Thursday, June 28, 2018

What will be left....

So far it's been shown how long things last by looking at the past monuments to ourselves and others we blamed life's difficulties on. Most things man makes don't last all that long. The pyramids lasted a while but know one knows what they were used for. I can't even keep photos on my computers and on discs for very many years.

So how long do you thing your left over things will survive after your family and friends pick over your things? What if they just hired a business that just filled your things in a bin and haled everything away to a land fill? Not too much of your live would be left. Success in the game of live is how many offspring did you leave behind and how are their families growing.

They you have to wonder how long it will be before your forgotten. Without that headstone to remember you there's not much else for people to remember you by.

I tried storing photos on a back-up hard drive which didn't last very long and lost all info on the drive including the partition. The manufacture said all I had to do was Fdisk it and set new partition and format the drive. I lost 100,000 photos taken over the past 15 years. It was wildlife doing things most people haven't seen before. So, that back-up drive wasn't. I never even got to back-up the back-up drive to disc. So I can't even hang onto photos I've taken when I'm still alive. How will it be after I'm gone? Lost to history like I was never here? I'd sure like to be freeze dried. Then I could be stood up in the corner some place maybe with some of my photos.

Just think of all the written things people have wrote down never to be seen. I've got tons of folders of my writing. I just wonder if there's another Einstein out there that wrote ideas down but so a house could be sold or rented, everything in the house was thrown out.How many great ideas have been tost aside?

I was thinking when I go maybe I could donate my body to a school and have my body freeze dried. Then it could be stored in a big freezer bag and barred in the ground with some concrete placed over the hole I was placed in. There I could remain until the next generation of out planet grow up to where we are now. I'm thinking that climate change will do us all in and most of the life on the planet. I was having a hard time last summer when the temp got up to 105 degrees and above. I wasn't feeling all that great with the high temps. The house wouldn't cool off at night like it used to do before it got this hot. Well will I bake to death because Trump doesn't believe in global warming because it still snows. He was down in San Juan saying that wasn't a real hurricane because at the time only 16 people were counted as dead. What did he do, throw out paper towels. They are still working on getting electricity to people almost a year later.

Watching the report by 36,000 doctors saying Trump is mental ill and are trying to warm the country of the problem because he can't think and acts on impulse. He will do things because others told him not to like the Iran deal and the Paris accord. In 2020 Trump needs to be voted out of office by a 25 to 40 % lead on the American vote. Every thing he's done has been just a con job for the rich. Why he has started 49 corporations, LLC since taking office is against the law to be profiting in office. He wants to put condos in North Korea and see that as a great deal for him. When are people going to see that they voted to get screwed. The laws he talks about are protections for people so you won't get killed by corporations errors and wrong doing. Every thing he's done is to harm the people of the country. Remember his promise for heath care as soon as he's in office and it's going to be so cheap. Well that turn out to be we would let you have access to health care at your cost. If you can't buy it that's too bad. You didn't want it that bad. Where's the jobs, the good jobs he promised. They never showed up. Then he promised he would give you everything you ever wanted all your life for 30, 40, 50 years I'll give them to you. That sure is an empty con promise. Just lies because he's manically ill. He needs to the 25th amendment to take place to remove him.

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