Where did the big bang come from? What was it that did what it did? We know that the flash of the big bang is 14.4 billion light years old. Is there a place in time with a really big boom traveling out away from the universal center? Could the big bang have come from a universal vacuum cleaning black hole? After a black hole cleans up all the matter does it just sit there? What happens when it gets to the point where the black hole is full and adding just a bit more causes it to explode. A flash in giant magnetic pulse repelling pure energy into matter. Are there other really big black holes hanging around the universe outside the event horizon of our universe? What happens if one of those super black holes explodes, will we be able to see it inside our universe? Can we see past the edge of the known universe. What if there was another thing like what we call a universe past the edge of our universe. How many other things like are universe are there out there? Are they just so far away that we can’t see them? There light is going to take so long to get here that we will never see them?
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
What’s with Bobby Jindal?
Talk about keeping the poor people down. Jindal won’t expand Medicaid even if the federal government pays for it. This leaves hundreds of thousands of people with no insurance. What is wrong with Jindal. Does he just hate people? Is he some sort of bigot? Is he just cheap? Some things wrong with Jindal. Maybe it’s because he he resents his race after all he’s darker then African Americans. How did he get in the republican party being so dark? The republicans are the white peoples part unless your just a lackey for the republicans. Just being used as their token man of color. Maybe because of his race, how dark he is, he’s just trying harder. He wants to play with the white party and carry out all their orders to prove himself. That’s why he doesn’t want to help anyone from his state even if they are poor white folks too. Maybe he would help if they all were Indian from India.
It’s funny how MoveOn.Org put up a poster pointing out how cheap Jindal is that he needs to sue them. How can you sue someone for pointing out what your doing. I guess he didn’t like being pointed out to the masses. I guess seeing that your screw up is posted on a bill board sort of gets you. Well, people are saying you’re a screw up then by popular demand you are.You can look at it this way too, he’s happy to pay the court costs when it’s thrown out because the suit doesn’t have any merit.
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Windows 7 and Error 217
What’s wrong with Windows? It’s made by Microsoft and they always publish broke software. What’s good about Linux? It doesn’t fail like Windows 7 and any other Microsoft product. Windows and Microsoft was a dying company because that can’t compete with FREE. Linux is always free and you can run windows program on Linux. I never have a computer running Linux stop on me. It never has errors. Even my slowest computer outruns Windows of any version. I have a 200Mhz computer and old one and I loaded Linux on it and it had all the drivers and it works. Every computer I’ve loaded Linux on always worked. I have a stack of Linux discs 6 inches tall and I’ve tried out all the version I could download and they all run with no problems. Why is it that Microsoft has such a problem coming up with a working version? There is always a problem with drivers and DLL files. Windows can’t even update itself even when they know there’s an error they post all sort of crap online how to fix things and it may or may not work. It’s a know error but you can’t make a patch to fix it. Linux doesn’t need patches because they don’t have errors. Mac turned to Linux for it’s operating system because it works. When is Microsoft going to get it’s act together? I can see why there are so many people angry with Microsoft because they write shit for programs. They need to start coming up with free software like Linux the next big thing like Android. There will come a day when your going to read about has beens and people will say remember when everyone used Windows. What ever happened to that company? When did they go out of business? What they priced themselves right out of business. They just couldn’t compete with free.
Sunday, February 09, 2014
Global Warming Doesn’t Care
The climate system doesn’t care if you’re a republican or a democrat or how much money you have. It doesn’t care, it’s an equal opportunity planet killer. It’s not only going to kill human but everything that lives in a normal heat range. As what was coined by Loveless, The Gia principle where the planet is a living being. All the bits of everything living make up it’s components. The plants of the world clean the air and make a certain percentage of oxygen and nitrogen. The magnetic core makes up a sphere that protects us from cosmic rays. The upper atmosphere blocks harmful rays. It all works together to keep it a living planet. For the most part it’s self correcting.
Hurricane Sandy didn’t ask what party your in or how much money you have it destroyed property equally. Hurricane Katrina was the wake up call but now one was listening. I was watching the storm coming and said that’s going to be bad for New Orleans. Sandy was our next wake up call. There has been incidents in Europe and down under in Australia that we should be paying attention to. While Rush was making fun of the freezing temperatures here laughing at the people talking about global warming and climate change down in Australia is was baking hot. The last few years Australia has been having baking heat and fires. The news media doesn’t seem to want to play any of that because they are too busy talking about snow storms here. Freak snow storms that cripple states. Airlines can’t fly because of the snow which is big headlines. The fires and heat don’t play well when it’s happening on the other side of the planet. Then the storms in the Pacific have played well in the news but only until something else like politics jumps to the top of the hit list. Media sure does a poor job of telling the news. They only show what gets the best ratings.
People say that Senator Inhofe has been on the take from the petro-chemical industry and that’s why he thinks that climate science is a joke. It’s funny that science is used to make all these chemicals but Inhofe doesn’t believe in science. He’s more of a myth and magic person. Then you just have to question what state Inhofe comes from to understand his policies. It amazes me how people can use science when it suites them and other times use myths and fables like it was science.
Monday, January 27, 2014
Doing all the wrong things because you hate.
The economy is in the dumps and all the economist say you need to stimulate the economy to get things moving. So what do you do, lets cut spending at a “tossers” spanking speed. Not enough jobs, lets cut schools and public works projects. People can’t find jobs, you cut the safety net. By itself unemployment insurance helps stimulate the economy because those people on it spend every last dime which goes out into the community. Or to Walmart because that’s the only place they can buy cheap stuff. No Food Stamps because you say you want to cut spending but still give away money to corporate farms that don’t need it meanwhile you want to starve people because your just mean.Why are you doing everything to the country because you’re a racist turkey neck old bastard. People say, Mitch McConnell is a real asshole, a bigot from a funky state of a long line of bigots. It’s amazing watching the republican do themselves in. What only works for them is the stupid wedge issues. Then those people are stupid and just hang on to the wedge issue and don’t know anything about anything. Science, that’s the voodoo stuff for those elitist educated people. It’s amazing when the Tea Baggers shut down the government and didn’t think that would have any blow back. That’s like Bush invading Iraq and thinking they were going to greet us with roses. Bush and his cronies never thought about blow back. Where were the republicans then following Bush off the cliff like a bunch of lemmings. I kept saying Bush was running the country into the ground. The republican wanted to dump a broken country on to the democrats then say why can you fix it. Takes a few years to undo all the crap Bush and the republican caused. The idea you put you foot into everything and stopped progress and wondered why things are going as good as it should, well with the obstacles put in the way by the republicans. What get’s me, is people say republicans are afraid of their own shadows and believe in myths rather then facts. The way the republican are it’s like having a ship with the anchor out wondering why your not moving. There’s a French word for Cleaning bag, that’s what the GOP is, a cleaning bag.
Thursday, January 16, 2014
If they could only talk to me.
I've been looking at my Tiggers and wondering what she's saying. It's clear that there's more then just a meow. Last night I noticed that she repeated herself to tell me what she wanted to eat. She looked at me and repeated what she said like don't you understand me, I'm not stuttering. I've never heard of anyone trying to study animals and find out what they are saying. With the primates they were taught a language we knew and didn't try to understand what they were saying in their native tongue.
As I drove up I could see the deer in the yard. They looked over at me as I greeted them then looked back over at the house to see if I was coming out of the house. I don't think they understood that I was the same person. I find it so amazing being close to the deer. I'll get within 10 feet of them and walk around the herd. The babies really amazing me. They are so small and so full of life. I've never seen a creature so full of life before like I do with the baby deer.
The raccoons and skunks are a trip too. They make good forest friends but they are a little shy. One night I was eating cookies and went to the back porch where a raccoon was. Mrs. Nippers who has a nip taken out of her ear was there. I bent over to give her a cookie and she took it from me. We sat there on the back porch eating cookies until she had enough. I just kept giving her cookies when she was finished and she would take them from me. She's been a friend ever since then and doesn't run off at the sight of me. When she had the five babies she really had her hands full. When she would come around with them she didn't growl at me like other mothers did when I'd get close to the babies. In fact she sort of showed them off to me. The babies would get into the cats food and play with each other. I hung a sock up with a sock in side and they would pull and play with that every time they came here. On my YouTube channel I have them playing in the garden together. The babies liked piling on top of each other and rolling down the hill. I noticed that the babies are the only ones to make that cute raccoon vocalizations. Then I noticed the babies would react to mom and she was making a noise and I was only hearing the tail end of her call to the babies. She was making a sound that was over 20kHz and then it would tapper to a lower noise as she was stopping. I'll have to put a microphone outside next spring and run it into the program I have. I have one that is sort of to analyze voices. Now that I think of it I think the top of it is 20k.
A couple summers ago there were a lot of babies here. They would play together while the mothers would rest under their favorite trees. One day this little female came here with mom and the other babies weren't here yet. She started crying out for them I'm guessing. Since I really don't know why she was really crying out, I'm just guessing. I think she wanted her friends to play with. She seemed rather depressed when she didn't see them. When the babies did show up their mother didn't want them running like they did the day before. The babies wanted to go but would look over at mom and she was saying no. I would have liked to see them running and playing again. The little female baby tried to motivate the babies by jumping and kicking her back legs out as she jumped. The two babies kept looking over at mom and then looked down as to be sad. So that was two emotions displayed to me by the babies.
One night when I first moved in it was raining pretty hard. I looked out the window to see a baby deer standing there. A larger male deer came over and put his head over the baby's neck and then started licking the baby. I'm thinking that the baby deer seemed frightened and the large male deer comforted the baby. It really looked like that to me. I was wondering where the mother of the baby was because it seemed pretty small.
Taking photographs of the wildlife I've been trying to capture them expressing emotions. It's taken several years but I can see it now but it's not that clear in the photo. The other day I got a picture of a mother deer licking this orphan baby she took in. The baby just stood there as mom was licking her. They walked off together side by side. The deer have been one of the only creature that I seen smiling but then their lips sort of go that way. I know when they have another emotion like being concern their lips go flat across instead of up when they are happy.
I noticed that turkeys show emotions but you really have to look. Their faces are sort of fixed but it's their actions I've watched and noticed when they are happy. It's also the angle they point their heads. That's something I've learned over years to see. I have such a different opinion of turkeys these days. They are smart birds. I've watch them gather in a group and plan out what they were going to do. They lined up and put on a parade for the female birds. It clearly showed that they conveyed an idea between them. I've only seen them do that once out of all the years I've been watching them. Turkeys do have a sort of language they talk to each other with. After watching them I started picking up what they were saying. It was more a feeling I got when I heard them. I noticed that other birds about the same size made the same vocalizations even though they were a different type of bird. When the vultures started eating this dead skunk killed by dogs coming through the turkeys came up to the edge of the creek and watched the big birds. I don't know if they were trying to see if they were related. They sure seemed interested in seeing those big birds here because then never had seen them up close.
I'm going to have to figure out a way of taking voice prints. See if I can learn and see if the creatures have some sort of vocal language. I'd like to figure out what's going on in the minds of the kitties. I'm really amazed at the different sounds that the kitties make. Each kitten makes a unique set of sounds. Dieter makes sounds that are almost silent. She makes these two little chirp like cries when she comes up to me. Momma kitty is totally silent, so is Wheezer. I noticed that Wheezer stopped her coughing or wheezing. She was real bad when she first came here.Sprockets meows real quiet too. She also makes what sounds like a sentence, it's a series of little meows and gurgles. Every one is unique but for the most part the wildlife is mostly silent. They talk by looks to each other. It's like they don't have to say anything but the others know looking at them what they are saying.
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Water wows
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Why do republicans want to cut Social Security?
Why do the republicans blame the poorest of the country for the problems. I wasn’t the poor that caused the banking problem. It wasn’t the poor that caused the housing bubble and collapse. It was rich CEO’s, bank presidents, greedy salesmen, speculators. Then there was the repeal of the Glass/Stegal act which contributed to the banking problem. Because investment bankers now were covered by the government they took bigger risks. Since hedge funds never lost they thought every thing was going to keep going fine. It’s going to go on forever the bankers and investors all thought. No one could see the house of cards. Some senators warned this day was going to come when Glass/Stegal was repealed. Everyone should know that bankers don’t have any self control. That if they can cheat they will. Republicans said we needed to keep the Bush tax cuts which were tax cuts for the rich and every one else got a minimal amount in the form of a check. The rich made out big time since their tax cut was in the form of a percentage of their income. Which means they got millions to billions cut from their taxes. Well, the Bush tax cuts ended and the world didn’t stop and the sky didn’t fall. In fact jobs were made and the stock market had record breaking amounts. So that slogan the republicans said that taxing the job makes was another myth of theirs.
A friend said to me, “those Tax and Spend Democrats.” I thought for a bit of the Bush years. That was a cut and cut and spend and spend policy. They would spend as they cut taxes not coming up for a way to pay for all the tax cuts. Then there is the two wars that weren’t paid for. That’s the sum of several trillion dollars that will have to be paid for. Still the republicans want to cut taxes and not pay for anything. They remind me of my ex-wife who said, “it didn’t cost us anything because I put it on the credit card.”
Social Security is a self funded program and has money for many years into the future. If anything that needs to be fixed is republicans. They need to stop reproducing and be fixed like a dog or cat. One thing I can see that needs to be done is making everyone pay into Social Security and stop giving the people at the top a break from paying in. Sure they might not use it but if you want to be part of America you need to take part.
Why are republicans cheer leaders to make things fail. They don’t want to help anyone except themselves. They are such a minority except for the sheep following them that can’t think for themselves. The Tea Baggers are run by the rich and they have followers that just parrot the talking points. They couldn’t come up with their own thought because they are shallow, dim witted, inbreed, hicks that don’t listen to what they are saying. If they could only hear what they are saying they would know that they are only doing themselves harm. The Tea Baggers talk about taking back the country and to do everything constitutionally but they are being funded by the Koch brothers and speaking and repeating the talking points they came up with. I don’t want more pollution, more global warming gases into the air. Koch brothers want to keep using oil and oil products. They don’t care about the future of the planet but what they can make right now. The Koch brothers say there are too many government laws, regulations and it’s costing people jobs. That’s all wrong and they are just lies. The regulations are to prevent corporations from running all over dumping pollutions every where. They want some sort of free ride. Remember their father was the leader and founder of the John Birch Society. Why don’t they like the EPA? Wasn’t Nixon that formed the EPA? Now the republicans have been attacking the EPA because someone told them to. (Koch brothers) They have people like Oklahoma’s congress man that believes global warming is a joke and is all for oil and coal and anything that will kill the planet. Why do republicans choose short term profits over long term life of the planet? Greed has to be a form of mental illness. They don’t want to help people get insured. They are against Obama because of the color of his skin and party. The minority senator really is a problem child. He thinks he’s funny but that is only funny to look at. I’m amazed at his wife. Must be a mail order bride. She must like power and money because it’s sure not for his looks. She’s lucky to be so much younger them him because when he dies which will be before her she gets it all. I guess that’s one reason for women to get married. Boehner still can’t say his name right, how can he lead the republican congress. He can’t they are all over the place. The Tea Baggers are totally out of control and don’t mind if they crash the country or worlds economy. we saw that when they shut down the country. They didn’t care. I really think they didn’t have a clue what they were doing. I don’t think they have a clue what they have done because they are out of touch with America. They only talk to other Tea Baggers so that’s what they think the people want. If you listen to crazy people and that’s all you see then of course your going to come up with weird shit. Just look at the bird brain that ran for presidency she wasn’t the devil and only was a witch for a short period in college. Just think of the people that voted for her and what a grip on reality they have. They are the ones that say, “I want government out of my Medicare and Social Security.” I know it’s funny when you hear that but you should be frightened that there are people like that, people that think like that. They are the same people that believe that the earth is 10,000 years old. Something happened back in the 60’s to the republican party. They went from being normal to this ultra conservative crap. Now everyone tries to be more conservative then the other and that just makes them a real fringe bunch of people. They can’t just be to the right, then need to be out in right field or even out of the park. Some have left this planet they are so far right. They didn’t go to Washington to work as much as they went there to obstruct thing. The NeoCon’s had to be the farthest right ever to where what they did, run the country into the ground will go down in history.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Why do Republicans go after social security
Social security doesn’t have anything to do with the budget. It’s a self funded program with it’s own money. It’s like having two different accounts in the bank. Ones the budgets and ones social security. There’s a need for more funds to be raised for social security which is a minor fix. The problem is that more people are living longer and inflation. So increase the deduction tax taken out of payroll checks. There also should be an input from everyone in the country even if you don’t plan to use it. There is no need to cut social security to anyone just get more input. You don’t need to put people into poverty like the republicans like.
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Gunning down people for fun and profit.
This video still amazes me and that no one has been held responsible for killing all these innocent people. This is one video the Manning gave to WikiLeaks and it was there for a while now it’s on YouTube. I’m just as shocked now watching this as I was the first time I watched it. Clearly you can see that none of the people are holding AK-47 or RPG’s what the voice says as they engage the people. They pilots must have been wired on meth to stay alert and have gone into narcosis and are hallucinating. Seems like someone that sees weapons daily can’t tell what the people are holding. I’m not in the military nor have I ever been and I can tell none of these people have any weapons. This video isn’t the master or the view that the pilot had which would have been hundred of times more clear. Even as bad as this video is you can clearly see that the guy is carrying a camera.
Monday, September 16, 2013
Another King Looser
Hey Steven King you know what endings are for? They tell you when the movies over. Evidently that bump on your head to ending out of your brain. CBS made a movie based on your name and boy did they get a looser. This has to be like all your other books where the price of the book is based on the pound. Let me guess you wrote and wrote and couldn’t pull it all together in the end because you had so many plots running all over so you just left it hanging. That’s going to come out in Book II. Casting wasn’t so good either. They must have looked in a bar to see who was still standing and said your hired. I just wonder how long the screen play was. I hope they didn’t use a 120 pages for two hours or 60 pages for an hour. They sure had a lot of reaction shot to fill in time. They could have done this movie in half the time and have more drama and you wouldn’t be falling asleep. The first few nights were pretty boring. Then if you looked at past Steven King movies they are all draggers. Seems like the studio would have stepped in. Then the studio and TV stations might be using Steven Kings name to sell ads. Wonder if the sales force got to sell time blindly where the costumers didn’t get to see how the movie look just that it’s going to have projected numbers because it’s a Steven King movie based on one of his book, those books they sell by the pound. Under my Dooms, and I’ve got the skitters. As Triumph the insult comic dog would say, “That’s a nice doom, for me to poop on!” “Has some interesting bad guys, for me to poop on.” “And that little dome another nice thing to poop on.”
Baby Ears and Mom
Those little round heads and big ears all signs of a baby. The little head needs to be grown into. Watching the babies I’m always over joyed watching them explore the world seeing everything for the first time. Baby deer are always smiling and happy. It’s sort of a nursery here where the mothers relax and the babies run and play. It’s amazing watching them run as fast as they can. They don’t care where they run a long as it’s fast. The mothers look on like any worried mother but they know the babies are running like they once did when they were small. Every year that’s my enjoyment watching all the babies. The mothers of all species look at the babies with so much love for them. I’ve noticed that other species give the babies room to play and explore. The deer looking at the baby skunks knowing that soon they will have babies soon also. The raccoon are exploring all the new life too. They roll and play with each other. They are so cute and so shy. It takes a while to earn their trust but when you do it’s wonderful.
Monday, August 12, 2013
The new pictures are here. The new pictures are here. Still the same old bones.
You know your getting old when the new president is younger then you. Trying out my Panasonic 3 chip camera to see how the color and sharpness come out. After all they say this camera is a semi pro camera. For the price it’s a rather good camera.
Little Boo-Boo-Leg. Poor little thing was run over by a fleeing deer at night. I needed to feed her by hand for several months until she healed and got back on her feet. I don’t know if her back was damaged or if it was just her leg. She’s old and walking slow. She’s a very friendly little buddy and lets me pet her. I think she likes it
Friday, July 12, 2013
Tiny, the rat tail skunk
Don’t know where Tiny has been but where ever it was it was a small space where it got it’s tail hair stuck on something. It did have a normal tail and it still a normal tail just without hair. I’ve got Tiny used to me and now Tiny comes over when I call. I can also pet Tiny. She’s a real scrapper and doesn’t care how big the other skunks are. She will let out a scream and try biting the other skunks. The other skunks just ignore her. I know now why they have such thick fur it’s so others can bite on them without feeling it.
Small Slipper Kitten
How small the kittens were before leaving. I only had them here until they got up to over two pounds. They were about one pound when I got them. They were a handful to watch grow up. Now that they are gone I really miss them. Then I knew that they were only going to be with me a short time.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Cuteness is…..
Cuteness is a kitten playing with your shoe strings for hours.
Thursday, June 06, 2013
So, you have been doing this for years….
The Guardian News paper in England reported that Verizion has been storing call data. Meta data but no calls. the NSA has been doing this for years Senator Feinstein said, we should be used to this. ATT was outed a few years ago for the secret room with lines going in from the over seas calls. So this is suppose to stop terrorist from doing things. What about a couple kids from New York calling and traveling to Russia, would that send up red flags? When Russian police say to the FBI, you should watch these guys. What are the NSA and FBI doing when another countries police warn that these are dangerous people but you didn’t do anything. From what I heard it was some cheesy deal and you dropped the balls again. So we found out about this from a leaked document. Might as well been the Time or Wiki leaks it’s all the media. Government is defending this policy. I just don’t get if they are getting all this data into that new facility in Utah, why didn’t they get the Boston bombers? We were warned by Russia. The people called Russia and the people in Russia called here. Some how the billions of dollars spent tracking phone calls isn’t the best bang for the buck. Police telling you to watch these guys isn’t much of a clue either.What is a credible warning? What is a credible threat? How much do you have to stand out before the NSA does something? What gets me is someone on the news said if the Boston bombers had used their phone which they did they could have stopped the bombers.I’m thinking it’s a waste of time myself also a waste of money. We are spending trillions of dollars on prevention and turning up nothing other wise the Boston bombers who the Russians said watch these guys, if that’s not a big red flag I don’t know what is.How often do other countries police tell us to watch these guys and they turn out to be terrorist? What does it take people shooting up flares before the NSA will see something. What does it take for the FBI to take notice?
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Mrs. Nippers
Mrs. Nippers a little better or worse for wear. This is what happens when you have five babies all at once last year. She’s a good girl and eats cookies with me on warm summer nights. I saw her babies last night traveling together. Momma Nippers is a somewhat friendly raccoon. She trust me to a point. No matter how good the raccoons know you they still look at you like a giant and they don’t want to be harmed by no giant. Momma nippers has a missing piece to her ear so Mrs. Nippers. Was great watching the babies grow up and watch Nippers teach the babies how to be a raccoon. She’s rather protective while she’s raising the babies and will give you a growl to tell you to stay away. The babies will run up the nearest tree for protection. It’s simply amazing watch them grow up and go off on their own. I’ve noticed that most all the animals live in one area and if you don’t see them every day then they are dead. I not sure how many years a raccoon can live but it has to be ten to twenty years.
Sunday, May 26, 2013
The Pretty Momma Deer
My deer friend Momma Deer. At times I swear she knows everything I say. Well she’s been around here for many years raising her babies. She would come here to rest and let the babies play with the other babies. I’ll see them almost going to sleep while the babies are running around the yard. One time a female baby came here and was calling out for her friends. I never thought they have friends but they do and they like to play if it’s okay with mom. The babies will want to play and mom will say no. The babies look so disappointed. The babies are always smiling as they look around. Even talking to Momma Deer she smiles for me when I say, “there’s my pretty girl.” There’s a group of six females that come here every day. They find the yard tasty.
Friday, May 17, 2013
Baby Tiggers came home tonight
I’ve been so worried about baby Tiggers because she hasn’t been home an a couple nights. I have a general idea where she might be but I’m worried about her. Sprockets chases he off and I don’t know why she’s getting picked on by Sprockets because she gets along with all the other kitties and wildlife. I’d feel better if she stayed close to the house and slept in one of the boxes on the porch or deck. I don’t know why Sprockets chases her little sister but she does. Those other strays come around and none of the kitties do anything about them.
I got her in the house to eat and get some pets. She really like attention and I give it to her. I’d like to turn her into an indoor kitty but after a period inside she will start freaking out and start jumping at the door.
I’m sure glade she showed up tonight. I’m hoping that she will be back tomorrow. I leave food out for her when I close things up when I go to bed. I don’t know where she goes at night or if she even sleep at night. I’ll have to follow her one of these nights with the night vision scope. Just bothers me to no end having her out there when it’s cold and raining. I’ll keep working with her and hopefully one day she will become an indoor kitty. Mean while I’ll just worry about her.