Tuesday, January 11, 2005

The Stinker is here

Mrs. Stinker my favorite skunk is here. Haven't seen here in months. I guess the rain and cold made her hungry. During the summer I came face to face with her. She was walking around the porch and I was laying in the doorway. She came right up to my face and went on looking for sunflower seeds. People are scared of skunks but they are just trying to survive. If they see you they will run off. I saw a young deer wanting to find out what that little ball of fur was. The deer tried to sniff her but the skunk saw it as an attach. She jumped as to put on a show of force. She didn't do anything more. You have to do something really harmful to the skunk before they will spray you. Something like trying to eat her or like the cats that wonder down here, mate with them. They get rather indignant about that. The skunk reminds me of a miniature bear. A real good digger, a great nose for food and a real nice fur coat.

The Boy's came by plus a bunch more

The rain finally came to a slow stop this morning. I feed the squirrels and turkeys. The male birds didn't stop by but the hens did. Nothing like 40 or so birds wanting to eat just waiting for me to come out. Their little cry let me know they were here. Well the bird flying onto the railing really gave it away. She kept looking at me until I got off the computer and walked towards the door. She knew it was "SEED TIME."

About 1PM "The Boy's" stopped by my big four footed buddies. Buddy's oldest son was looking rather beat-up. He's not limping as bad as when I saw him last. His eyes and face looked swollen. He's been doing the hormone cha-cha with the girls. It really drives them insane. One of "Fella's" older boys and the next oldest were here too. Fella is feeling rather down since some deer or deers beat him up real good. I think he's feeling like an out cast. The rest of the kids are doing so well and seemed happy to see me today. Big Buddy had a big smile as I walked out the door. Little Buddy the baby of the bunch ducted behind a bush with no leaves on it, like I couldn't see him. He's always been that way and never comes out unless dads around.

The turkey had a good nap today. I don't think they were getting any good sleep with all this rain and wind. Not sure where they have been going to sleep but it's about two hours from here. If they were sleeping here they would have been here at sunrise. One day before the rain they were in the trees behind the house. When they flew down in the low light of the morning one bird hit my telephone wire. Then smacked into the roof. She recovered but ran into the tops of the peach trees.

To night Momma deer and her two girls stopped by. I went out and sat with them until I became to cold. Why a great day of critters. I forgot to say to much about the squirrels but there's always tomorrow.

Monday, January 10, 2005

Back from town

Got the seeds. The sun came out while in town but the say a big storm is coming in. Missed the BBC World News but I did caught a few minutes of it. When I turned on the TV it was on the local news with the weather report. Lots of green on the map coming this way.

When I returned home there was two of Big Buddy's sons here. They only saw what the turkeys were eating and walk to the old road. It was put in some 100 plus years ago. It's not very wide because it was made for horses. It's more like a path now and the critters use it all the time. Little Buddy showed up as I got out of the rain gear, shoes and pants off. Nothing like having to where two of everything type of weather. Little Buddy is one of Big Buddy's youngest sons. He only has one and one half antlers. He will be better next year with strong antlers like his father. I can't walk outside with them unless Big Buddy is them.


Picture of my deer friends.(not sure if this will work since it's a link to flash file)

To late to feed the squirrels. I can see by the mess that they had their fill. Those little guys will eat everything you give them. I guess that's part of the way they evolved to store food for the lean times. It's so interesting to see them with their little muscles moving. I can see how they have a common ancestors to humans. After being nice to the squirrels for three years they are finally beginning to trust me. If any one else is here they run off.

"ARNOWLD" released his state budged. Last week he said that education was important. This week he cut the funding to the schools. Maybe he wants us all to talk like him. I can't believe the way Republicans think. After a 100 plus year of being a state, he wants to change everything that we all worked years for.

Rain, Rain go away. Come back some other day.

Another very wet day. Poor turkeys are all wet. They still are here getting a bite to eat. Going to town to get some more sunflower seeds. The squirrels eat way to much but it's nice to see them. They have eaten 40 pounds in the last two weeks. Well the turkeys did help.

My dry creek isn't. There is a creek started right through the center of the yard. I had to move piles of leave that washed down the creek that was clogging up the water flow.

The weather people said, "it's going to snow down to 500 feet." Then it was updated to 2500 feet. Looks like it's some where in the 4000 to 5000 foot range.

The hail yesterday covered the place. Every where was white. The poor turkeys just stood there and took it. The squirrels hung out on the front porch and just watched the hail come down. They even stopped eating sunflower seeds to watch. This was rather amasing for for the squirrels because they never put down a seed.

My road is still flooded. The water is creating a water fall as it goes into the creek. I dug a trench to devert the water but it filled in with the dirt in the water flow.

Well, it stopped raining so it's time to go to town and get another 40 pound of sunflower seeds.