If anyone is standing in the way of peace in Iraq it's this guy, Al-Sadr. Why no one takes this guy out with a none-denominational bomb is beyond me. So what if they think he's a spiritual leader. Spiritual leader don't invoke war or violence. If anyone in the world needs to be waked this guys top on the list. The only reason he can't show his face in public is because he's afraid that someone will kill him. He keep telling his followers to kill American troops along with anyone and everyone else. He's not a spiritual leader but a warlord. Where are the A130 gun ships when you need them. Every time there's a rally where they're screaming out to kill Americans bring in the Jolly Green Giant's and clean the streets. Nothing like a chain gun to change your attitude and allegiances. Give them the Saddam treatment, gas them like the rats they are. There will be no peace in Iraq until this guy Al-Sadr is promoting violence.
Also I've been taking pictures of peoples faces for a long time now. I found I can tell what kind of person they are from looking into their face and this guy is pure evil, full of hate.
For the good of Iraq, for the good of the world, for the good of the troops take this guy and his followers out. When his followers get together bring out the block buster. They are the "Insurgence" and need to be removed.
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