Friday, November 18, 2005

Chaney defends his lies

Ever meet some one that is criminally insane? Just look at the Republican party and you can see people who are sociopaths. People with out emotion. People only for themselves. This week was an interesting one in politics where the republicans cut help to the poor while giving themselves and their rich friends tax breaks. Wouldn't be nice if you could give yourself a pay raise. I'd do it if I could but I'm not sucking the dix of the corporations and other politicians.
Bush is a boob with no social skills. Seeing him on TV over seas he was like a child visiting with his parents but they went there to keep him inline.
This administration remind me of Pinky and the Brain where every night they try to take over the world but fail every night. The only problem with this scenario is it's like the movie like "ground hogs day" and the store repeats every day with the same thing happening. The war is turning into an endless pet project of Bush's that didn't go right from the start. If he only didn't want to one up his dad.
Chaney on the other hand who really runs the country and is the most evil person other then Karl Rove. Chaney's plan to get the oil of Iraq backfire and the people he was sucking are taking it out on the people of the world with higher prices. Things won't let up there until they get  to drill in Alaska and get the oil fields. This war was planned out in 1993 by these Neo-Cons and when I say Con I mean cons in the way like confidence men ripping off the country.
Over all, Bush, Chaney and the rest of the Republicans are destroying this country and the world and were sitting back unable to do any thing. One thing I think the people need to get to be law is that any politician caught in any criminal act, automatically gets 20 years in jail. People have forgot the 7 trillion dollars that the stock market walk away with. Not bad for immoral acts and only get fined 1.2 billion for the theft. Now we legalized theft by using the companies like Halliburton. Here's a corporation that isn't based in the United State but if doing contracts with the United States. Why can I open a bank account in the Caribbean and not pay taxes.

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