pay for.
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
It's the sun and blossoming flowers
What a great day, the sun is out. The plum, pear, cherry and willows trees have buds and flowers. There's also daffodils opening up. Last night I had the windows open until 10 PM. The air smells so fresh and clean. The little birds are out, so are the squirrels. The young squirrels are playing with there little friends the game of chase, testing out their squirrel skills. Winters not over and it's spring like weather. Hope it doesn't have any snow in the future like past years where it knocked off the blossoms of some of the fruit trees. That was a poor years for fruit. If it stays like this with gentle rain then it's going to be a good fruit year but it's going to be dry. The creek hasn't got any water. Last two years the creek was flowing but stopped early in the year. When I first moved here the creek flowed all year round. Lot's of deadwood to trim from the trees. A happy forest is a clean forest. There's a calm right now with the birds and squirrels everyone is enjoying the day. In about an hour they will be back to get the last snack before they perch in the trees for the night. Last night was nice hearing the first owls and frogs.
Monday, March 03, 2008
An oil company manipulating the market, imagine that.
A president because he is in oil letting it happen. Imagine that.
A vice president because he is in oil. Imagine that.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
McCain to follow in Bush's foot steps.
Bush and McCain think big business need more tax breaks and not to pay taxes. History is repeating itself just like the Roman Empire fell because the rich never paid taxes and the poor had too until it failed.
As far as the world goes, the republicans still don't believe in any science except when it can be used to make money such as refining more oil or burning coal.
If no one caught it today in Bush's speech, he said, "Until we can find a way of sequestering coal" and not sequestering Carbon Dioxide.
Poor Bush did too much partying and now has a wet brain that's why he stammers with his words. It's permanent brain damage. He wants to think he's in charge so when he's "The decider" he won't go back on any decisions. He's insecure about his decisions and his mental capabilities.
Just like Katrina and the lack of a response there he's doing the same thing with the economy. Let's wait and hope it fixes itself then take credit for it. Drunks are like that you know.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Exxon vs. Alaska, what should happen
After all they were the ones that caused the oil shortage back in the late 70's to get the pipeline by putting pressure on the people of the United States. There wasn't a shortage.
Corporations need to be held responsible for what they do along with the people that run them. Has they did in days of old, they tarred and feathered the people that hurt a community.
Monday, February 11, 2008
It's only torture if it's not legal and there's a law.
What gets me is that if another country used that on our citizen or military it's illegal and it has been for many-many years. It's on the books that way but now it seems that you could be in "That Group," "Those People" who are out to get us. After all it's us or "Them, right?
Then again you could be labeled one of those without a trial and be held without a trail in some jail in another country where no one even know where you are. So I guess you need to watch out what you say and to whom you say it. Never check out a library book, read it there. Because "They" are watching.