Wednesday, June 21, 2006
I've heard it all
I’ve heard it all. “If you raise the minimum wage you won’t help people to get out of poverty” according to a republican congressman. If they weren’t paid so little they might be able to get out of poverty. It doesn’t take much smarts I agree to flip a burger but I wouldn’t want a disgruntled employee doing things to the customer’s food. The congress gave itself 31,000 dollar raises over the past ten years. Inflation is at an all time high but that doesn’t find its way into the little people pockets. Seems inflation is a way of keeping people poor. Sure you get wages but it never keep up with inflation compared to the ratio of the extremely rich. The rich don’t gave to do anything but there worth more in time while a person work by the hours works until he dies.
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Were going to stay
I heard some interesting stats. When the war started we paid the families $200 for those oopses that the military made by killing civilians. First year cost, 5 million dollars. This last year we paid 20 million to civilians at $200 per family, which works out to 100,000 people the same amount of people Saddam killed over 30 years.
The story goes like this, weapons of mass destruction and Bin’s group in Iraq. Then it was for regime change. Then it was to make a democratic country. Today there is no reason just that we will be there until hell freezes over. You get that impression by the permanent bases they are building.
Mean while back here the health care issue, wages, job and a stable dollar is the concern of the people. So many republican business are claming bankruptcy to get out of paying the peoples retirement and breaking the unions, all done for the stockholder dividends. Yes greed is driving the Republican Party with no regards to the health of the country.
After 9/11 Bush changed the way unemployed people are counted. When your benefits finish so do you as far as getting counted. This makes a real nice number but doesn’t represent what is really happening to the working class people.
One thing I noticed is the oil shortage is only happening in the United States all in a quest for Exxon to drill for oil in Alaska. The only way to solve this extortion would be for every country to nationalize their oil fields where each country would pay privet companies to drill for oil. After the hole is drilled there isn’t much work to be done, just collect the oil and sell it. The futures market need to be removed from the world along with hedge fund. Both seem to be a problem that is causing high prices and fuel inflation. Maybe one day people would work to better the world instead of bettering just themselves.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Touch screen voting
Karl Gets Off
Rove gets off again. Karl Rove gets away with his personal assault on others with his mud slinging. To get away with treason because your friend the president cuts you a break is just wrong. To me I would see a revenge by the organization that he used as a political toy would be out of the question. Karl has gotten away with creating to many lies and destroying to many people. Karma and Wicken both say that things come back in the powers of three so maybe Karl will die some sort of long and painful death. Even as he cries out for some one to kill him because he’s in so much pain his religious right will say no you can’t do that.
Someone outted the CIA agent, which is treason. Someone had to come up with the idea to discredit Joe Wilson. And after everything is done someone caused a CIA agent cover to be blown. Someone needs to pay for this but in this administration no one does anything wrong even lying about reasons for going to war.
I don’t know how long a country can exist when they keep lying to the people of the country. Why do other people of the world hate us it’s because of the lies of the republicans. Why people can’t see how they are making the country into a fascist state. This administration keeps saying things are going great and the war on terrorism is just a quest for oil. If Iraq can’t get it together and sell us oil then we will have to take over the country that puts out oil and take that part over.
When a country is based on lies its time for a change. Whether it’s a new country or what it’s time for a change.
Today’s debates on the hill patting each other on the back instead of doing real work but only following Karl Rove’s speaking points where nothing gets done. The republicans have no real policies but to scare people to voting for some thing they know nothing about. The only ideas they have is to attack the demarcates. In the eye of the republicans if they stop gay marriage then it will stop terrorism. The republican party would want you to believe that without being Christian that you are some sort of sinner when they take bribes. Make people loose their homes. Take over businesses and send the work over seas. Destroy the unions. Make electronic voting machines to keep the republicans in power. Go to war to make your friends in the oil business rich. I see the republicans are for big business just as they have been for years. Getting people to invest in the stock market only to have the market fail again like they did once before.
Friday, June 09, 2006
Stinker Family
I watched a baby last night taking on a large skunk. The big skunk just ignored the little guy but the little guy didn't give up he kept stomping his front feet to scare off the other skunk. I'm real supprised that skunks like salads with avacodo and thousand island dressing.
More lies from the right
It’s been over a decade since the republicans took over and the only thing I’ve seen is the country going down the hill to line the pockets of the republicans. Every thing they have said they were going to do has failed. Bush said he wasn’t going to do any country building but we are stuck in Iraq with no end in sight.
The republicans keep telling you that social security is bad and that you need to invest in the stock market. Last time the republicans were in power and said the same thing we had the great depression.
I heard a republican leader say he was bull headed and I think that means even if we are wrong we will still fight for it. The Republican Party is for big business and always has been. To say they are compassionate is a play on words because they are only concerned with getting richer and leaving the people of the United States in the dirt fending for themselves.
The religious right, although rather narrow minded is finally seeing that the Republican Party has only used them to get to power. Because they are a bit slow it will take longer for some to see the light although a dim one.
It amazes me that none of the republican leader has served in any war except John McCain. Which make me wonder why they are so quick to go to war and send all those democratic kids to there death without flinching.
It was unions that gave people a better life and built this country now the republicans want cheap labor from south of the boarder leaving citizens hanging. After 9/11 when unemployment was so high a way to fix it was to change how you counted the unemployed. When you unemployment ran out then you didn’t count or matter.
When Richard Clark warned Bush and the administration about terrorist Bush said he didn’t want to hear any more of it. The reason they didn’t care is they used the terrorist attack for a reason to invade Iraq. Even Paul O’Neil said the administration wanted to invade Iraq as soon as they got in office.
If it weren’t for the Supreme Court and Diebold Bush would not be in office. When an executive from Diebold company said he was going to make sure Bush was re-elected this should have been a warning sign that Diebold wasn’t playing fair.
If you believe the republican there is no problem with green house gases. They even made a commercial saying CO2 is a natural gas and it good. This show me that they don’t care if are children can breath. That they will have a place that is safe to live without having a lake catch fire or you skin fall off because the land you live on is polluted. Greed is what is driving the Republican Party not caring what will happen in a few years down the road. It’s just that we have oil people who want to sell oil and don’t care about the out come.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
The Stinker Family
Twenty bucks and its
Watching one of the
Dont you love those
It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that Dick Chaney’s energy plan was to take Iraqi oil. In Paul O’Neil’s book he put the map dividing up Iraq for the oil companies. This was as soon as they came to power and don’t confuse that fact they were never elected. That was money and power can do place an un-elected person into the presidency. This is going to go down as the lowest point in the United States history.
As I remember a book about Nostrodomous’s forecast for the future, a religious president gets into a war but the rest of the world disagreed with this. The rest of the world unites to defeat this religious zealot and destroyed this country. Sending this country back to the Stone Age.
Monday, June 05, 2006
Wasting time on the hill
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
People dont get it
Why is it that people want to drive the planet into a place of no return?
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Started of a hot sun
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Friday, April 28, 2006
Nice Day
Forest FloorSun and lots of it. It's been in the 80's for the last couple
days. Sure beats the excess rain. The bear was back last night. I was
working at the computer when the bear came on the porch. It's so big, make
me look like a tooth pick.
I see the Abermoff scandal is reaching to El Dorodo county. Doolittle gets a
bribe from Abermoff to keep the Indian casino out. Even though the Indian
tribe paid for roads which were never built. I think they were run off
because of the people in Tahoe felt threatened by the little casino. The
city of Placerville spent over 2 million to defeat the Indian casino. I
don't understand how it was built if they didn't want the casino there.
Seems like the Indians did everything by the book and got all the permits
before they started putting the screws to the Indians. Myself, I think we
should be paying them rent for using their land.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Bear on the porch
Monday, April 24, 2006
Where the seed bin
Went out to feed the squirrels this morning. I bought a bag of sunflower seeds yesterday. Now, the bins gone. A lap around the house and can't fined it. I came back in the house to get some shoes on and wash my foot off after stepping in a "turkey surprise." Not ready for dilemmas this early in the morning. Overcast and cool out right now as I start my search for the missing bin. Squirrels and Big Bird are looking at me asking, "where's my food." I found the bin up the hill from the house, it was that bear again. Inspecting the bin I notice the teeth marks, find puncture through this heavy plastic. So it's not much security but I can't bite through it. Simply amazing, I didn't hear a thing last night again like last week or the week before. The bear is walking in when ever it wants, something logical about that statement. Since the bear didn't eat much he might have just left since the neighbors dogs been barking all morning which isn't uncommon. The bear could have saw me as I walked around the house and took his leave. I can't be made at the bear it's just hungry and want to eat. Funny how I didn't see any tracks or hear any noise.