Sunday, November 27, 2005

Cold day, colder night

I don't think it got over 48 degrees today. Too cold to be working outside. I had a hard time staying warm even in the house. Had to resort to working inside the house. When I did go outside there was to much moisture in the air which cut right through the clothing. It's 26 degrees outside right now and the poor deer are freezing. Stinkers my skunk came out for a bit earlier but he's under the house for the night trying to stay warm. He really didn't eat much. Maybe the hair wasn't keeping him so warm. The ground is frozen stiff so nothings wet. I was thinking of putting a tarp out for the deer to lay on. Maybe some old grain bags or something. I'm to attached to the wild life here. The stars are out real good. I could see Orion without any added optics. Then again there isn't a lot of light pollution here so viewing is good. The other night I was laying in bed looking out the sky light when I saw a shooting star, was rather nice. This rain for the last couple days put a damper on doing anything outside. Leaves are all over the place. I cleaned them up before the rain and now it looks like a leaf pile. Good thing I got the tools picked up. I'm doing the usual winter tool thing of sharpening of all the tools. I do that ever winter, sit watching TV sharpening tools for the spring. Get out the burnt linseed oil and coat the wood handle. Sand off any ruff splinters. I need to see how my telescope is. I know it's not totally aligned but it's close. It's going to have some distortion. I wonder how cold it will be in the morning.

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