Monday, January 10, 2011

Rush defends hate speech

Twisted Rush defends hate speech today and blames it on the democrats and media that the gunman went off shooting people in Arizona. That was Rush on his media outlet getting out to the masses. It’s the wing-nuts taking what Rush says literally and not realizing that Rush is over inflated and get paid to slander everyone. No normal people listen to Rush they have better things to do. It’s those people with the guns that are listening to Rush which scares me. Everything that the gunman had on the web or what the released is the same things that Rush says.

Palin is saying she hates violence but tells people to reload. Talk about a nut job. The guys only look at her in hopes they might get laid. Maybe this will knock Palin back where she belongs, in the kitchen.

David Brooks used to have somewhat good points but lately he’s gone down hill believe and defending poor policies. When your stuck with one side that’s gone nuts and your trying to back it up, it really shows as you stammer through your interviews. I can’t believe Brooks saying that hate speech doesn’t influence people.

People repeat things they hear on the TV. Just look at all the people that have repeated Death Panels by Sarah Palin. The only one I hear slinging mud and telling the big lies are the republicans. The Tea Baggers are just misguided people. Still gets me that a old man said he didn’t want government in his Medicare. The tea baggers keep talking about if it’s constitutional and try to quote parts of it but it’s totally wrong or saying this is in there but it’s not. Got to give them credit for trying to know and they didn’t even finish high school.

Now that states have cut back on health care because of the economy maybe they will take a second look about mental health care.

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Saturday, January 08, 2011

Tea Bagger shoots Congresswoman

Tucson, Az. Tea bagger shoot Gabby Gifford and 16 others following the Palin target map. Always knew that the Palin was a nut case. Her miss reading of the health care bill calling end of life care death panels just goes to show you how stupid Palin is and how she shoots off her mouth. Now it’s killed people because of her targets and saying reload. Maybe Palin needs to be held accountable. Put cross hairs on Palin.

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Sunday, January 02, 2011

It Works! It Works! It Works again!

The computer is working again. Fixed the boot menu and boot manager problem. Took some reading at HP and Microsoft. Some of the stuff that HP will have you do doesn’t do anything and is wasted steps. Some of the steps are totally a waste of time. Why they wrote the instructions the way they did is like a younger person might do without thinking things through. I had to read it several time to try to figure out what they were saying. Then I went to the Microsoft web site. I also Googled the problem and it looks like this is a common one. Wouldn’t you know it, it’s a Microsoft product that isn’t finished being built like all the past products. I’m amazed in how many forum post there are for this problem besides the instructions at HP’s site and Microsoft’s site. I’m glade I’ve downloaded Ubuntu the DVD but the CD will work to get online to read about the problem and find out how to fix it. I don’t like it they don’t tell you more. The HP manual is the biggest waste of time. There isn’t anything technical in it at all. I ended up spending a lot of time online that’s to the ability of Ubuntu which has a trial and installs into memory and doesn’t write anything to disk.  I was able to use Firefox to get online and check my mail and write mail.

I don’t know what went wrong just that it did. No one wants to tell you that part. I noticed looking at the text and logs in a temp directory. Some files wouldn’t let me read them. It would have been nice to tell me copy these files over there and restart the machine. But no, someone made it more complex. More info is better then none at all and having to rely on programs to do your fixes blindly. I know a friend that lost everything and reinstalled windows because the programs weren’t explained a little unless you get online to find out more. If you have a dead computer it’s rather hard to get online to do some reading.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons license.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Not more rain :-(

Latest weather map or prediction from the soothsayers says it’s going to rain some more. Was suppose to rain real heavy Monday and Tuesday through till this next storm but it’s been sunny the last two days with no rain. Monday and Tuesday it just dripped. I’ve went outside to see the fresh made creeks the rain made across the yard. The new deposition of dirt in the field. Good thing there were weeds there to hold the dirt in place.

Statement as of 3:04 PM PST on December 24, 2010

Special Weather Statement

... Rain and snow will impact travel this Holiday weekend... A low pressure system over the Pacific will spread more rain and snow across the interior Saturday and Saturday night. Snow will become steady above 4500 feet late Saturday morning along the coastal range and over Shasta County by early afternoon. Snow will move into the mountains surrounding the Burney Basin by late Saturday afternoon.  At this time it looks like the Central Valley will see 6 to 9 hours of steady rainfall... mainly Saturday afternoon through the evening hours. Rainfall amounts will range between three quarters of an inch to an inch of rain for the Central Valley with similar amounts expected for the foothills. Periods of moderate to heavy snow are possible over the higher peaks of the coastal mountains Saturday afternoon and evening. Snow levels will drop to 2500 to 3500 feet early Sunday morning along the coastal range and over Shasta County as snow tapers off to scattered snow showers but not much accumulation is expected at those levels. South to southwest wind gusts in excess of 45 mph may cause reduced visibility over mountain passes such as Mendocino Pass Saturday night. Travelers heading north on Interstate 5 may encounter winter weather Sunday morning as they head north of Sims. Hazardous back country traveling conditions may exist Sunday. If you plan to travel this Holiday weekend... be prepared for unsettled weather. If traveling to the mountains... carry tire chains and
emergency supplies and check the latest weather and Road reports before departure.


What the clouds look like right now. No rain just clouds. Ground clouds or close to it.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons license.

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Why do republicans fight to give all the money to the rich?

Watch this video.

Why do republicans fight to give all the money to the rich? What I don’t understand is how republicans can say they are moral and then people believe it. Well, I understand why people believe it, they are stupid. They vote republican and then the country gets worse and the people that voted republican wonder why things are going wrong for them. They keep shooting themselves in the foot and can’t understand why there foot hurts. Why republican voters believe all the flashy slogans without any substance. Do you see any of the things the republicans promised coming true? What they said they would do being done. They want to make schools to be the worst so that we have a country of stupid people. Charter schools are a way of breaking the unions. After that then they can set what’s being taught in schools including religion. They don’t want you to understand things like science so that companies can pollute and you wouldn’t know any difference.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

We are going to cut taxes and cut spending and save tax payers money

Boehner and his oxymoron statements. You going to cut taxes which is going to cost 7 trillion by the time it’s over. Remember this was a tax cut or a giveaway to the rich tax payer like hedge fund managers and banker and stock brokers all the people that caused the economic melt down. They will not be getting a $250 dollar check like you did, no, they are getting hundreds of thousands of dollars. The middle class has already been getting a tax cut that there pay check. Can’t see it because it’s minor. This new tax cut will be real minor to you unless your rich the other end of the scale where the rich will get more then you make the whole year, maybe even your whole life. How can you want this in principle. I know the republican will do it because they don’t care about our country but themselves. They would take Uncle Sam’s last dollar and smile while they are doing that. Boehner is already getting a pay raise for becoming speaker. I sure wish I could get an extra $30,000 a year but people on social security don’t even get a cost of living in crease. They say there’s no inflation which the gauge cost of living. You know the rich won’t be spending any of that money because they have everything they already want. We could pay no taxes and we still would never get to a point where we didn’t need anything like where the rich are. Your still going to be at that point, “I’ll get it next month when I have a little extra cash,” you say each month.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Saturday, November 13, 2010

My Shocking Spine

The doctor came into the room with his PA whom asked me a ton of question. I really didn’t want to be talking with him since I’d have to repeat myself talking with the surgeon. After a long drive I wasn’t up to be making small talk and wanted to get into the mead and bones of the matter. With my MRI’s and now this full spine scan. I was impressed at the scanner and how it worked. I was impressed at the scan but more shocked where I just wanted to look at the film and stair at it, because it was so shocking to look at every bone closely to see how the bones are moving. See if any bones

Positive View


Negative view, Was wanting to see it both ways to see the most detail. The machine that scanned me was amazing, It’s got a three axis head. Some are computer controlled axis. Set the bard door to set the angle of x-rays that are going to come out, they have a modeling light to see where your going to scan, a sort of test run of viewing. Amazing that I’m still standing and walking although not that good. The program that puts the film together put a special format film with a jpg2000 format. All the data of the doctor and me are on each segment. Has everything on the header of the picture. Everyone that was involved in some way.The software puts 5 segments together into one picture. I’m still is shock, seeing how bad my spine is right now today. I’ve had some other shots done with a fluoroscope. I’ve seen the big pictures on the monitor which is the same thing I get in a small thermal print. You get the same data just smaller. Still I can clearly see that my spine has gotten worse since the last time I had a cortisone shot back in April. They were still in somewhat of a line although bent a little but not drastically out of line like it is here.

Surgery: February 2 and 4 are the dates set so far, no times have been given to me yet. Have two CT scans  to go through coming up. Have another set of x-rays to be taken, think I can do those up here. That drive really beat me up. By the time I got home I was tired, I was tired while I was still at the doctors office. I left there some time after 4PM. Now for a 50 mile drive home. I was hungry and hadn’t had anything all day except coffee and a soda.

You call that a spine?

It’s amazing that the vertebrae are moving so far from each other. Soon some will be wandering around. I’m worried that some movement on my part will pinch more nerves making things worse then what it is now. Every time I make minor movement, lift my arms I hear pops and crack from my back. It was where I had something like that happen maybe once I several month. Now it’s happening several times a minute. I try not moving, get well seated so I don’t have to move but when I say moving it might be lifting a finder, tilting my head, lifting a leg in hopes that I could lessen the pain there. I’ve been having these surges of pain where it starts in the hip area and knee area and the pain keeps getting greater and greater until I’m jumping up trying anything to reduce the pain. Getting down to the floor laying on my side works the best. If I can get a pillow between my knees that would be good. It’s just such a overwhelming pain you almost can’t breath. Well been waiting this long a few more month till February. That will give me some time to get things arranged here and with the county to get someone to help me out. I take it that I’m not going to be in the best of shape worse then the first two surgeries I had. I’ll be in the hospital for a week. I’m hoping that the cortisone shot next week will help out. Have prednisone pills to take for 5 days.

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Lets run the country into the ground again. Privatize it all.

Republicans pledge to wankers win everything. Tossers win elections what a bunch of stupid people out there destine to repeat the Hoover mistakes. John Boehner becomes speaker of house. Hope he gets sober, can’t stand that drunk yapping on. Claims he knows bartending but a drunk isn’t what the country needs.

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

What you write to much? What kind of crap is that?

Seems to blog you can’t type unlike other blogger sites that let you write as much as you want. Don’t leave big comments, is that for the simple minded with A.D.D. and they loose track of simple conversations. What is this for idiots or what? Haven’t you ever read a book before? How do you think those ideas get stuck together? My blog is my life, really my life, what I’m doing, what I’m seeing and how I react to it. I live out in the sticks, I mean I don’t talk to people for weeks or months at a time. I’m closer to the wildlife which I’m doing research on and documenting. To make simple shallow comments on the encounters with things like bears, mountain lions, Kit fox, raccoons or deer, my herd of 24, and my pet skunks. Sorry Stan Lee died this year by a pit bull.

Hey, something interesting for you simpletons that need TV. PBS has a show on Hubble Deep Space Telescope and the repairs. know why they needed to repair the tele? It was a spy sat that was made to look at the ground and optics needed to be changed. You know where it’s looking and getting all those cool shots of galaxies? Well that’s like holding a grain of rice at arms length and looking out past that 14 billion light years. The spy sat it was designed from is still in service looking downward with a 3 inch resolution. I’ve seen a document with the date of a dime clearly readable.

Never stop learning so you can write your own software and not take any blowback, write less, gee’s, mindless.

Monday, November 01, 2010

Used up: work longer after 65 when you gave your body to make the country great

When you’re a paper pusher, say a congress person a real slacker as for as hard work. You never got dirt under your finger nails. You never worked up a sweat where you needed to change your cloths several times along with a quick shower, then a new set of cloths. Try that three time a day having to drowned yourself in energy drinks to replace all the chemicals you sweated out. Nothing like the feel of accomplishment where you knew you really done something because your body tells you your tired but you have energy because your body is in shape and could go another round because your strong.  Making love is incredible because you can preform every time and for hours and hours. Take a fast break to wipe off some of the love sweat, get some food, cheeses, hard salami, fruit drink and you a smoke and your ready to go again. A paper pusher would be taking out the bottle of love pills to get started because they live in apathy as far as keeping up there bodies. They still will live longer then the hard worker because they didn’t impact there body with constant damage you just shock off. Some one like a representative would have to be taken to the hospitals. I’ve seen some people get a bump in the leg and fall over and have to stop working for the day. A minor splinter or a cut to the hand, so you bleed a bit and it hurts but you keep going until the bloods dripping to the point it’s making a mess on what your working on. So you stop the leak and get back to it. Try working with barbed-wire. That could put you through some changes before you get the hang of it and one day isn’t going to do it, we are talking of years of working with it to get it right. Long hours, sun rise, watching the sun come up and your having a coffee and smoke waiting to start work. Give me those wimps, the dun laps over the belt to show them what living and working is about. You don’t complain because the work has to get done because no one else is going to be doing it.

Now I here because the savings of people have been stole by fast talking brokers telling you, “your money is perfectly safe, trust me.” Ya right go back to work to recover, your body is burned out. Have a new hip, new knee, major back reconstruction where the operation takes two days to complete. And you want him to pick up and start working again. Standing, siting, the position of your legs causing increasable pain because your sitting the hardest thing you can do with your back.

We have some really out of touch law makers making rules on who could even be healthy enough to work. Maybe like the show Undercover Boss could be used to help form better policies. All congress men and woman would have to take up all the jobs for at least two weeks to see if a person would need to retire at a earlier age then 65 but maybe 55 because there body is worn out. No job will be not tested and our representatives would have to do this themselves and not let there aids to do the work.

To make this country great again to raise wages and protect people we need unions. The police and fire unions the best deals in the country. Get out on a disability and your living on phat street. Something even better then just a normal retirement. People will hold beck from telling about injuries and have them come up at retirement time to give them the grand package. I still see they need to be tested randomly on a lie detector to fine out how honest they are. Do that twice a year. Find out how many wife beaters there are being protected by the blue code. A normal retirement based on other retirement packages.

Getting everyone into a union, the Americans Worker Union, something that would cover all classes of work. The Teamsters are powerful and could incorporate something like this into every aspect of workers. This would protect your health so you don’t have to work hurt because your afraid of loosing your job because you need to recover and which ends up making the problem worse over all.

The republican have worked hard to dismantle the unions because they are cheap and want all the profits for themselves. They couldn’t do the jobs of the people in the companies they might have a stack in.

I had an accountant for one company, Group W Cable. He would round to the closest number whether it was up or down but it make that the shortest hours paid for me. He thought he was doing something special for the company but he was just shorting every one. But there was no over site. As far as I know he was taking all those extra minutes and placing it in his account.

The Unions made this country

Wake up, it's time for pain

Wake up it's time for pain. First I turned the TV on to see if I coul just lay there but I got up after taking a few pills. Knee is killing me, must have rolled over funny and caused pain besides walking into the step ladder yesterday morning. Still haven't over come the pain from that yet.

Made a warm cup of French roast coffee. The warm coffee makes me feel like sleeping sometimes. French Roast has a lower cafine level.

Well going to lay on the heating pad or maybe crawl back in bed. Some place warm.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Baby Deer


Sleeping baby. A little young male catches a time out to rest before more bad weather.

Monday, October 04, 2010

I’m not beleaguered

The news media makes out like the republicans are going to win every seat in congress and the senate. They start out,  “The beleaguered democrats,” that’s like those looser will never win anything, I’m a unbiased news person blowing hot air too, not reporting the news but my ideas of what might happen. That’s right I’m a news fortune teller, I tell what’s going to happen in the future. I’m right about one percent of the time so I’m not quitting my day job just yet, my ego won’t let me and this thing is a sure thing. You’d think I’d be dealing in the stock market but that’s too unstable right now.

It just gets me the way the news predicts the future instead of telling the facts. A pole isn’t facts it’s a guess based on math. Watching Katie Couric read the teleprompter being so serious, like she knows what she’s saying. Folks, she’s just reading what’s put in front of her. Only thing Katie has going for her is that smile and that’s getting kind of old. When I saw Katie next to another woman I was so impressed at the other woman and felt sorry for Katie because she looked rather homely next to this other woman of the same age. Back to the news readers, that’s all they do, no reporting, no leg work, no writing of copy, just read copy.

What I don’t like about this predicting of the news, that it could change a persons views if you keep telling them that this one group is going to win and play these odd balls screaming at what’s wrong and how they would fix it no matter how misguided it sounds.

I still like the old retired man yelling at the camera that the government has taken over Medicare. Doesn’t this guy look at the checks from social security where they come from or the letters he gets in the mail who is paying the bills. Why does the media get the oddest people with veins popping out their neck to be on camera. They always seem to get the fringe element.

The news is talking about the terrorist threat and after saying the threat they tell people not to let this crimp your travel plans. Just when your in a train station, don’t stand so close to me.

Sunday, October 03, 2010

Don’t you just like it when….

I keep hearing how people want to cut social security at least give them less to live on. That really doesn’t sound so hot when your on social security to balance the nations budget. Would be nicer to here the congress and senators are going to cut their salaries but $50,000 dollars a year to be able to pay for 50 more people on social security each. 100 senators, 50,000 more people getting paid on social security. I’m not even sure how many people there are in congress these days but it’s a lot and they are all getting a cost of living something people on social security didn’t get last year plus that 1 1/2 % increase. Another thing the people on social security didn’t get.

If you notice where the tax cuts start, that’s so it will include the people from both houses. They deserve a tax cuts along with all the benefits they get. Few years ago they voted themselves a pay raise. Wasn’t a few bucks an hour, wasn’t a few more dollars a month, they doubled their salaries with the stroke of the pen and there wasn’t any partisan bickering going on. No one stood up and said that’s too much or that they isn’t getting paid for, that’s going to raise the federal deficit. No 100% voted for the raise. Why don’t you get the same percentage cut that you want to give everyone on social security.

No, they are lawyers real bottom feeder on the food chain. sponging of society for there money and voting what ever they want. Maybe the voters should be setting there rate of pay. Maybe they should be punching a clock and getting paid by the hour because they sue do spend a lot of time away from work doing none state work and getting paid for it. Four day week, nice. Private jet to fly home and the fuel gets paid for by the tax payers. I don’t know about you but I’ve worked all my life and no one ever paid for my fuel to get to work or to get home. That would be a big savings to the tax payer if they had to cover their own fuel bills.  I and many others hate to be at the bottom of the pile without a voice.

Friday, September 24, 2010

My Raccoon Friends


This is my second raccoon family. This family has one albino baby girl while my other raccoon family has a albino mother and normal looking babies. I’ve been following the two families, the mothers families, grandmother and grandfather over many years now. Raccoons are vary shy creatures but after getting to know them they are very interesting to watch. They like to play with each other. When the families get together they all like playing together jumping and rolling around. They sniff each others nose and now each other then start playing like it was a old lost friend. When grandmother comes around and the two families are here it’s a sight to see with everyone playing. The kids all jumping over grandmother because they are so happy to see her. I really enjoy watching them interact with each other and me.

The skunks have been here for many years now as long as grandmother grandfather raccoon. The skunks have been around a lot more where I’ve been able to interact with them even petting them or feeding them by hand. They don’t stink like people ask me, in fact they are very clean. Each one has it’s own personality. Some are shy while others are explorers. The three new babies this year were a treat. It’s much better then in past years where I’ve had up to 36 skunks running around with one male turkey that would chase after them. I’ll sit on the porch with my little friends as they come over to see who I am. I’ve had babies go to sleep on my feet before or next to me. One runt would come over to me and hide behind me challenging all the other bigger skunks. My skunks don’t have rabies and for the most part never would. That a myth that people say when they don’t know any better. They don’t spray each other or me that’s another myth too.

Out of all the little night creatures the possum is the shiest one. With it’s little round ears constantly moving around listening for danger it reminds me of the movie “Baby.” I’m just waiting to hear a squeaky voice. I’ve found out that putting you hand up to your head and turning it twice it’s a greeting to the raccoons. Must mean I’m a friend or something because they look at me and wait to run but stop that action and start eating with no worries after greeting them.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My Noodles bigger then your Noodle


Mr. Friend and Me


Sitting out with Mr. Friend having a talk about how the forest is doing. Not so well he says, things are all dried out and no native foods for the deer to eat. All the European grasses are dead and no native grasses anymore.

Native grasses would be green right now because the roots go down 12 feet. I’m going to have to be collecting more seeds and get this place green again. Been having sages moving in and plants from the valley moving up the hill. Have several grasses that grow around rice fields growing here.  I’ve found some great info on plants and pests at:


Smiley coming to see where I am since I haven’t been able to walk so well lately.

Monday, September 06, 2010

McCain blames it on Bush

McCain said that we should have done more two years ago when Bush was in office to repair the economy. Bush was on his way out and was only going to take care of his Wall Street friends. Lets not forget that the whole thing fell part on Bush’s watch.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Koch bothers bus the mindless

Koch brothers bus the mindless to see the recovering drunk with a god complex. Some people think they are always right when they are self-righteous. He is sober and now he thinks he’s god. Rush looks at himself that same way. Fox’s Glenn Beck takes his time on TV and radio to be more then entertainment. It’s to bad the people watching don’t understand that it’s only entertainment and not real news. He has a following but not a large amount of people compared to the rest of the country. Palin only has a 2% following compared to the rest of the country. It’s to bad the constitution let Beck insight people to revolt. We even have to tolerate the Nationalist Socialist Party too. They have a right to speak out. What does restoring honor mean, is that going back to the way the rest of the world sees us back in the Bush days? What gets me is the people are saying they are all about the constitution but they don’t even know what it’s all about. If you think by removing taxes a idea from the Koch brothers along with a few other wild ideas. Who is going to make the roads you drive on. What about schools? They could do away with the corporate welfare for corporate farms. Give the family own farms a break. It’s always the monopolies like the Koch brother who want it bother ways. They want to get government handouts but don’t want to pay taxes even making a 100 billion a year. They get enough breaks as it is and they are helping out the tea baggers with there talking points even if they don’t understand them. I like the one old tea bagger who wants to keep government out of his Medicare. The media like to get the most radical statements from the tea baggers. They never explain what they are saying is a load of crap. Beck doesn’t know what honor is or he would be pulling this crap. Maybe it’s way of getting into politics. He might get a following where they might vote for him in some state where the losers are that shoot them self in the foot listening to the lies and believing them. Ever since the unions have gone away wages have gone down and the sick thing about it is the republicans tell there votes it will be better without unions because they are sucking up all the state funds. It also set the rate of the rest of everyone’s wages too. When I hear all these mouth like Beck it just amazes me. Just don’t drink the Kool-Aid.
Image: Glenn Beck  Heal Beck