Sunday, November 13, 2005

To nice a day

Sunday. Suns out and the squirrels are playing in the freshly fallen leaves. Looks like everything in the forest wants to be in the sun, including me. I'll let the squirrels play longer and have another cup of coffee, take a few pictures of the kids playing chase. Listen to a little Sunday radio theater and reflect a little. Take a good look at the forest and see if I can find something new about it. Want to keep trying to make some sort of natural material check dams and organics holders which also doubles as water reservoirs. Something to keep the moisture in and from evaporating. A gust of wind sets the forest in motion. The squirrels jump and grab in at the sudden movement claws gripping like they were upside down holding on for dear life The hens are here. I'm getting a few shot off. Good color and light. Interesting brown tinge to the light. Looks like I'll have a lot of turkey until spring when the food source is returned. Maybe this year I can get a few to eat out of my hand. Got close last year but they stopped about a foot away. Seems the seven sisters turned out to be the Amazon hen army. The seven are this one mothers kids from last year. This year she had three kids. The momma bird had some sisters which took off in the spring to raise their young. So there's a few mothers here with there young and the grand kids. One of the mothers with the kids and grand kids has a terrible limp. I also found a arrow razor blade for the arrowhead. That could be one reason they are coming around too, hunters. Well they are going to the side of the hill to pick feathers. Little later it will be  a lap around the place to look for bugs and other strange things. Couple more hours and the males will be showing up. Set you watch by them. Always the last place before they fly up into the trees for the night.

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