Monday, July 30, 2007
County Helth Department doesn't take State insurance
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Bush make more lame claims
"Say the course." "9/11" "Stay the course" Mushroom clouds" Stay the course" "Need more money" Support the troops" "We're cutting back funds for veterans administrations again for the 6 year in a row." We're cutting back on science and real stuff and placing it in the hands of Christian Fundamentalist." Clean Air Act is good for my buddies so it's good people, just don't breath to deep." "I broke FEMA and I plan on breaking a few more things before I'm done." "I can do it, I failed at all my businesses so I can do this and my father won't bail me out."
It's funny when you hear someone lying, there is certain tells like playing cards. If they start out by saying, "Now Look," or "Look this is how it is," then you know they are lying. Even if they are trying to explain something and use that word "Look" they are trying to have command over you and make you think that are telling you the truth. Also talking fast like they practiced their responses before they even heard the questions. Talking fast doesn't mean it's right. Nether does talking louder then the other people who your talking to. This is just ways of tricking people into thinking your the speaker that is saying the truth.
If you listen to people that think things out they talk slower and softer and don't try to dominate any conversations. They don't have to the message gets out but it's up to you to listen and hear it.
Militants with balls
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Nancy in Wonderland: (Here's Blinky)
Nancy in Wonderland: At first I thought with the new democratic senate and house things would be different. Then I saw Nancy on Charlie Rose; she was a deer in the headlights. I kept hearing her repeat herself, this is what we did, this is what we did, really this is what we did. I lost my enthusiasm for the democrats. Lost any hope with the republicans back in the 70’s with Nixon. That’s when I found out the republicans see people as disposable units. Nancy was claming oh look what we did we raised the minimum wage to $7.50 an hour. I wish Nancy would try to live on $7.50 and hour for a month. Maybe she could do it during the summer months when she on vacation. Sort of like the Mel Brooks movie where he is a rich guy and has to live on the street for a month to prove a beat.
I challenge any lawmakers, Congresspersons, Senators, Governors, Mayors anyone one that is elected to live on $7.50 an hour. They don’t even have to work just live on the salary. They will have to live on $7.50 X 40 hours a week with no outside or other help. They need to get a place to live, pay rent, buy food to feed their self, buy cloths, pay for car insurance, buy gasoline all the stuff everyone else has to deal with.
If the congress and senate wanted to do something good they would stop inflation. Inflation doesn’t just hurt people in the developed world where we pay more for goods. Like gasoline used to be 19 cents for the most part of my days with a car in high school and part of college. I could go camping with a friend and it would cost us $20 dollars each for everything for the whole weekend. That’s gas to and from the desert and driving around gas while there. Then we eat like pigs and have a case of soda too. What a deal, there were no complaints.
I really liked what China did to a person in like an FDA like organization for taking a bribe and putting peoples lives at risk and hurting the economy, they sentenced him to death. I don’t think that’s too harsh and should be implemented here in the States. Since these so called elected official are mostly lawyers, they know the laws and should get hasher sentences when they break the law. Right now it seems that official tend to get easy or soft sentences. Maybe if they knew they would go to jail for life they wouldn’t take bribe and cheat people. As it is you can steal billions and get a slap on the hands while a person who robs a bank for a few thousand dollars gets twenty years.
I just don’t buy this crap that our officials spout off, I’m sorry, it won’t happen again. What a bunch of crap. Your even dumber then you look to thing I buy that. I’d believe you after maybe your hands were cut off for stealing. I’d believe that. Maybe after 20 years in jail I’d believe they are sorry for what they did. Officials need to go to jail one day for every dollar they took in bribes or embezzled or bribed others. This crap they say, “Well he was really humiliated for what he was caught doing.” Mean while people that are addicted to drugs, who can’t control their selves are sent to jail for years. I think if we started hanging elected officials that do wrong they will stop doing wrong real quick.
Lawyers, elected official that break the law don’t do it on the spur of the moment type impulse like say a drug addict does. They conspire with others to break the law and try to figure out ways of covering up there deeds. Thinks like that need a more extreme sentence. Give them a lop it off of them type treatment and you will see organized crime go down drastically. If your in a national capacity then it’s life in jail, no second chances, no new court case. But you think elected officials would make such a law? No they wouldn’t because they want to keep there shady doings on open, just in case a deal comes up where they can walk away with a few billion. You’d go to jail for a couple years if you could walk away with a couple billion.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Supreme Court, Big Tools
No more simple speech unless you run it past your lawyer even if the slogan might be fiction. Mean while "The Tools" keep reading the Big Book of Fiction saying it's true bring mankind progress slowing to a halt. This almost sounds like some religious ideology's that want to live in the 8th century. Lets save the unborn to send them off on some religious war for oil and big business, that makes a lot of sense.
What should we expect, after all all Bush's appointments have been losers, this is nothing different. Every one of Bush's buddies ended up getting fired, quit in shame or retired to stay home with their family. Still waiting for Alberto to exit.
Maybe if everyone prayed to their "God" and hoped that Bush's backward appointees will get hit by lightning , have a blood clot, or something lake a car accident and doesn't have his or her seat belt on.
This seems all good and legal. It's my "FREE" speech It's how I feel and you can't make a law to change how I feel. Oh what doesn't Bush have the mind police?
Monday, June 18, 2007
What about the other war?
Fires and hot birds
I saw a mother jay feeding her baby yesterday. That was a first for me here after five years of watching them. I've seen other birds feeding their young but not jays.
The raccoon babies were here last night. They are real playful and seem to get into everything. Mom is real protective of the kids and challenges everyone that comes close to them.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
You want to eat Whales? I want to BBQ you.
Monday, May 28, 2007
Why do Republican want to cut health care to kids?
When Bush came to office there was a 5 trillion dollar surplus. That's little over a years on income from taxes. So how are we doing now, we are barrowing money from China. Gas is twice the price since Bush took office. You electric bill keeps going up because the rebulicans deregulated the power companies. What did they do, just mainly one of Bush's friends they raised the power prices over and over. Making outages and brown outs in California which lead to Davis being removed as governor. And guess what a republican was elected in his place, do you think that was calculated or what. What did Arnold want to do the first thing in office but redistrict California, so he had a special election so he could get more republicans in the state offices or federal offices. This is the same thing they did in Texas by the guy that was tied to Abermoff and has been indited for money laundering.
So why don't they want to do something about health care and keep giving people lame answers because they own shock in companies like the insurance companies who make money by not treating people. They don't want to help people because it will cost money, money out of the stock holder pockets.
If we can get to the moon we sure can come up with a health care plan that doesn't include the cheap insurance companies that take you money and deny you coverage. The only way we can have far and cheap health care is to get rid of the insurance companies. A single payer system work in dozens of countries why not here. Sure you'll still have to pay for things like boob jobs or face lifts like it is now but with the government running everything cost will drop putting this country in competition with other countries again.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Preconception about people from Oklahoma are true!
Saturday, May 26, 2007
A wonderful end to a day
After a fun day of pulling weeds I took a shower and got dinner started. The oven was hot so bake a cake, why not. Yummy chocolate fudge cake. That will sit well with the pound of cherry's I ate today. With the kitchen door open I could see a heard of baby skunks walking on the road with mom. Had to run out and get a couple picture. Too cool little babies. Had a Laura Croft movie on, don't think I ever say this. Haven't been paying attention to it so being in the kitchen really doesn't matter. Well movies over food all done, time to kick back. I hear crunching on the porch; it's Ernie one of the raccoons. So I lay down in front of the door watching her. She didn't mind me watching, it was rather amazing like any other day. Bill Moyer's is on with a poet who I can't remember her name. They were reading poems from veterans mainly from the Vietnam War. Sort of nice listening to the poems, reflecting on what Memorial Day is about. I get to do a lot of reflecting out here every day, which I don't mind. I hear an owl hope the babies are back home. Don't know if they would bother with a little stinker. I hear the frogs in the forest, the moon should be coming out soon. It was a half moon last night. Here come momma skunk and the kids. The raccoons scared them off all but one. I'll try to herd him over to mom who's down on the road now. The bugs are really out tonight. I started making grunting sounds like momma skunk and the baby ran right over to me. He start challenging me as soon as he figured out it wasn't momma, stomping his little feet and squeaking at me in a threatening tone. I tried it again but this time close to the steps and he ran over but I backed up. He recognized the steps and knew he wasn't far from home. He struggled down the steps and mom and the rest of the babies came running over get him. Every one seems to be happy running around mom, squeaking and such. Another day in paradise, time for another piece of fudge cake. Got milk!
Thursday, May 24, 2007
"I work for Devil, that's what we do," she said on the stand.
I was what I was taught to do in the college of Satan, Pat taught me well. I want to destroy this planet and every one on it she said today at the hearing on the firing of the Federal DA's. We wanted to put "Our Special People" into office to serve evil and all it stand for.
Then it was reported she started speaking backwards. After it was translated, it said, "I'll see you republican all in hell."
Mean while back at the ranch, Bush writes presidential act making leader of the universe.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Bush Appointments dropping like...
I listened to a lecture last night on the radio. Seems that the Neo-Cons plan was to invade Iraq and Chaney's Energy policy was to flood the market with cheap Iraqi oil drive the price down making OPEC seem meaningless. That was Chaney's secret meetings with all those oil companies back in the first administration when everyone wondered what they were doing. They were planning a war way before 9/11 way before any terrorist problems. Makes you wonder if or who paid them to carry out the attacks of 9/11.
After all, Bush, Chaney, Rumsfeld and now the defunked Wolfowitz all were pushing for a private military to carry out secret things that couldn't be tied to the United States.
So many people warned Bush and this administration that something was coming but were only fired for their input. I just hope all the secret laundry gets air making Bush look like a footnote in history and not the Grandiose Grand Pooba that George thinks he is. People should have locked him up when he said God was talking to him. That what you do with people like that. Put him in the patted room.
Well if all my plans would have worked out I'd be a millionaire too but plans don't always work out life happens.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
My nightly prayer for Chaney
Thank you for taking Jerry who sold religion and turned God into a business.
Thank God he's dead
Save America, feed a Christian to a lion.
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Profiles in Deciders
Views and Perceptions and Loosers
It's too bad that people don't understand the religion is being used as mind control. Countries use religion to make there case for war. Didn't Bush say God told him to go to war? Sure it wasn't the oil companies telling Bush to go to war? The church leader told their subjects to vote red and they did putting the Neo-Cons in power. This war wasn't planned when Bush and Chaney took office in 2001 but after the first Gulf War. The oil companies wanted that oil and money talk as we all know and they pushed the people that would give them what they wanted.
People need to wake up and see that the evangelicals are as radical and terrorist Muslims. Both are pushing their will on others. If you really believe that God gave you free will, then who are these people telling any one how to live. Wouldn't that make then be acting like God and there can't be two God or can there? But then they are human so they could be a God because Gods are suppose to be supernatural.
It's interesting that when you look at the desert religions it's all about who is going to rule the world. The religion with the most people wins. What gets me is that the leader tend to always live in great houses and have dozens of cars and millions of dollars. I just don't understand why you need to sell religion or is it a business that take in the suckers, the pawns the meek of the world to do a few peoples bidding.
If your religion says all life is valuable then starting a war would be blasphemy. What also gets me Christians call none believers and blasphemers and the Muslims call the none believers infidels. Seems following these rule books makes them all as losers.
When you look at the current world situation the terrorist leaders never are suicide bombers they always get some gelable person to do it. When Christian army's go to war they talk about honor and preserving their way of life. Who's way of life, I'm poor, rich doesn't start until 800 million dollars. You never see some rich leader leading the charge in battle. They are the one pointing, "You go do that for the honor of your country" and I'll hide here.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
60 Minutes, going down, bottom floor, sleaze and crap
Friday, April 27, 2007
No money till you learn to talk first.
When I was in college it was pointed out to me that you talk like you read. So, listening to Bush speak disjointed is how he reads. No wonder he can't make a train of thought, there isn't enough cars lined up.
I have one question for the republicans that follow Bush down his path of destruction, "Why do you stay on the sinking ship?" Also, What thing did Bush do right? I ask that because I can't think of anything he's done that actually helps people and not helps big business and doesn't destroy the planet.
Bush's "Clean Air Program" make the air more polluted and increases global warming. It was written by the coal industry.
Bush's new EPA standards lets people put out four times more pollution before you need to tell anyone.
Bush's "Clean Forest" is a method for logging National forests. Oh, by the way, Bush owns a logging company, like he didn't know.
Every law Bush and Chaney got passed by the rubber stamp republicans does more harm then good. They started a war with no end in sight, all for oil and profit. What gets me is how fast people forget O'Neil's or Clarke's books on how Bush and Chaney wanted to invade Iraq from the first day in office. I'd go as far as saying they planned this war since the last Bush was in office.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Where to put things
Seems that Bush and Chaney need to share the burden, put a coal fired plant next to their house. If they like coal fired plants so much let them live next to them. Same thing with oil and chemical refineries, put them next tp Bush and Chaney's house.
Not Bush wants to bring in Iraqis and all sorts of immigrants, they need a place to live like Waco Texas next to George W. Bush's ranch. Or in Wyoming next to Chaney's house for starting this war and displacing these people. They wouldn't be displaced people if it wasn't for them.
Impeachment is to good for this administration's, they need to be brought up on charges treason. This includes Karl Rove, Scooter Libby, and anyone that fed the people of the United States lies to the lead up of the war. That guy from the department of "Dubious Information" need to be skinned I think for the lies he sold people, left in the sun for the ants to eat, it could happen. Seems though this administrations going to get away with all this scoot free but history will show that this administration is and did lied to it people for oil and profit.
It just amazes me how the evangelicals were used to make a case for war, to get Bush all mighty elected. If you ask me it just proves how backwards they people are. Even though you can question these lairs they still think they did nothing wrong. If the do come to grips that there was lies they will blame it on some one or some other group. They can't take responsibility's for there own actions. Even when Ken Lay was convicted he said he did nothing wrong. He supposively died but did anyone check to see who was really in the casket? For all we know he's living on a small island some where. You just can't believe any religious republican because like through time they are people that use and abuse religion for personal gain, just like the church of England which the Evangelicals are a sub set of.
That's a group of misguided people with narrow minds. Just amazes me how they think they are doing good but taking the country backwards. What gets me is they are so stupid that they can't even see how they are getting manipulated by the corporation and political party that the church is.
They walk a fine line and really should be taxed as a political group and not a church. Out of two groups that want to fight each other such as the fundamentalist Christians and the fundamentalist Muslims, if you ask me, they need to be put on one continent and let to fight until they kill each other. Get them out of the way of the rest of the world.