Saturday, September 17, 2005

"Crap from Space"

Could it be ABC is clueless about sensitivity when disasters when they show a disaster movie right after a disaster. Sure it's about a group of misfits doing something that no one else could. Even though I like the movie and it does have the effect of choking me up in parts I still see mistakes. It just might be a bit dangerous to launch to shuttles next to each other.
I don't know if this is Disney's way of getting the countries spirits up or to make them patriotic. You can't compare it to Bush and company because that would be like the keystone cops or three stooges after the disaster in the South. Looking back at New York it was the people of New York that took care of the people of New York. The US Government really didn't get involve. Bush didn't even want a commission to look into the failures. Then when the commission finished it was a pansy white wash. I'm sure when the republicans get done again it's going to look like the people living in the South will be their faults. Just face it, Bush isn't one to do any real job he's just giving breaks to his friends and the hell with anyone else.  

Monday, September 12, 2005

Squirrels in the sun having fun

Another nice sunny day. The squirrels are out feeding and playing. So neat to watch the little one play. One squirrel a real young on is jumping and hanging on branches and the base of this tree. He jumps from the plant trellis to the tree and back then on to a little branch. Not a care in the world but doing all the squirrel things he would do later in life.
Turkeys are lounging under the trees. Some are walking around but for the most part they are taking it easy. It's so interesting watching the turkeys eat apples pecking at them, getting a little bite out of the apples. They don't eat as much as the as the deer but it's the number of them that suck up the bird food. The deer really like the apples. I like watching the babies eat apple trying to look like they are big deer taking on a large apple like a big buck. In a bit I'll go to town to get some bird food again. I must go through at least 300 pound of grain a month. That's not including the sunflower seeds I buy also.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Must be winter

The weather warned that snow maybe at 8500 feet, that is if it rains or snows. Been cool every morning for the past few days, about 49 degrees. Closed up the house tonight because it was feeling chilly. Haven't turned on the heat yet but am baking something in the oven. Was a great day in the 70's. Picked more apples today, got four bags full. It was a real enjoyable day out.  woke up early but feel back to sleep listening to the radio watching the forest come to life. Maybe I should sleep in longer so I don't have to fall a sleep later. Well it was worth it to see the light moister layer in the forest. Don't get to see that if you sleep in.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Could the Oil companies be giving Bush some payback

In O'Neil's book he pointed out Chaney had divvied up Iraq for the oil companies. Since things didn't go as the administration promised. As Paul explained in his book and on talk shows Chaney was laying out plots of land for many oil companies to lease. Could the high prices of today reflect the broken promises. Would drilling in Alaska change the price of oil like it did in the late 70's? Also what's up with Bush filling the oil reserve salt mines? Is this a way of giving back to all of Bush's friends by paying top dollar for a barrel of oil?

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Tiny birds

Look out, I'm comen' in

Monday, September 05, 2005

Fruit picking

Picked two bags of apples and plums. Filed two 50 pound grain bags. The one bag had about 30 pounds of plums which I toped off with apples. When I got home I was so tired I slept for two hours. Tempted to make up some apple sauce or plum preserves. Not sure but I have a good idea on how to do it.

Body isn't even cold

Chief Justice Rehnquist isn't even cold yet and Bush is pushing his buddy into the supreme court. Mean while the south is a disaster area. Bush just doesn't have his priorities set right. I guess being rich makes you un in touch with common people. Michael Chertoff looked like a jerkoff on meet the press patting himself on the back all the way for what he has done so far. As far as protecting the Homeland like he's suppose to do, it looks like the country is on it's own. I don't know about you, but some one that looks like they are homeless doesn't instill confidents in me. I've never put one's facial just to much at credence but looking at the Bush administration most of his buddies and himself tend to talk out of the sides of their mouth when the are telling a lie. I know it's a little defect but people need to pay attention to these details. Seems all the republican are all real works. From what I get from listening to them is they wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

6AM and still dark out

Winter is coming, the days of getting up with day light are going. Not to reappear until next year. As I watch the forest come to life my first little buddy to come from the trees was a little female squirrel. Then there was a couple doves. Next was momma turkey and her two kids. Seems one bird is missing. Then the girls showed up, my 7 hens. Watching them enjoy an apple.
Went to bed at 12 midnight last night. I check outside before I turned in and saw three deer laying in the chaff of the alfalfa. They looked so relaxed and comfortable.

Bush gets blasted by the news this morning, how he dropped the ball. Homeland security is also on the firing line. If homeland security can't figure out hat to do for some thing like this then they are not ready for any other large scale event. Most of what was done in New York was provided by the city and state. Bush will go down in history as a lame duck and idiot. When the word gets out that he cut 95% of the funding to repair the levies and cannels of Louisiana and along the Mississippi water way people are going to really look at the republican party as a bunch of greedy bastards. Every thing the Bush administration has done over the past 5 years is for his friends and not the good of his country. When it comes to Bush the buck never stops there it's always some one else's fault. He and homeland security are already blaming the states for their poor response. When the state is devastated and their national guard if off fighting a endless war then how can it be their fault. Telling the states that they need to ask for specific aid is a cop out. When a governor ask please send help that should be good enough. The idea that Washington couldn't figure out what kind of needs they have is a hopeless state that this Bush administration has put us in. Lets close more military bases. Lets give tax breaks to the rich. Lets loose 21 billion dollars of the Iraqis money. Maybe people will see what the republican party is all about, greed.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Bush Blows the Big One Again

Bush had the chance to prevent the problems of New Orleans but cut funding. Isn't just like a rich person to be tight with the purse strings. Have you ever seen you boss tell you is good enough when you know it's a safety issue. I've never seen a republican be ready for nothing except the pursuit of power. Frisk is in the battle zone but does he put on some rubber gloves? No, he talks a mean program and that the only things republicans know to do is talk. It's time for change and that change doesn't include the republican party. It's clear they are only in it for themselves. When it comes to innovations we are going backwards compared to the rest of the world. I don't see any real loyalty in the republican party as far as this country goes. If the republicans could send all the poor over seas they would.

Decentralization: Security First


It seems that if you want to make a place safe for an event where one point of service is a crucial. Either you fortify it or decentralize it. The internet was designed to solve this problem from attack of a nuclear exchange. Seems like having all the oil works in one area is a national security risk. I understand that 1/4 of all the oil comes through that area of the country. Since the wetlands have been lost at a rate of 40 square miles a year and that all the oil pipelines that were buried. Seems that a revamp of the oil pipelines and power distribution is a national security problem.

To me decentralization is a problem that needs to be over come. Maybe in the interest of this nation nationalizing the oil fields would be one step in making this country safe. Also if the power companies were owned by the government then there wouldn't be price spikes and gouging. It seems that a few oil companies really want to be drilling in Alaska driving up the price of oil similar to the oil shortage in that late 70's. Once that papers were signed the price of oil stabilized and most likely will do the same now.

It's terrible that international companies can and do push countries around. Maybe it's time to change that. Bush has been using companies like Halliburton. A company based in the Caribbean to evade taxes. Seems a loop hole as big as a country could be plugged but if your the international company plugging the holes they will never get plugged. What is good for a company may not be in the best interest of the country.

Maybe having all the eggs in one basket in one place isn't the way to go. Maybe having a lot of little oil refineries and power generation plants is the way to go. Bigger isn't always better.

BUSH Knew but cut the funding

According to Now on PBS last night they brought the point that Bush cut funding for the repair of the levies and water ways. He also cut the restoration of the wet lands. The funds were requested back in 2002 but were cut up to 95%. The years after the first cuts were added to by his "War on Terror." If it wasn't for his tax cuts giving his buddies a big break, we the United States would have had the money to do the repairs on the water ways along the Mississippi. All this was predicted by the leaders of the area. It was also predicted by the Army corp. of Engineers. Bush's idea was that we have got by so long and we could skate a few more years. His ideas that the local people should take care of everything and people will volunteer is wrong. If we can't take care of an event like this then we couldn't handle any event that might be man made from terrorist.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Hurricane will drive up the price of insurance

Hurricane caused a lot of damage and the insurance companies never loose money. So it has to come from some where. The price of your home, car, health insurance will all be going up. No ones a winner when it comes to dealing with an insurance company.
Bush gets the votes and now he wants the FEMA money back. FEMA is taking the money back from the hurricane disaster of last year. Why it's after the election and Bush doesn't need your vote. Since Bush doesn't need the votes what states will get the best service from FEMA after this hurricane? Since the Presidents brother is the governor of Florida stand to reason that Florida will get the best service if Jeb Bush plans to run for President.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Oil price and drilling in Alaska

In the late 70's we went through a bad oil shortage brought on by Exxon. This was so Exxon could get their way and put in the Alaskan Pipeline. Then we had oil as soon as the okay to put it in the works. If history repeats itself then this oil shortage which we won't find out why it's happening until years later but the new pipeline in the Wild Life Sanctuary. Where they say there will be little impact. People must have forgotten about the Exxon Valdes because they are going to let it happen again. This time in the North of Alaska where it is supposed to be protected land. What's so unusual about this project is that it's going to take years for the project to be put in place but the day the government okays it the price of oil will stabilize. Part of the problem that went wrong was Chaney's plan to lease out the oil field in Iraq but that didn't happen so there is some pissed off oil companies. Bush keeps saying were staying the course but does that mean we are going to be in Iraq until we have every last drop of oil. Generals from the army say were going to have at least 100,000 troops in Iraq for the next four years. Guess that's why they have been building permanent bases since they first invaded the country.
Mean while, Bin's on the loose and Bush isn't doing anything about it. Makes you wonder if Bush out sourced the terrorist. I wouldn't put it past him and the oil companies and military supply chain that would have put him up to it. Say the Carlisle Group.

Friday, August 19, 2005

The Worminator

Just watched the old movie the Terminator. What a looser of a movie when you see it years after it was made and see all the defects. The gas tanker has a line pulling it before it blows up. When the robot skeleton is walking around it doesn't move with it's own steps. It's like a puppet on a dolly which it most likely is. The scene of the terminator cutting the loose skin around his eye is a puppet too.
Arnold's only claim to fame is taking steroids. When he was elected governor the rest of the world was laughing at California. What kind of morons voted for an action figure. People need to get there brains examined. His best line in a movie was "I'll be back." He would be able to talk better but the steroids messed up his hearing and vocal cords and brain. Soon like all steroid users, he'll develop some cool illness, then we all can laugh at him and say your terminated.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Religious Bone Heads

Forest FloorWhen a religion thinks it's right and wants to make it a
national policy then they are making the biggest mistake. Watching the news
of the Israeli people being idiots and putting up resistance to the give
back of Gaza to the P{Palestinians. Yes I said give back, but the Islamic
group hamas is saying that their terrorist actions worked is a big mistake
too. Why are there so many religious bone heads out there. They can't see
what would be good for their country. For example, the woman that set
herself on fire to show them. Boy, she really showed them, now she's burned
up and still alive, that really showed everyone. What did it show them, we
got an idiot woman setting herself on fire.

Iraq is sort of the same mess. Every group is saying that their God is
better then the other guys. When some one blows themselves up to show them
how much they believe in there God, it only shows me how backward they are.

In this country, the religious right is doing the same thing but they can't
see it. They think every one else's God is wrong. That only the born again
Christians are the only way. If they had their religion down right the first
time they wouldn't have to be born again. What about a child brought up in
this born again culture, do they need to find some other better religion so
they can be born again. They can't be born again in the church they are
going too. If this country doesn't get it's act together and keep the
separation of church and state then this will be it's down fall.

Looking at what the church is doing to science is setting the wrong image of
science. It's turning superstitions into fact, in stead of disproving the
superstitions. Seems anyone can right in the bible, there is no
prerequisite. All you have to do is say is God told you to write it and
everyone bends over to kiss your butt. If this is your requirement then I
can say God inspired me to write this and it's divine. Who is going to
disprove it, you can't.

Nice Morning

Forest FloorMy Big Buddy and his friend Mr. Stumpy showed up around 11AM
today. (Yes they are deer) The turkeys and squirrels were here several hours
earlier. Looks like it's going to be a hot day again. They say it's cooler
but anything over 90 is about the same. So low 90's isn't that great of a
break. Sure it's better then a 104 degrees.

More leaks in the cause of 9/11. Army had a secret data mining team called
"Able Danger." They looked into Al Quida and knew that some of the terrorist
were here in 1999. They didn't tell the FBI about them because they weren't
suppose to be spying on American Citizens. So when did this new policy
happen. The FBI is full of files of normal people, now they are protecting
the civil liberties of foreign terrorist. now that makes a bunch of sense.
The lawyers that told the Army not to tell the FBI must have been informed
by one of Bush's buddies like Roberts or our new Attorney General now.

Sense the Bush team planned the fowl up during the first election and
Diebold put them over the top in the second, the country need to start
paying attention to what is going on and not listening to sound bites. The
people with the most to loose voting for the republicans for moral values
need to be stopped from breeding becasue the definitely have the stupid
gene. The group calling themselves the religious right really are a bunch of
sheep in that they follow blindly, without logic or reason. To say Bush is a
Christian is like comparing Adolph was a Christian too. Germany use religion
to control the masses when Adolph came to control. Now Bush is doing the
same thing to America slowly,by righting new laws like the patriot act which
takes away our civil right and make the government more powerful without any
checks or balances.

The only God Bush and his friends have is money, Good Old Dollars. For the
Christians to think Bush is on their side they need to take a real big look
after taking off the blinders.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Farther and cancer

Forest FloorMy father called me Sunday to tell me he had surgery for bladder
cancer. He still hasn't got the stitches in. He didn't tell me if he need
more treatment. It's sinking in more today of what is happening. It's to bad
I live 600 plus miles away. I'm wondering if this is something new or
something that is spreading.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Lost a one year old deer yesterday

Forest FloorIt was day break and the turkeys were going crazy. Turns out it
was two coyotes chasing tow young female deer. The caught on deer and ate
most of her by the time I got there. Today the vultures are here. About 6 of
them. And yes they do circle. I thought the turkeys were big but these guys
are BIG. I'll see if I can get some pictures together and post them but not
tonight, hands hurting from typing. It's getting better then last week after
surgery, that really put me in a different place.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Nothing but Butts and Antlers

The deer are here. A lot of deer are here all at the same time. Usually they stagger in at different times all night long. Well it's hot and they need water and I'm glade to sit out with them. They really like the apples that fall from the trees. They also like the plums which really gets their tongues going. I can't believe it, another over 100 days. This whole summer has been that way. The winter was rather wet too. Now, it's dry, spitting dust dry. The apples are green and very tart. Not to many peaches. The red plums came in but not the yellow ones. Think the blossoms were washed off. Turkeys just left for the night. It's quiet out, even the bugs aren't making noise.
Back is hurting not sure what I did to make it feel this way. Wrist is healing after the surgery yesterday. Have to keep the pain pill going or the pain gets out of hand. Right now my wrist has a big old bandage on it and it doesn't move to much. Moving it does put me through some changes. I feel like I need to lay down and rest my back. The problem with getting old.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Cool morning

It's cool now and I'm watching the deer feed in the field along with the squirrels. It's going to be hot again today, yes in the 100's again. Yesterday it was about 5 PM and I was walking on the hill south of the house. The air was so sweet smelling. The smell of pine was the most dominant it reminded me of being at camp when I was younger. It was a feeling that I used to look forward to every year. For a few minutes I was back in the days of my youth. Smells change and so does times, people and the world. Back then it seemed a lot simpler then today. The farther I remember back in my life it seems life was simpler. Seeing things for the first time without any reference was fresh and impressive. I still get that here but not so much. I still find new plants I've never seen before. I guess it's like watching the baby deer exploring the world. They seem so happy with out a care in the world. I've never seen an animal, which I shouldn't just call them that but they are so happy. They don't bother no one, life is very simple. To say they are animals, bring me to that same level of being an animal. There are so many similarities in all the mammals. There is only minor differences. They don't have to re-download programs because you pressed the space bar and it canceled the installation. No frustrating computers to deal with. Sure they say it's an advancement to the humans but what does it take away.