Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Conserve power?

Energy companies are complaining that people are conserving too much power and want to raise rates to make up for the money they are loosing with people conserving energy.

Don't that beat all. Mean while they keep building large houses that use large amounts of energy to light to cool or heat. Solar is for the rich and if our government was on the ball, they would have some sort of way of putting solar on all the poorest peoples houses to help them out. Here in California where the sun shines almost every day it would help all those air conditioners and new homes that need tons of extra energy. The energy companies serving their stock holder want to make as much as they can no matter who they hurt in the process.

Wouldn't it be great is all the houses would have solar cells on there houses. Then you wouldn't have the scare of brown outs.

What gets me is the oil companies and the price of oil. Even thought the west coast doesn't rely on oil from the Caribbean when a hurricane comes around the price of gas goes up on the west coast. That sounds like price fixing which I thought was illegal. I guess that shows you that if you have enough money then you don't have to obey laws.

I'd be in favor of nationalizing the utilities here and giving the people far prices. Now with insurance constantly going up some states are making it mandatory to have health and car insurance. That makes them a monopoly. They don't have to lower the rates because they know you have to buy it and will be fined if you don't. Because it's mandatory then it should be nonprofit. How else could it be fair?

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