Friday, March 18, 2011

My Deer Friends

Started snowing around 3 PM today. After an hour I started to get worried because the ground was covered and it hadn’t let up. That’s when I saw a couple deer friends up the hill getting out of the snow and under the pine trees. I was taking pictures of the snow and two deer when I looked over and there was the rest of the herd. My oldest momma deer and her baby and all the rest of the herd along with Mister Stump my semi-blind deer that needs to travel with others to help him along. He’s one of my oldest male deer. He was full grown when I moved in ten years ago. The deer came over to eat on the bushes but were covered with snow. There were some grass patches that they found. I had put out a couple cups of rice for my friend Stumpy. He of course came over and ate it all up and with a big smile too.

It was nice seeing my deer friends today. Momma deer is still in charge of the herd. She’s been a good leader. Wish Buddy was around he would be proud of her. Deer need to grow up together and socialize to learn. They learn what to eat at different times a year. Where to get water. Where to get all their needs. They all live with in two miles of where they were born. I’m very happy being a part of their lives. I’ve learned a lot from my deer friends. Seeing them smile is the biggest treat. It doesn’t take much to make them smile because they are so full of life. Seeing babies playing and looking for their play friends and being unhappy when they don’t find their friends. They call out, “where are you play friend.” They will run and look for their friends crying out the whole way. Seeing the bond they develop is amazing. One mother was keeping her two boys up the hill with her when baby girl came up. Baby girl was jumping and bucking to get the boys to play chase with her. She would take off at a full run circle around and come back but mom didn’t want the kids playing that day. The baby girl was so disappointed you could see it in her face. Still she was happy seeing her playmates even if they couldn’t come out and play.
Snows dropping from the trees with a big thud. Stopped snowing a few hours ago. There was a large car pile up on Interstate 80 today in the snow. I think they said it was 40 cars.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons license.

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