Friday, July 04, 2014

Afghan Army… what a mess

Watch a movie which I thought was going to be a documentary about American troop but it’s on the Afghan Army. Talk about a rag tag rag head stupid bunch of people who have no loyalty. Reminds me of stories of Mexico. None of them can read or write. They can’t even read the holy book they praise so highly. All the book is an idol not a book. They can’t follow simple instructions. There’s no discipline. Go into battle and they run away like they do in Iraq. That aren’t an army but a job to get money. What they need to do is set grades. Dirt pay for no stripes. They are the ones that get to burn the shit to clean up the place. After more teaching and if they pass give then a stripe and a higher pay grade. If they run off and American Troop see that have the Afghans shoot them in the back running off. Most likely they are Taliban anyway. As the camera panned the afghan troops it was like the first time they have seen a camera and they are making goofy faces. None of them or not very many of them really have their heart in it. You can see the more professional ones because they shave and are dressed clean. Even with the army giving them a uniform they look like they never wash it just like there body hygiene, not a lot of soap spent on cleaning. Watching them just walk as a group is a problem for them. The Afghan air force is left over Russian aircraft from the 70’s. Afghans don’t take care of the aircraft you just need to look at any car driving around. They just drive it until it fails. Same with the aircraft. That’s because they don’t have anyone that can read a repair manual. The only way they learn is orally and by being shown. What a loosing, was of money the Afghan Army is. Then there it the civilian leader which play both sides of the fence and do a lot of black market deals to increase their wealth. If they had some laws maybe they could start doing something. Still they need to shot traitors. They need to put in prison troop that flake out to set examples. They can’t do boot camp like an American troop because it too hard for them. Seeing them trying to do a push up and only being able to do a couple and think it’s funny they can’t do any more when they need to be able to do 50. Same with sit ups. they do a couple and think they did something great when it’s totally a joke to them. They need to make them do boot camp over and over until they get it right. Take them out to a remote base and keep them there until they get it right. If a six month program takes two years then it takes two years. And  they can’t leave until they finish basic training. That’s going to have to be a more stern method of getting things done. not smiles and laughing at how little they can do. Drill sergeants need to carry a one of those swatting reeds and start hitting them on the backs of there legs to get the message across they are screw ups.

Afghanistan could be used as a proving ground. Been a while since we have done above ground tests. That would be a good place to test out the new and old weapons we have in our stockpiles . It’s the only country on earth that demanding a do over. Start from nothing and no people.

Need to cut out spending there because some people are getting rich who are connected like Karzi. Stop sending them tax dollars.

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Thursday, July 03, 2014

Those Damn Racist Bigots….

You’d think I’m talking about the south in the United State but no, it’s the Jews another four letter word of hate.The Jews abuse the people of Palestine where they are being occupied by the Jews. It’s worse there then it was in South Africa during the dark years.  People need to do the same thing they did to South Africa and stop buying from them. We need to stop sending them money too. Every year it the same thing billions of our tax payer dollars going to Israel and they are the problem. They use an army to take on kids throwing rock, shooting back at them. I’d like to see a siege of Israel. Screw them bigots. First they take over the Palestinian peoples country after WWII. We let them have a country but it’s just getting out of hand. Screw the Jewish bigots. Let put a real peace plan to work just like they way France and England divided up the middle east, we just draw some new lines where everyone get the same amount of land per person. Who cares if this is some old historic place doesn’t mean anything to me. Just cut the country up into two fairly divided countries. None of the creep in the west bank where the Jews keep pushing and pushing the people that have lived there for centuries out. I really object at giving them any more help until there is peace there with a two equal state solution. I can’t believe how the Jews keep saying poor us, we keep getting rockets shot at us. Then Israel returns fire bombing towns and killing dozens to hundreds of people. It’s an unfair occupation. We need to start evening the scales and start shipping guns, bombs and real rockets to Palestine where it’s a fair fight. Jews don’t do fair fighting. Just like that poor kid that was 16 years old was killed and the body was burnt because of the other three kids that were killed. Now there’s going to be more fighting over that and more fighting over the people that were killed. What a rat hole piece of the world. The only fair fight for the Jews is a 10 or 20 to 1 ratio. The Jews will need to be fully armed against children. They don’t fight real army people one on one. Back stabbing? But of course. Never turn your back on a Jew or your going to get it in the back by a dozen Jewish solders. Then the Jews will complain that the kids threw rocks, we got boo-boos and launch a invasion of a town. I sure would like to see a fair fight myself.

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Thursday, June 26, 2014

One man is destroying the country

If you’re a bible thumper start praying that Roberts with have a heart attack. Where is that Karma? I want to see the wrath of karma on Roberts. Republicans talk about legislation from the bench and how much they hate it but what is Roberts doing? The man is destroying the country. Money is not speech. Corporations are no people. Corporations hide behind the laws when it comes for them to go to jail. Roberts is all for corporations and less human rights, less unions, anything good for people Roberts is against. How I that he will just drop like a rock. Please God, strike him down then send him to hell where he belongs. How can someone that suppose to be educated think like he does. He’s not doing what’s good for the country but what’s good for corporations which are running the show because of the deep pockets they buy people like Roberts and own them. You wonder why government is broken it’s because of people like Roberts and the republicans. It just amazes me how the republican can call people names but they are the names they are calling everyone else. They forgot Bush and what a failure he was. Now they walk around with their noses in the air because their poop don’t stink or at least that what they think. History will prove out that the republican were the worst thing for this country. I’m just waiting for the rest of the country to wake up and vote them totally out of office.

What is needed is a party that works for the betterment of the people. Right now this is Rome burning. Too much money has to be used to repair the world after Bush and the NeoCons. Will there be a revolution? Most likely or it’s just going to end up like Rome and falling apart plunging the world into dark ages again. That’s going to be a hard way to go, becoming a third world country. Taxes means civilization.  Too bad the tea party doesn’t get it, they originally were fighting the tax breaks that the East India company was getting. How we are repeating the past. Too many tax breaks for the kings men. We need a workers party where everyone in the country is in a union or that the state will be looking out for the people. Doing what’s right for human development and not for what is making some one the most money. I’d like to see the tax rate of the 1950’s return.

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Quitting Smoking

Well, it’s really hard and I’m cheating a bit. I’m already hacking less and it’s only been a few days. I’m using the patch to help me. I’m noticing that I need to be holding something. Most of the time my smokes would go out in my mouth because I didn’t do anything but hold them in my lips. So far I’m only doing about 1/4 or less smoking. Then it’s going to be one day at a time after I get down to zero. I’m just hating smoking and it’s time to quit. I remember my computer room where I’d smoke up a storm. Everything was yellow. I even noticed my windows had a yellow tint. I see that here in the bathroom with it’s white walls, they have a yellow tint and it’s not because it’s oil base paint. I have to do this for my own health.

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Don’t sit back….

It’s about time the democrats do something rather then letting the republicans wall all over them. Start a investigation into the Iraq war and all the lies the Bush administration said. Let put some head republicans in jail. I’m sure the republicans will start crying right away. It really needs to be done to set history straight. Then we need to look into 9-11 and see if those building just happened to be taken down with controlled explosions. Several of the building that weren’t on fire ended up being knocked down the same way the towers went. there are tons of videos on the web pointing out all the reasons why it was done with controlled explosions. Then there is the line Bush said after the towers fell, “That should be enough for you.” They needed a event like Peril Harbor to get the country to go to war. Iraq was all about oil. Now look at the place, that because of Bush and Chaney. Those guys are so out there they don’t see what they did as anything wrong. They don’t thing a 10 year war was bad because they are all invested in military products. Follow the money. So many billions just seem to vanish. There wasn’t any one watching the ship sink. Bush was off on vacation while Nero played on.

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Thursday, June 12, 2014

Republicans want boots on the ground and more war

How fast people forget what Bush has done leading up to the war in Iraq. All the lies. All the deaths. All the wounded. A country left in ruins. Now Boehner wants to go back to that after it took so long to get out of there. Boehner forgets all the lies. He forgets there wasn’t any WMD the reason for going to war or so they said. He forgets the stop loss program making are troops go back to Iraq over and over. If the troops didn’t have PTSD they sure would after going there four of five times or until they were dead. Boehner says stuff without thinking. Take about someone with brain damage from years of drinking. You tend to shoot your mouth off when your drunk.

Lets bring up all the war crimes Bush and Chaney have done. Lets put them on trial before anything else. Lets find out which oil companies got the contracts to expand the oil fields? Who is making money off the war also should be brought out into public light.

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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

So many things happening……..

So many things happening on this ball we call earth. Russians want to expand their ghetto into a no mans zone in Ukraine to protect themselves from NATO missiles. Putten wants to take after a queen of yester years. Not much the world can do but stand back and watch. Ukraine wants to be part of the EU and NATO. News cycle is hung up on the prisoner trade. Was it too many bad guys or are the republicans giving the bad guys too much power. After all at the end of a war you usually do send prisoners back. Republicans still hate everything but have no answers. They talk like they have something to offer but it’s nothing just empty words. They do every thing to get people to hate them. What a party. Rove is shooting his mouth off saying Hilary has brain damage when it’s Rove who has run his course and now is outdated. Been a few fires in the west like it was the end of summer and the hottest months of the year. It’s hot here, close to a hundred today. Was over one hundred again down in Sacramento. Still a drought in the west. Next winter we might get rain because of the temperature of the Pacific Ocean. Started seeing the baby skunks coming out with mom. I have also been seeing baby turkeys too. The quail were born during the warm spell that was in January to March. They should have been born later in the year when the right bugs are out. There’s been talk about doing something about global warming. Some sort of cap and trade thing. Also they are going to make the laws a bit stronger for what comes out of power plants. They really need to get off coal. If they looked hard enough they might be able to find a way of getting the energy out of coal and piles up what’s not used as a solid. Like turn the CO2 into rock with the aid of another mineral. Turn it into road surface. That would be a good use for the CO2. I do like the idea for the flow battery. That charges fast. I think it would even charge faster if you swapped out the liquid that’s in the flow battery. Was wondering when man will build a space station that’s big enough to house hundreds of people. Also an air freshener for the station. Right now it’s rather stinky up there. Must be a way of running air through a filter and take out all the particles in it, like the stink particles. Would be nice to see America do what other countries are doing as far as social issues. Mexico has free medical and everyone in the country is covered. I heard if you move there and aren’t Mexican you can get medical insurance for a few hundred dollars a year. America has gone out of it’s way for the people to hate the government. Seems like we should be trying to make a better government instead of gridlock. Other counties take pride in there governments and do everything to make it better. Not here, one side is always slandering the other. Rove, Bush, Chaney and all the rest of the neocons need to be put on trial for lying to the country to go to war. Everyone figured it out that they went into Iraq for the oil. I have a lecture where a senator goes into the Whitehouse shortly after Bush took office and he already had a map up of Iraq. He planned on going into Iraq before he started running. Then again it wasn’t really Bush running the country it was the people that got him into power that were running if from the sidelines. All those who were saying a CIA persons name because they were made at her husband and wanted to make the lie bigger. There wasn’t any sale of yellow cake from Africa, that was another lie. Then who is to say that Bush didn’t contract with Bin to fly planes into the buildings. I like others think a missile flew into the pentagon. There wasn’t any airplane wreckage on the ground. The fires weren’t hot enough to melt the plane and all the bodies and still leave items out undamaged. I have a Fox interview where Chaney said he shot down the one plane. Everyone seem to miss that news item. It’s so amazing now that time has gone by and no ones looking into all the lie Bush and Chaney spun.  What gets me now is how the republicans bitch about the tiniest things yet no one wants to look at what went on with Bush. It’s rather amazing how all those building came down even ones not hit fell all the same way like it was planned. Surely I’m not the only one that thinks that something fishy is up. Will that ever come out or will history white wash that period of time. Even Bush being appointed to be president was planned. Then the second election was fixed with the electronic voting. All that should be open source so everyone could check it to make sure it was working properly. Those swing states having 700 people in the town and getting 3000 votes for Bush? That was fixed. Not many people listened to that author who wrote the book about JFK and who was behind that. Just amazing that Johnson could do that and get away with it. Then he did have help from Daddy Bush and the CIA. It was a Texas job just like Bush Jr., getting into office. I’m sure those Texas people planned it all out just like JFK. Will we ever know the truth about everything?

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Thursday, May 22, 2014

It’s almost worth it if it started now.

$10-inflastion A  copy

When I heard that they wouldn’t make the minimum wage $10 dollars an hour until 2016 I just has to laugh. Inflation will eat up the 10 dollars and be worth less in 2016. Right now it would be good to get the raise but not in two years when inflation goes up.What they need to do is make it 10 dollars right now and keep increasing the wage with inflation.

If you took $2 dollars an hour from the 60’s and brought it up to todays worth it would be around $20 dollars an hour. So this minor increase to $10 dollars is really a minor joke that no ones laughing at.

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Monday, May 19, 2014

What’s New and What’s Old and What I’m Going To Do….

Really been slacking off with the blogs. This morning hearing the news I thought I’d add “Things about the Weather.” Since know on covers what they think climate change is. Why aren’t people in the news looking at the unusual freak storms and flooding happening while it also is drought in other areas? It really seems to stick out looking back at everything that is going on. Last year in this area we set a record for the amount of days over 100 degrees. That was three weeks of days over a 100 degrees. Who comes up with these days to measure? I know those days over 100 degrees really sucked the life out of me and I think I past out a couple times standing up. There’s no hiding from the heat. I had two small trees burn up in the buckets they were in. The roots got too hot and toasted the little trees. I was watering them in the mornings for 20 minutes. Now we are on restricted watering because of the drought here. I need to get the sprinklers going, the valves are stuck closed. I haven’t checked the wiring yet.

Like the time a few years ago in Texas it was raining for 60 days and night. Totally Biblical for a state of deniers of Climate Change and Global Warming. Then came the drought for several years and they had to sell most of their cattle because they couldn’t afford to feed the cattle.

There was Katrina that hit New Orleans and flooded out the city. The weather people were on the fence whether it was climate change or global warming that made such a large storm.

Super Storm Sandy in New York. That was a perfect storm. At the time I believe it was two weather fronts merging together forming Super Storm Sandy. Wonder how many more storms will we be naming Super Storm? That was the first and I’m sure there will be many more.

The Balkans, it rains three months worth of rain in three days. That’s going on right now but no one is covering the storm since it’s one of those out there little countries. A majority of the land mass is under water. They don’t have any weather reporters standing in the water there to show people there it wet, not like the minor storms here.

Drought are happening around the world. There are also rain fall of biblical proportions happening around the world also. Funny how you can have so much rain and so much dry at the same time. Last winter we had massive amounts of cold in the midwest to north east. Snow and freezing cold weather in southern states like Florida.

So this is the first post looking back at things I’ve remembered about freak weather. Still sticks with me seeing a guy looking at the damage of tornadoes and saying the weather has been real freaky lately. Oh, there was a record number of tornadoes this year so far in the mid country and southern states. States that never have tornadoes are getting them. Just amazing. Well that’s it for this morning.

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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

How big is big and was it really big?

Where did the big bang come from? What was it that did what it did? We know that the flash of the big bang is 14.4 billion light years old. Is there a place in time with a really big boom traveling out away from the universal center? Could the big bang have come from a universal vacuum cleaning black hole? After a black hole cleans up all the matter does it just sit there? What happens when it gets to the point where the black hole is full and adding just a bit more causes it to explode. A flash in giant magnetic pulse repelling pure energy into matter. Are there other really big black holes hanging around the universe outside the event horizon of our universe? What happens if one of those super black holes explodes, will we be able to see it inside our universe? Can we see past the edge of the known universe. What if there was another thing like what we call a universe past the edge of our universe. How many other things like are universe are there out there? Are they just so far away that we can’t see them? There light is going to take so long to get here that we will never see them?

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What’s with Bobby Jindal?

Talk about keeping the poor people down. Jindal won’t expand Medicaid even if the federal government pays for it. This leaves hundreds of thousands of people with no insurance. What is wrong with Jindal. Does he just hate people? Is he some sort of bigot? Is he just cheap? Some things wrong with Jindal. Maybe it’s because he he resents his race after all he’s darker then African Americans. How did he get in the republican party being so dark? The republicans are the white peoples part unless your just a lackey for the republicans. Just being used as their token man of color. Maybe because of his race, how dark he is, he’s just trying harder. He wants to play with the white party and carry out all their orders to prove himself. That’s why he doesn’t want to help anyone from his state even if they are poor white folks too. Maybe he would help if they all were Indian from India.

It’s funny how MoveOn.Org put up a poster pointing out how cheap Jindal is that he needs to sue them. How can you sue someone for pointing out what your doing. I guess he didn’t like being pointed out to the masses. I guess seeing that your screw up is posted on a bill board sort of gets you.  Well, people are saying you’re a screw up then by popular demand you are.You can look at it this way too, he’s happy to pay the court costs when it’s thrown out because the suit doesn’t have any merit.

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Sunday, February 23, 2014

Windows 7 and Error 217

What’s wrong with Windows? It’s made by Microsoft and they always publish broke software. What’s good about Linux? It doesn’t fail like Windows 7 and any other Microsoft product. Windows and Microsoft was a dying company because that can’t compete with FREE. Linux is always free and you can run windows program on Linux. I never have a computer running Linux stop on me. It never has errors. Even my slowest computer outruns Windows of any version. I have a 200Mhz computer and old one and I loaded Linux on it and it had all the drivers and it works. Every computer I’ve loaded Linux on always worked. I have a stack of Linux discs 6 inches tall and I’ve tried out all the version I could download and they all run with no problems. Why is it that Microsoft has such a problem coming up with a working version? There is always a problem with drivers and DLL files. Windows can’t even update itself even when they know there’s an error they post all sort of crap online how to fix things and it may or may not work. It’s a know error but you can’t make a patch to fix it. Linux doesn’t need patches because they don’t have errors. Mac turned to Linux for it’s operating system because it works. When is Microsoft going to get it’s act together? I can see why there are so many people angry with Microsoft because they write shit for programs. They need to start coming up with free software like Linux the next big thing like Android. There will come a day when your going to read about has beens and people will say remember when everyone used Windows. What ever happened to that company? When did they go out of business? What they priced themselves right out of business. They just couldn’t compete with free.

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Sunday, February 09, 2014

Global Warming Doesn’t Care

The climate system doesn’t care if you’re a republican or a democrat or how much money you have. It doesn’t care, it’s an equal opportunity planet killer. It’s not only going to kill human but everything that lives in a normal heat range. As what was coined by Loveless, The Gia principle where the planet is a living being. All the bits of everything living make up it’s components. The plants of the world clean the air and make a certain percentage of oxygen and nitrogen. The magnetic core makes up a sphere that protects us from cosmic rays. The upper atmosphere blocks harmful rays. It all works together to keep it a living planet. For the most part it’s self correcting.

Hurricane Sandy didn’t ask what party your in or how much money you have it destroyed property equally. Hurricane Katrina was the wake up call but now one was listening. I was watching the storm coming and said that’s going to be bad for New Orleans. Sandy was our next wake up call. There has been incidents in Europe and down under in Australia that we should be paying attention to. While Rush was making fun of the freezing temperatures here laughing at the people talking about global warming and climate change down in Australia is was baking hot. The last few years Australia has been having baking heat and fires. The news media doesn’t seem to want to play any of that because they are too busy talking about snow storms here. Freak snow storms that cripple states. Airlines can’t fly because of the snow which is big headlines. The fires and heat don’t play well when it’s happening on the other side of the planet. Then the storms in the Pacific have played well in the news but only until something else like politics jumps to the top of the hit list. Media sure does a poor job of telling the news. They only show what gets the best ratings.

People say that Senator Inhofe has been on the take from the petro-chemical industry and that’s why he thinks that climate science is a joke. It’s funny that science is used to make all these chemicals but Inhofe doesn’t believe in science. He’s more of a myth and magic person. Then you just have to question what state Inhofe comes from to understand his policies. It amazes me how people can use science when it suites them and other times use myths and fables like it was science.

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Monday, January 27, 2014

Doing all the wrong things because you hate.

The economy is in the dumps and all the economist say you need to stimulate the economy to get things moving. So what do you do, lets cut spending at a “tossers” spanking speed. Not enough jobs, lets cut schools and public works projects. People can’t find jobs, you cut the safety net. By itself unemployment insurance helps stimulate the economy because those people on it spend every last dime which goes out into the community. Or to Walmart because that’s the only place they can buy cheap stuff. No Food Stamps because you say you want to cut spending but still give away money to corporate farms that don’t need it meanwhile you want to starve people because your just mean.Why are you doing everything to the country because you’re a racist turkey neck old bastard. People say, Mitch McConnell is a real asshole, a bigot from a funky state of a long line of bigots. It’s amazing watching the republican do themselves in. What only works for them is the stupid wedge issues. Then those people are stupid and just hang on to the wedge issue and don’t know anything about anything. Science, that’s the voodoo stuff for those elitist educated people. It’s amazing when the Tea Baggers shut down the government and didn’t think that would have any blow back. That’s like Bush invading Iraq and thinking they were going to greet us with roses. Bush and his cronies never thought about blow back. Where were the republicans then following Bush off the cliff like a bunch of lemmings. I kept saying Bush was running the country into the ground. The republican wanted to dump a broken country on to the democrats then say why can you fix it. Takes a few years to undo all the crap Bush and the republican caused. The idea you put you foot into everything and stopped progress and wondered why things are going as good as it should, well with the obstacles put in the way by the republicans. What get’s me, is people say republicans are afraid of their own shadows and believe in myths rather then facts. The way the republican are it’s like having a ship with the anchor out wondering why your not moving. There’s a French word for Cleaning bag, that’s what the GOP is, a cleaning bag.

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Thursday, January 16, 2014

If they could only talk to me.

I've been looking at my Tiggers and wondering what she's saying. It's clear that there's more then just a meow. Last night I noticed that she repeated herself to tell me what she wanted to eat. She looked at me and repeated what she said like don't you understand me, I'm not stuttering. I've never heard of anyone trying to study animals and find out what they are saying. With the primates they were taught a language we knew and didn't try to understand what they were saying in their native tongue.
As I drove up I could see the deer in the yard. They looked over at me as I greeted them then looked back over at the house to see if I was coming out of the house. I don't think they understood that I was the same person. I find it so amazing being close to the deer. I'll get within 10 feet of them and walk around the herd. The babies really amazing me. They are so small and so full of life. I've never seen a creature so full of life before like I do with the baby deer.
The raccoons and skunks are a trip too. They make good forest friends but they are a little shy. One night I was eating cookies and went to the back porch where a raccoon was. Mrs. Nippers who has a nip taken out of her ear was there. I bent over to give her a cookie and she took it from me. We sat there on the back porch eating cookies until she had enough. I just kept giving her cookies when she was finished and she would take them from me. She's been a friend ever since then and doesn't run off at the sight of me. When she had the five babies she really had her hands full. When she would come around with them she didn't growl at me like other mothers did when I'd get close to the babies. In fact she sort of showed them off to me. The babies would get into the cats food and play with each other. I hung a sock up with a sock in side and they would pull and play with that every time they came here. On my YouTube channel I have them playing in the garden together. The babies liked piling on top of each other and rolling down the hill. I noticed that the babies are the only ones to make that cute raccoon vocalizations. Then I noticed the babies would react to mom and she was making a noise and I was only hearing the tail end of her call to the babies. She was making a sound that was over 20kHz and then it would tapper to a lower noise as she was stopping. I'll have to put a microphone outside next spring and run it into the program I have. I have one that is sort of to analyze voices. Now that I think of it I think the top of it is 20k.
A couple summers ago there were a lot of babies here. They would play together while the mothers would rest under their favorite trees. One day this little female came here with mom and the other babies weren't here yet. She started crying out for them I'm guessing. Since I really don't know why she was really crying out, I'm just guessing. I think she wanted her friends to play with. She seemed rather depressed when she didn't see them. When the babies did show up their mother didn't want them running like they did the day before. The babies wanted to go but would look over at mom and she was saying no. I would have liked to see them running and playing again. The little female baby tried to motivate the babies by jumping and kicking her back legs out as she jumped. The two babies kept looking over at mom and then looked down as to be sad. So that was two emotions displayed to me by the babies.
One night when I first moved in it was raining pretty hard. I looked out the window to see a baby deer standing there. A larger male deer came over and put his head over the baby's neck and then started licking the baby. I'm thinking that the baby deer seemed frightened and the large male deer comforted the baby. It really looked like that to me. I was wondering where the mother of the baby was because it seemed pretty small.
Taking photographs of the wildlife I've been trying to capture them expressing emotions. It's taken several years but I can see it now but it's not that clear in the photo. The other day I got a picture of a mother deer licking this orphan baby she took in. The baby just stood there as mom was licking her. They walked off together side by side. The deer have been one of the only creature that I seen smiling but then their lips sort of go that way. I know when they have another emotion like being concern their lips go flat across instead of up when they are happy.
I noticed that turkeys show emotions but you really have to look. Their faces are sort of fixed but it's their actions I've watched and noticed when they are happy. It's also the angle they point their heads. That's something I've learned over years to see. I have such a different opinion of turkeys these days. They are smart birds. I've watch them gather in a group and plan out what they were going to do. They lined up and put on a parade for the female birds. It clearly showed that they conveyed an idea between them. I've only seen them do that once out of all the years I've been watching them. Turkeys do have a sort of language they talk to each other with. After watching them I started picking up what they were saying. It was more a feeling I got when I heard them. I noticed that other birds about the same size made the same vocalizations even though they were a different type of bird. When the vultures started eating this dead skunk killed by dogs coming through the turkeys came up to the edge of the creek and watched the big birds. I don't know if they were trying to see if they were related. They sure seemed interested in seeing those big birds here because then never had seen them up close.
I'm going to have to figure out a way of taking voice prints. See if I can learn and see if the creatures have some sort of vocal language. I'd like to figure out what's going on in the minds of the kitties. I'm really amazed at the different sounds that the kitties make. Each kitten makes a unique set of sounds. Dieter makes sounds that are almost silent. She makes these two little chirp like cries when she comes up to me. Momma kitty is totally silent, so is Wheezer. I noticed that Wheezer stopped her coughing or wheezing. She was real bad when she first came here.Sprockets meows real quiet too. She also makes what sounds like a sentence, it's a series of little meows and gurgles. Every one is unique but for the most part the wildlife is mostly silent. They talk by looks to each other. It's like they don't have to say anything but the others know looking at them what they are saying.

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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Water wows

Hearing tonight about water wells up here running low to running out. Last year ending a few days back was the driest year in California history. Sacramento still doesn't use meters, either does some older cities before they became big. A friend stopped farming his 600 acres because they put meters on his wells. He had six inch lines going down into the grown. I noticed that wells were using to much water back a few years ago when my creek stopped running all year round. It even stopped flowing in the winter time. After a major storm the creek would flow but would dry up right away. Too many wells where people were wasting the water keeping their lawns green. As one person told me, "It's free water so why not." They weren't concern with the water in my creek but they will start to worry when there well starts drying up. So many people think they have a well and it doesn't effect anyone else but it does. When you drain the water table it effects everyone using that water table. When creeks dry up that's surface water that comes from that same water table. The people along the American river must be noticing that their wells are pumping a bit slower. The three rivers haven't been filling up the Folsom dam. Old gold rush towns are starting to show themselves and people are picking up suveneers of the past on the lake bottom. It' funny to hear some of the people of northern California saying the people of southern California are steeling are water. Then there has been a few words over the new state water project. I guess that's more then a few year project and they are really looking to the future. I heard the other day it's not going to be finished for decades. They plan to bore two 20 foot holes under the delta. I'm guessing that they plan to be under a impervious layer so that the delta wouldn't leak in as they were boring. There's a lot of heats voices over this water shortage. They don't seem to think before they say but spout off a lot of mean things. The old water system sucks up fish and they have to cut the pumps when the water gets low and they suck up fish. Then the fisher men are complaining about the smelt being sucked into the pumps and not being eaten by the growing salmon which there has been a shortage of. It's amazing seeing these cause and effect situations. There's too many people saying that climate change isn't happening. Then this lack of water has to be caused by something. Weather patterns have been changing and for a few week most of the country was in the deep freeze. Of course Rush shoots his mouth off saying what climate change. He didn't look at the temperature of the southern hemisphere where it was up to 129 degrees. That doesn't sound so bad when you see it as 53.88 degrees until they say it's Celsius. They use those numbers down there. We are one of the few countries still using Fahrenheit and inches and feet. All the people of science use metric it's so simple to use too. You don't have odd things like pints and cups. One of these days we will have to switch over and be normal like the rest of the world. Some people are talking about building more dams but if it's not raining then what will they do.  Then damming up all the rivers what will that do to the people down river with wells? What if this is just a normal function of this area since we haven't been taking records all that long compared to geologic history. We could have a period of low rain for the next ten or twenty years. What will that do to the states population. Will we look at the ocean to take the salt out of that water? Will we tighten out belts and just use less water. Showers but once a week and that's metered out. Two flush toilets in ever house but only flushing the solids. Maybe even switch to composting type toilets. Then when they fill up they can flush a paste mostly composted down the drain saving water. Then saving any rain water off the roof when it rains like people do on some islands. Change plants over to all native plants that don't need water and stay green all year round. Right now everyone is projecting the worst. We are still getting some snow and that will melt and go down the rivers. Life hasn't change yet where we don't recognize it like it was. One thing for sure the price will go up and never come down even if we are swimming in a lake.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Why do republicans want to cut Social Security?

Why do the republicans blame the poorest of the country for the problems. I wasn’t the poor that caused the banking problem. It wasn’t the poor that caused the housing bubble and collapse. It was rich CEO’s, bank presidents, greedy salesmen, speculators. Then there was the repeal of the Glass/Stegal act which contributed to the banking problem. Because investment bankers now were covered by the government they took bigger risks. Since hedge funds never lost they thought every thing was going to keep going fine. It’s going to go on forever the bankers and investors all thought. No one could see the house of cards. Some senators warned this day was going to come when Glass/Stegal was repealed. Everyone should know that bankers don’t have any self control. That if they can cheat they will. Republicans said we needed to keep the Bush tax cuts which were tax cuts for the rich and every one else got a minimal amount in the form of a check. The rich made out big time since their tax cut was in the form of a percentage of their income. Which means they got millions to billions cut from their taxes. Well, the Bush tax cuts ended and the world didn’t stop and the sky didn’t fall. In fact jobs were made and the stock market had record breaking amounts. So that slogan the republicans said that taxing the job makes was another myth of theirs.

A friend said to me, “those Tax and Spend Democrats.” I thought for a bit of the Bush years. That was a cut and cut and spend and spend policy. They would spend as they cut taxes not coming up for a way to pay for all the tax cuts. Then there is the two wars that weren’t paid for. That’s the sum of several trillion dollars that will have to be paid for. Still the republicans want to cut taxes and not pay for anything. They remind me of my ex-wife who said, “it didn’t cost us anything because I put it on the credit card.”

Social Security is a self funded program and has money for many years into the future. If anything that needs to be fixed is republicans. They need to stop reproducing and be fixed like a dog or cat. One thing I can see that needs to be done is making everyone pay into Social Security and stop giving the people at the top a break from paying in. Sure they might not use it but if you want to be part of America you need to take part.

Why are republicans cheer leaders to make things fail. They don’t want to help anyone except themselves. They are such a minority except for the sheep following them that can’t think for themselves. The Tea Baggers are run by the rich and they have followers that just parrot the talking points. They couldn’t come up with their own thought because they are shallow, dim witted, inbreed, hicks that don’t listen to what they are saying. If they could only hear what they are saying they would know that they are only doing themselves harm. The Tea Baggers talk about taking back the country and to do everything constitutionally but they are being funded by the Koch brothers and speaking and repeating the talking points they came up with. I don’t want more pollution, more global warming gases into the air. Koch brothers want to keep using oil and oil products. They don’t care about the future of the planet but what they can make right now. The Koch brothers say there are too many government laws, regulations and it’s costing people jobs. That’s all wrong and they are just lies. The regulations are to prevent corporations from running all over dumping pollutions every where. They want some sort of free ride. Remember their father was the leader and founder of the John Birch Society. Why don’t they like the EPA? Wasn’t Nixon that formed the EPA? Now the republicans have been attacking the EPA because someone told them to. (Koch brothers) They have people like Oklahoma’s congress man that believes global warming is a joke and is all for oil and coal and anything that will kill the planet. Why do republicans choose short term profits over long term life of the planet? Greed has to be a form of mental illness. They don’t want to help people get insured. They are against Obama because of the color of his skin and party. The minority senator really is a problem child. He thinks he’s funny but that is only funny to look at. I’m amazed at his wife. Must be a mail order bride. She must like power and money because it’s sure not for his looks. She’s lucky to be so much younger them him because when he dies which will be before her she gets it all. I guess that’s one reason for women to get married. Boehner still can’t say his name right, how can he lead the republican congress. He can’t they are all over the place. The Tea Baggers are totally out of control and don’t mind if they crash the country or worlds economy. we saw that when they shut down the country. They didn’t care. I really think they didn’t have a clue what they were doing. I don’t think they have a clue what they have done because they are out of touch with America. They only talk to other Tea Baggers so that’s what they think the people want. If you listen to crazy people and that’s all you see then of course your going to come up with weird shit. Just look at the bird brain that ran for presidency she wasn’t the devil and only was a witch for a short period in college. Just think of the people that voted for her and what a grip on reality they have. They are the ones that say, “I want government out of my Medicare and Social Security.” I know it’s funny when you hear that but you should be frightened that there are people like that, people that think like that. They are the same people that believe that the earth is 10,000 years old. Something happened back in the 60’s to the republican party. They went from being normal to this ultra conservative crap. Now everyone tries to be more conservative then the other and that just makes them a real fringe bunch of people. They can’t just be to the right, then need to be out in right field or even out of the park. Some have left this planet they are so far right. They didn’t go to Washington to work as much as they went there to obstruct thing. The NeoCon’s had to be the farthest right ever to where what they did, run the country into the ground will go down in history.

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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Why do Republicans go after social security

Social security doesn’t have anything to do with the budget. It’s a self funded program with it’s own money. It’s like having two different accounts in the bank. Ones the budgets and ones social security. There’s a need for more funds to be raised for social security which is a minor fix. The problem is that more people are living longer and inflation. So increase the deduction tax taken out of payroll checks. There also should be an input from everyone in the country even if you don’t plan to use it. There is no need to cut social security to anyone just get more input. You don’t need to put people into poverty like the republicans like.

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Sunday, October 13, 2013

Gunning down people for fun and profit.

Why are these criminals still walking free?

This video still amazes me and that no one has been held responsible for killing all these innocent people. This is one video the Manning gave to WikiLeaks and it was there for a while now it’s on YouTube. I’m just as shocked now watching this as I was the first time I watched it. Clearly you can see that none of the people are holding AK-47 or RPG’s what the voice says as they engage the people. They pilots must have been wired on meth to stay alert and have gone into narcosis and are hallucinating. Seems like someone that sees weapons daily can’t tell what the people are holding. I’m not in the military nor have I ever been and I can tell none of these people have any weapons. This video isn’t the master or the view that the pilot had which would have been hundred of times more clear. Even as bad as this video is you can clearly see that the guy is carrying a camera.

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Monday, September 16, 2013

Another King Looser

Hey Steven King you know what endings are for? They tell you when the movies over. Evidently that bump on your head to ending out of your brain. CBS made a movie based on your name and boy did they get a looser. This has to be like all your other books where the price of the book is based on the pound. Let me guess you wrote and wrote and couldn’t pull it all together in the end because you had so many plots running all over so you just left it hanging. That’s going to come out in Book II. Casting wasn’t so good either. They must have looked in a bar to see who was still standing and said your hired. I just wonder how long the screen play was. I hope they didn’t use a 120 pages for two hours or 60 pages for an hour. They sure had a lot of reaction shot to fill in time. They could have done this movie in half the time and have more drama and you wouldn’t be falling asleep. The first few nights were pretty boring. Then if you looked at past Steven King movies they are all draggers. Seems like the studio would have stepped in. Then the studio and TV stations might be using Steven Kings name to sell ads. Wonder if the sales force got to sell time blindly where the costumers didn’t get to see how the movie look just that it’s going to have projected numbers because it’s a Steven King movie based on one of his book, those books they sell by the pound. Under my Dooms, and I’ve got the skitters. As Triumph the insult comic dog would say, “That’s a nice doom, for me to poop on!” “Has some interesting bad guys, for me to poop on.” “And that little dome another nice thing to poop on.”

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