Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Hot again


Too hot for too long. No breaks insight. I don't mind hot days but I need breaks in this heat. I can't have the life sucked out of me every day, day after day. It's like opening the door and walking into a wall of heat. Taking a cool shower mid day feels good for about 5 minutes. This global warming is only going to get worse too. I just hate to think of the summers 20 years from now where it's going to be a hundred every day if not higher and hot at night too. People will look back and say why didn't anyone warn us. Then the scientist will say we warned you about this. The people will say you weren't perfectly clear about what you meant about getting hot. I just know so many people who think like rocks now will be the ones saying that. They are the hyper people that talk and talk saying nothing only to talk to hear their voices. You've seen those people. What gets me is those people seem to do well in the economy and have all the toys. They never seem to have to work and what they do for work is things like selling things. They don't know what it is but they sell those widgets like crazy. If your like me your seeing the news reports and sit there asking why isn't anyone doing anything about this because it's going to be bad. You tell everyone you know but some of your friends live for bumper sticker slogans and vote that way too. The others are those that say it's a debate and it's just politics and hide their heads in the sand.

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