Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Was like a spring day, was like a summer shower.

Yesterday was great outdoors. You could just smell life growing. The rain isn't bad I can still see the sun, sort of. I though if there was no more rain there would be a early summer. Lots of grass to burn or weeds to burn. Things would be dry, even the trees. Well, all dressed up and place to go, it's raining.

Having some ideas on how language developed and what an autistic people are going though. How they think and hold images. A type of comparing of a sound or image to a happening. In a way I can understand what a lot of what others could do in the time line of are world culture. Seeing a lot of detail to little of frames. While others see lots of frames and little detail. The hunter, some one to see something and look for signs, symbols or icons. No detail just clues. Then there's the ones in the middle. Ones that can see the picture in their heads and make it. See the measuments and put them on paper. Then be able to construct what was on the paper.

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