Thursday, November 17, 2005

Raccoons were here

First time I got to see the raccoon family tonight. They didn't know what to make of me. They didn't know where they should run off or stay there and look at me. Mom's a real big raccoon where the kids are a lot smaller. Just the cutest faces. They came on the porch to eat the skunks food. I've been seeing signs of the raccoons stopping by over night but haven't seen them until tonight. I'll need to get some COB for them. They pick out the corn kernels with the sweet malaises. The kids are about half the size of mom and see looks to be a good 20 pounds if not more but then there is a lot of hair, a real lot. Skunks have been fighting, the smell is sneaking through the door. I hope they aren't under the house fighting, it takes weeks to get the smell out in summer. This might be one of those things where I just have to put up with it. Once you get a good blast of skunk smell your nose gets used to it. It wasn't like that when they went off under my bedroom but then they were just born and there was 8 of them there. Two adults and 6 babies. I guess  I just have a soft spot for baby anything's. Think I'll have a couple smokes to deaden the smell. It's those two big guys that were fight too. They always pick on the little guy that lives under the house these days. I think that's why he's smaller too. Since he spends less time trying to stay warm under the house, he has to eat less. I just can get over seeing the raccoons tonight, it was great.
Saw Big Buddy last night. He's been chasing a female for several weeks now. I was standing on the porch when I heard some little feet crossing the creek. Then a bulldozer plowing through the woods. I saw the female scoot up by the apple trees. Then the skunks came running out of the field and Big Buddy popped out. He didn't care to do any greetings. He didn't even stop for anything to eat. It was that gowning sound with his nose in the air. Since Buddy was gone for so many weeks I was getting worried about him. After the first of the year he's going to come back as a skinny hungry deer. Seems while the mating season is going on they don't get to eat much.
Well George Clinton is on Jay tonight. Go to get my P-Funked

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