What do you mean I’m not the administrator, I’m the only one here. Who you talking to, I’m the only one here. No one else here named Administrator except me. Well it’s Microsoft Windows, what do you expect and error like that.
Looking at Linux I’ve noticed that everything you need is in about 650 megs of space installed. That’s the operating system, all the drivers for your computer plus a lot more drivers that you don’t need to have also. It’s got everything. Office programs. Games. Art programs. Graphics programs. Compression programs. Every things there. Why are Windows program that do the same thing take up so much space and do the same things. They look real close to each other. I never see any “Not Responding” error messages. In fact I never see any error messages. I don’t think I’ve seen it ever lock up.
What’s interesting is I noticed that Windows programs cost about 3 times more then the same programs for Linux. I’m really liking this open source program that people are doing. Not only can you get Linux programs through the open source network you can get Windows programs also. I also saw Mac programs too. What’s the deal, all these free great programs. I can’t even get Windows Live Mail working on my laptop after not using it for two months when I set up my laptop and desktop at the same time.
Wanted to make a change on Internet Explorer and it’s telling me that I’m not me. I’m the only administrator at least that’s what it says. Do I need to make an account saying “Administrator?” That I can’t tell the computer my name and that I am the administrator. That’s very interesting. It’s interesting when you have nothing to compare to you see the operating system as being good until you can look at several operating system side by side. For a long time I was all Microsoft manic and nothing else mattered. Now that I’ve looked into other operating systems and how they perform, Wow, have I been spending money like crazy for nothing? I can get something better and it’s free. People help you and it doesn’t cost you. Help files make sense. Very interesting.