It’s the first big storm of the year. So fat the winds aren’t so bad but the constant rain is getting old. It’s been raining with one break mid-day to evening. Was listening to a San Francisco radio station and they said there could be 12 inches of rain in the coastal mountains. A local station said there could be 12 to 18 inches of water in the foothills. So far the steady rain hasn’t been that bad. The Weather Undergrounds maps showed the break today. Now it’s looking rather grim. It looks like rain all night. Sure wish I had indoor kitties. I feel bad they are outdoor cats. I have dry places for them on the deck under large tarps that cover the side of the house. Weatherman on TV said get ready for storm two. Just wonder what’s after that. Well on the bright side I get to do indoor projects. Read my VB book and learn VB or Java.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Warp Engine and going really, really fast
It really sounds good but the amount of energy needed puts it out of reach at this time and who know maybe we will come up with some sort of anti-matter cores that produce all sorts of energy like in Star Trek. The warp engine isn't called a warp engine but The Alcubierre Drive. Michio Kaku dubbed Alcubierre's notion a "passport to the universe." Just need to solve that power problem. Have to have a infinite power supply which doesn't sound like something humans are going to be doing anytime soon when we are still burning coal, something out of the 19th century. Well they were burning coal to heat homes and buildings because they cut the trees down and burned them so getting out of the burning era and into something new is a bit far off.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
What Fiscal Cliff
When one person you’re the phrase Fiscal Cliff it traveled the media like wildfire. Some reporters can’t use it enough like in every sentence at least once. The worry is that the middle class will stop spending after January first and won’t buy a lot of junk for Christmas because they are worried about “The Fiscal Cliff” an over rated catch phrase. Catch phrases come and go. Remember 9/11 and “Connect the Dots?” What about the first gulf war and “Hunker Down?” Everyone was “Hunkering in place” waiting for the next catch phrase to repeat. The latest word or phrase is “Superstorm Sandy.” If you use a spell checker “Superstorm” isn’t in there. I thought the words would have been hyphenated as “Super-Storm” but everyone followed the leader and made it one word, a new word. It is good the climate change is in the media but the way it’s being used is like filler to a program. The people doing the reporting couldn’t care less what they are reporting about they are just reading copy. Copy, a page or pages of text written by a writer for a person to read on camera or in front of a microphone which is transmitted to the masses.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Stitchen the front yard
Friday, November 09, 2012
Stitching Photos
These are amazing the added depth because the pictures are made up with six or more photos. This free ICE program from Microsoft is pretty good. I'll have to take some photos with the idea of stitching them together. These were just a bunch of photos I was taking of one area. The JPG files are a lot larger then the originals. Just amazing the depth the photos have.
Quit playing with the Boehner
Wednesday, November 07, 2012
Tuesday, November 06, 2012
Sunday, November 04, 2012
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
What was that?
What can be done? Don't build there. You can't build houses on the shore and expect insurance to pay for a new house every other year. Maybe if insurance companies stop insuring houses and things on shores where you know storm surge is going to hit the beaches. Would be nice if the shore line would be shared with more people then cluttered up with boxes on the beach.
How many extreme weather event does it take to get your attention? Just in the USA, 14 extreme disasters last year and 7 this year so far. Knowing that green house gases cause the problems it would be a good idea to get rid of them as soon as possible. There are going to be areas that will be lost to the future and sea level rise. They will be a marker of a time gone by. It's going to cost too much to repair or replace things when the extreme weather events happen every year in the same spots. More people are finally getting the boot to the head to wake up and pay attention to whats going on in the world. Some people though have their head barred in the sand saying it's not really happening but that will change.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
One sunny day
Where's the worm? Robin hunting for worms. They are so interesting to watch catch worms and take it back to the nest. I've found one robins nest last year and was amazed at the construction. The inside was lined with mud and smoothed out perfectly.
Got cha! Robin makes a catch. They will collect a bunch of worms before they head back to the nest to feed the babies. They are sure a very unique looking and acting bird.
Monday, October 22, 2012
A Different Era ...
1951 fashions are a bit different then today's dress. This is my mother in 1951.
No hip huggers for my father. No, it's high pockets, riding all pulled up.
Interesting how wide the side walk is. Years later the city took the grass out and paved from the road to this side walk. It's amazing how small houses were back then. Wonder if my fathers leaning or the house is leaning or it's something to do with the lens of the camera.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Little buddies
Little baby wandering calmly with it's tail down. Easy to make friends with the little ones, much easier then the kitties.
I always find pictures I like when I go through them. At the time I took these I was interested in one photo and disregarded the rest. Going back through them I'll find some really nice photos. Well. it's going to rain soon so I better run to the store for trash bags and food. Tried getting one of the kitties inside but didn't want to come past the door. I tried carrying a cat inside but it wouldn't have anything to do with that.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Sneaks in the night
Stealing cat food
Mystery hand print that opened the door about 3 AM the other night. Have nose juice on the window too.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Don't throw stones in a glass house
Tuesday, October 02, 2012
Hot again
Thursday, September 27, 2012
McAfee call center suck
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Mitt on the Stump
Mitt's foreign policies; "we will beat you into liking us." Mitt talks tough but he's a wimp. A normal person wouldn't be looking for war. Only republican want to get up in the bedroom, a women's health or tell other countries how they must think. Those holly undies don't protect you from wars and failures.
If you listen to Mitt's speeches he keeps asking people to like him. Maybe he could buy some people to like him. Mitt your a sad excuse of a human. Sure you have a lot of money but that doesn't make you likable. You need to earn peoples respect you can't buy it.
You can't talk tough when you a cream-puff. Talking tough make you look even more like a phoney then a leader.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Friday, September 14, 2012
Kitty with deer friends
Momma Deer sneaking on the porch to eat the kitties dry food. For some reason there is a couple deer that like the kitties dry food.