Wednesday, April 06, 2011

What’s wrong with Internet Explorer 9.0?

Am I the only one that has to press the reload button on Internet Explorer 9.0 several times before the page loads? Even Microsoft pages don’t load but give you the compatibility button. When you push the button it asks you if you want to get help from a friends or anyone but Microsoft. It’s like that with all Microsoft products ever since DOS 1.0 who wasn’t made by Microsoft but bought and the Microsoft name slapped on it and leased to IBM. Corrections? Well it was bought so like everything someone needed to be paid to figure out what’s going on and try to fix it. So far after installing the 64 bit version of Internet Explorer 9.0 I’ve had a bunch of updates and it still works the same like Windows 7. Try to save a picture and internet explore crashes. You finally go to another browser (Firefox) the dependable browser you have to save the picture. Feedback, don’t try it because it just causes the browser to crash. I think that’s a planned part of the program so you can’t give any feedback. I even signed up to send them info about crashes but haven’t seen that work since I’ve install version 9.0. Haven’t seen Windows 7 send any feedback when something crashes either. I’m sure there was so much feedback they made a patch to disable that part of the program.

Oh, the spell checker I’ve been using for years doesn’t work with Windows 7 and Internet Explorer 9.0. It sticks in an extra word without taking the old word out plus adds a few more characters that don’t make any sense. That’s all run together and spell checker thinks it’s fine.

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Sunday, April 03, 2011

Getting the short end of ATT’s stick

How can ATT say they have good quality when they keep charging more for less service. No one likes the cell service because of dropped calls and now internet service suffers because they are shifting service from the people that have DSL to cell phones because they can get more money charging by the byte.  Just amazes me that I can get a letter and find out my service has been cut in half. They didn’t tell me they were rising my rate it just happened. What gets me is the DSL internet cost them less then pennies to the customer yet they want to get more then there share. Since they are a monopoly and no one minding the store they will keep raising rates. If you notice they want to service the customer that spends a hundred dollars a month.  What gets me is if more people are on at slow speeds the people with high speeds will slow down. It bothers me that it cost them the same price for each tier. Whether your on the slowest or fastest it cost ATT the same price. I think it’s time the government breaks up ATT again into smaller companies like they did with Bell.  They are trying to take over T Mobile. Soon there’s only going to be one cell phone company like there is only one DSL service or one phone company where you don’t have a choice in who you can get service from. The P.U.C. is pro business and let them have anything they want. The P.U.C. is suppose to protect people not work to help out big business take every last cent from people. I’m sure the lobbyist are there every day hammering on the P.U.C. something the people don’t have. Maybe if we had lobbyist for the people hammering on the P.U.C. every day the people would be getting better prices.

What gets me is the U-verse service is just a way of sending compressed data. They are also charging for higher speed cell service when they just have enhanced version 3 not version 4. No matter who’s service you get there is no version 4 of the cell phone service. It’s just a sale pitch and advertising.

It was good that the PUC protected the people when PG&E asked to raise rates because people were saving so much energy that it was cutting in to their profits. We lost out during the last oil crunch when they said natural gas was costing more when oil was the only thing that was going up.

Speed Tiers


Broadband Service Product Name*
Downstream Speed Range

AT&T High Speed Internet Basic
Fast Access DSL Lite
200 Kbps - 768 Kbps

AT&T High Speed Internet Express
Fast Access DSL Ultra
769 Kbps - 1.5 Mbps

AT&T High Speed Internet Pro
AT&T U-verse High Speed Internet Pro
Fast Access DSL Xtreme
1.56 Mbps - 3.0 Mbps

AT&T High Speed Internet Elite
AT&T U-verse High Speed Internet
Fast Access DSL Xtreme 6.0
3.1 Mbps - 6.0 Mbps

AT&T U-verse High Speed Internet Max
6.1 Mbps - 12.0 Mbps

AT&T U-verse High Speed Internet Max Plus
12.1 Mbps - 18.0 Mbps

AT&T U-verse High Speed Internet Max Turbo
18.1 Mbps - 24 Mbps

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Friday, April 01, 2011

Mentally ill pastor burns holy book in Florida

Full of hate, crazy man who is a antichrist church leader burns holy book to prove how evil he is. “Hate is my American right,” Terry Jones said. “I hate everyone,” he said. 30 of his malformed inbreed church followers stood behind.

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Friday, March 25, 2011

Cut it all, we want it for free

Republicans want to keep cutting the budget and don’t care if the state works because they get paid no matter what. Talk about a group that needs to be furloughed, it’s our state republicans since they aren’t doing anything but costing money and taking up space. Let them all go Jerry, they don’t matter. They are shells of humans that say no. Do you like this? No! What about this? No! Can you work with others? No! They are worthless. They are getting paid to solve problems but instead they cause more problems. Maybe the cuts should all go to the republicans districts. Let them figure out how to fund their school without state money. See what the people in the district say when they don’t bring home the bacon but get what they said, “no.”  “No funds for you, back of the line!” You don’t want to solve problems and want to cut everything hindering the state? Great, the cuts start in your back yard. No funds to fix your roads. No more funds for anything since you don’t want anything. Why should tax payers put money into a republicans district that isn’t going to help the state. You don’t want to pay for things then you get nothing. You get what you pay for, nothing. You want to sit in office getting paid for doing nothing that needs to change and start punching a clock like the majority of the state. You don’t want to work with others then you get a time out and have to stand in the corner. This none logical idealism has to stop. It’s too bad that the republican believe in myths and not facts. They don’t believe in science but will go to the hospital when they are ill. That’s not logical. No more getting others to pay your way if you don’t want to take part. No votes, no money.

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Friday, March 18, 2011

My Deer Friends

Started snowing around 3 PM today. After an hour I started to get worried because the ground was covered and it hadn’t let up. That’s when I saw a couple deer friends up the hill getting out of the snow and under the pine trees. I was taking pictures of the snow and two deer when I looked over and there was the rest of the herd. My oldest momma deer and her baby and all the rest of the herd along with Mister Stump my semi-blind deer that needs to travel with others to help him along. He’s one of my oldest male deer. He was full grown when I moved in ten years ago. The deer came over to eat on the bushes but were covered with snow. There were some grass patches that they found. I had put out a couple cups of rice for my friend Stumpy. He of course came over and ate it all up and with a big smile too.

It was nice seeing my deer friends today. Momma deer is still in charge of the herd. She’s been a good leader. Wish Buddy was around he would be proud of her. Deer need to grow up together and socialize to learn. They learn what to eat at different times a year. Where to get water. Where to get all their needs. They all live with in two miles of where they were born. I’m very happy being a part of their lives. I’ve learned a lot from my deer friends. Seeing them smile is the biggest treat. It doesn’t take much to make them smile because they are so full of life. Seeing babies playing and looking for their play friends and being unhappy when they don’t find their friends. They call out, “where are you play friend.” They will run and look for their friends crying out the whole way. Seeing the bond they develop is amazing. One mother was keeping her two boys up the hill with her when baby girl came up. Baby girl was jumping and bucking to get the boys to play chase with her. She would take off at a full run circle around and come back but mom didn’t want the kids playing that day. The baby girl was so disappointed you could see it in her face. Still she was happy seeing her playmates even if they couldn’t come out and play.
Snows dropping from the trees with a big thud. Stopped snowing a few hours ago. There was a large car pile up on Interstate 80 today in the snow. I think they said it was 40 cars.
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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Really screwed together.


First x-ray after surgery. This doesn’t look normal by any means but then it isn’t. They lined up everything as best as possible. I’m hoping those pellets work like they are suppose to and things grow in the spaces.

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8.9 mag quake hits Japan

145_40 2011-03-11c

I’ve been watching the live video since the quake happened and watch the tsunami hit the land. It something I’ll never forget. Houses on fire being carried off by the water. Seeing an airport covered over by water. You couldn’t see any planes. There was train tracks going off from one part going into the water. Hearing the reports is so hard to hear because you know that a lot of people have died. I watch TV late into the night switching channels to see if there was more to see. Getting on the USGS site I could see that it was in the same area I have been looking at that had several quakes before this large event.

Here’s a list of all the quakes in that area.

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Friday, February 25, 2011

What do you mean you didn’t invest the money?

I thought when companies and cities or states set up retirements they invested the money so they could get a return on the money. I didn’t think they would just pay for everything out of taxes and hope for the best. What were they thinking? Sure wasn’t sound advice. Not even a good scam either unless you were the mob steeling money from the unions like in some movie. So what were all these cities thinking of when they made all these promises, that growth would go on forever? Maybe back in the 50’s it looked that way but now we know uncontrolled growth isn’t good. What gets me is all these so called leader couldn’t figure this out years ago. Maybe it time to dig up some past names and splash mud on them.

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Snow and skunks

Put some cat food out a bit ago not thinking that I’d have any guests beside the little kitty. Looks like momma skunk and a baby since it’s so small. Usually the babies don’t come out until May. The weather in January and February has been real warm like summer and trees have blossoms on them for now until they freeze. It’s really snowing now and has been for about one hour. The high winds have stopped which is good.

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Monday, February 21, 2011

Another day

Well I’m up and sort of walking with my shell on. Have so many months to go yet. Still in a lot of pain. Seems the pain is every where on my body. This shell I’m wearing is painful. Just don’t know how I’m going to handle this for all these months.

Bug man was here giving me a quote and how to get rid of the ants. Have to get rid of the ants. I’ve lived with them too long.

Body really hurts and hope that pain slows down someday soon.

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Saturday, February 19, 2011

What’s wrong with republicans? Is it brain damage?

Why do the republicans want to harm people? They want to cut social programs that work and pay for themselves like social security. Why not cut at the top where the money is? Cut republican governors pay? Cut state elected peoples pay? Why when it comes down to it they put that off but cut programs that help the poor which is less then what it would be when you cut the fat at the top.

There’s no “A” in Boehner

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What’s up with Winter?

As I just made coffee with my espresso machine and killing off the ants. For the last four years January and part of February has been summer weather. The bugs start coming out like flies and moths and ants. Then it snows. The trees start to bloom depending on where they are planted. Rich my neighbor up the hill has peach blossoms started and had to cover his tree. Lucky for him it's small.

The ranchers I've talked to said that apples have been down and real small apples. Blossoms fall off trees when it snows late in the year. Been having snow as late as end of May.

What is amazing when you heat the ocean it expands and takes up more space. Simple concept. When you heat water moisture comes off water too. That's easy to understand. Think of it as taking a shower and the rest of the house is cold. Steam condenses on the cold surfaces. That's like the big freeze on the east coast this winter. We are having snow where it never snows before because the moistures in the air from the warm expanding ocean.

Bark beetles are suppose to die in the winter when it gets cold. Since we have this warm winters the only way to kill off back beetles is when they run out of food. They eat pine and there are several types of them. They live at different heights of the tree. One night I was sitting here when it sounded like a bird hit the screen, it was in summer. I looked at the door and it was a bark beetle the size of a small bird. I've found that adding fertilizer to the base of a tree will keep the tree going but the bugs are still there. I used a weed and feed and think that killed the bark beetles because it brought up stuff in the sap they weren't ready for. I've checked many colleges about back beetle and there's nothing you can do about them. Until they run out of food they are going to be here.

Took pictures of it snowing but it's too hard to hold up the camera. I even put my smallest lens on and it's still to heavy.

If you can get KPFA streaming they are playing Grateful Dead a lot of never heard tracks before. Then they have been like that for years. Made money touring and not on records. They were also the only bands that would give out bootlegs of concerts.

One reason I'm bringing up this winters weather is because I've been active in phenology with many colleges. I've been sending them pictures of plants here that they never have seen before and when they have bloomed. Times are changing. If our food stocks start blooming and then goes into a freeze the blooms die. So does out food. So this is a real problem.

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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Out of ICU and Home

Oh the pain of it all. This is going to take so long even longer then waiting for surgery. The wait was hard but the recovery is going to be even harder. There’s a lot of mobility I’m never going to have again.

Happy Birthday to me. What a way to add another year. I’m hoping I’ll be able to put on boots one day. No slip on shoes for me.

Need more phones around the house.

Sitting it real hard and painful. Need a bath real bad. Hair is a mess. Hoping for the RN’s to get here soon.

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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Standing Scan, looking bad

I thought I put up the scan of my spine with me standing but it was me laying down. I have all my discs for my record of my x-rays and MRI’s. Doesn’t take a specialist to see how messed up things are in my back. Why the standing x-ray isn’t as good looking as the laying down one, I don’t know. I should be getting the CT scan disc soon. The standing one really shows how my discs are pushing out to the point they almost look like the backs going to break. Sure is painful that’s for sure. It’s more painful when I’m walking doing anything. It stopped me doing much of anything this year. My lives been on hold and I’m going to be on hold again after surgery. On my right side the ribs are grinding against my hips and that’s really painful. It feels like there’s a big spike stuck in my back also, right where the bend is. That part is sticking out my back too.


standing up2

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Friday, January 21, 2011

More Bad Spine

spine 1 exported

Had my pre-op yesterday. The doctor had a list of things that could go wrong and because this is a major surgery death could happen. I could wake up blind but that’s only a 2% chance of happening. I don’t know how I could live without color. You can’t used a camera when your blind. I’ll miss seeing my forest friends.

He plans to bolt me together from the inside and out or my back side anyways. They will make a 6 inch cut to the right of center. They will push my insides over and pull the discs out and put in holder with bone inside. I believe they will put some other type hardware also. Then I’ll wake up in the intensive care unit with a airway in to help me breath. Sounds like I’m going to be a mess. The next day they will make a foot long cut in my back and move the junk out of the way. That’s what it’s going to be after they put in the hardware and rods to keep me straight. I’ll never be able to bend after that.

I don’t remember which operation will take 8 to 10 hours but one will. The other will be around 5 hours. I don’t think it’s good to be out and under the control of chemicals to keep you out.


Two weeks before surgery and I can still smile and know what lies ahead.

Picture 219

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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Health Care Industry Owns Republicans

. Republicans lead by John Boehner (sounds like; Boner) waste time trying to defeat health care bill past last year. They don’t have the votes. The American public is still dumb as door nails saying, “Would you look at the mouth of that gift horse.” The undecided voters are still smoking pot and sniffing glue. The republican base are still stuck in the last century and out of there radical chemical vapor soaked minds from living next to the refineries. Yes, they don’t know any better because they were born that way. They took the small school bus to school.

What, job killer? How can that be? More people will be buying insurance meaning the insurance companies will have more customers to take there money from growing ever more richer then they are now. So if your doing more work because more people are buying insurance your going to need more people to do that work because it’s going to be millions of people and you just can’t add a couple hours on to every ones day to take up the slack.

The government isn’t taking over anything. They aren’t taking over insurance companies. They aren’t taking over hospitals or doctors. They aren’t taking over any part of health care. What is going on is laws. Laws that say you can’t cancel a person because he got sick like they do now. If you baby was born and develops a medical problem they can’t tell you your baby has a preexisting condition, like they do now. If you had a bad flu and developed pneumonia and you were coughing up that green stuff and you don’t tell the insurance company that you went to the doctor for that and he gave you antibiotics to clear up the lung condition, you can’t be dropped like you can now. If you had pimples when you were a teenager living at home with your parent and now it’s twenty years later. You need to tell the insurance company that you had pimples as a teenager and your mother took you to the doctor and he gave you some cream you put on. So if you come down with skin cancer twenty years later and the insurance company will try to say you had a preexisting condition when you were a teenager. Insurance companies are in the business to make money and the only way they do that is by controlling what you can have treated. They will do everything under the sun to stop you from getting treated even if it will kill you. All that money you pay them every month I free money if you never make a claim. The perfect customer would be the person that pays in year after year and then you die without ever seeing a doctor. It’s all free money from you to them, what a deal. It happens to you know. Not everyone spends weeks in the hospital and has all sorts of problems.

There’s no socialism and the people that are saying that are full of it. Most likely it’s because they haven’t gone to school and that’s why they say that. How they can say something without knowing history just gets me. Then again we had a goof off college kid that bought his way to president that used college as a party scene instead of learning he was drinking. He didn’t stop drinking until years later. He was a cheer leader not a joke football player.

It’s amazing that you only hear the republicans making up lies. They have to slander and cheat to win. Then when someone acts out because of the hate speech they said it wasn’t me. I wonder why Mexico went to a single payer health care system like all the other leading countries. France is still number #1 leaving the United State down in the teens below Cuba and many other third world countries.

The republicans want you to believe you are loosing something by the health care bill but your not. The bureaucrats are already there at the insurance company working hard every day to deny service from you. They even have special departments to do that. You may only see the insurance sales person who really doesn’t care about you  or your health but  does care about the check he’s going to get every month. They are trained how to act when talking to you and look all sympathetic.

Remember everything in your life is fair game, the insurance companies will look into everything. Things you never thought of or that most likely isn’t even dealing with your health.

The Germans said the lie over and over and the people believed it just like the republicans are doing.

Hope you don’t die because of lack of health care.

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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

There’s no “A” in his name

There’s no “A” in John Boehner’s name why can’t you say his name right, it sounds like what you get in your pants when your looking at naked women, about to have sex. Yes, he’s a “Boner” and it’s just like his personality too. Then aren’t all those republicans dicks? John’s just the head stiff dick. The limp dick is McConnell. So what type of English is it that Boehner sounds like Bainer? If he want to be a Bainer then change your name. For now, you’re a Boehner, like I have a John Boehner in my pants.

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Monday, January 17, 2011

Going to the Spine Shop

Going to have surgery Feb. 2nd and Feb. 4th . It’s real major surgery and I’m hoping that everything goes well. That I don’t get any infections or major blood loss. As the days get closer the more mental stress I feel. I’m also having what I feel more problems. I lost another inch in height. I’m down 7 inches now. So hard to sit up or stand up without leaning over. My ribs have stopped me from getting any smaller because they are resting on my hips. That’s causing problems with my intestines. Everything I do take so much effort. It doesn’t matter what I take for the pain it still hurts a real lot. there’s x-rays of my spine below. It looks so bad. There’s a sharp bend which is poking out my back. It’s real scary thinking about surgery and the recovery. I think I’m more worried about the recovery then anything because that’s going to go on for months up to a year maybe longer. The doctor told me recovery would be a year and six month just for my spine to fuse together. They are doing eight levels in my back. To get at them they will cut open my stomach and take things out and work on my spine. The next surgery they will go in through my back. I hate they have to cut my muscle and tendons because they don’t grow back. I had surgery before on my back and I can still feel my spine where the cut was. If I’m this burned out before surgery I just hate to think how I’m going to feel after surgery remembering the other two back surgeries I had 20 years ago. My right knee has been giving me problems ever since I went to the pain management doctors and doing physical therapy. I only stopped physical therapy because I couldn’t stand on my knee. Getting up in the morning it’s so painful with the weight of my body on my knees. My back hurts all the time no matter what I’m doing. I need to get a few things before surgery like a walker. Looks like I’ll be missing this year because of recovering from surgery and leaning how to walk with a different shaped spine. I don’t think I’m going to be shooting many picture not like I used to. There have been days where I was in so much pain that I wanted the surgery that minute. I had pinched nerve and causing all sorts of pain not even moving. Moving made it so much worse. I’ve spent so many sleepless nights in pain where I couldn’t move. This last year has been real bad as far as pain goes. I’m hoping that my pain will drop off rather fast after surgery. It’s going to take a few month for where they cut to stop hurting when I move. Wonder if I should put some eye screws into the celling at places where I’m going to be laying down and use some webbing hanging down with a big knot or put a bar there to grab onto to help me up. I could use one in the bedroom and one in the living room by the couch. I think for the first few weeks I’ll be getting a lot of sleep. Going to have to get something to keep things moving because I got so plugged up after my first surgery. I didn’t realizer it at the time but after a week I had to go and it was the size of a baseball. Don’t need that again. I really hope this all goes well without any complications.

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My Deer Buddy

My deer friends Buddy has a problem with his jaw. A mean male deer that wandered in has picked on all the male deer here. The males and females all walk away when he’s here and stay away from him the best possible. I feel sorry for my friend because he has a hard time eating, the food falls out as he chews. He’s very gentle with all the babies and females. He is a very mellow deer like all the deer here except that one mean deer that has come here. I’m sure he might be a nice deer when it’s not mating season and the hormones get the best of him. I’ve watch the deer here when they do there fighting. They never try to hurt each other and when they get tired they take a break. My other friend I called Buddy too would be so gentle with the young deer around mating season. The young baby would come up to Buddy and lock antlers and push lightly and back up letting the young deer win. Every now and then there are real special deer that are great leader and great with the herd. I hate seeing the deer suffer but I’m not going to harm them in anyway like someone told me to do.


Deer Buddy with broken jaw

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