Saturday, July 01, 2006

Pet the Skunk

Pet the Skunk? Well I did that tonight. Poohkey didn’t mind at all in fact she seemed to like it. Steve and George don’t want anything to do with me though. The Babies are growing like weeds; they are about the size of a gray squirrel. Whitey still thinks he’s the big skunk her taking after any other skunk and me. His brother is a lot nicer and come right up to me. He does his little sniffing thing and rubs against my leg like a cat. For the most part the skunks living here aren’t any problem except when fighting over food. Well, it’s not fighting over the food but fighting to keep their food. The heat has been hard on all the forest creatures. I sort of rescued a baby deer that’s an orphan. I explained to Big Buddy the situation the baby deer was in and the tribe all pitched in to get her to water and eat apples I cut up for her. One of the mothers who aren’t going to give birth for a few more month is looking after her. The poor thing look to be a few months old. I never seen this little one here before and the other mothers I know hadn’t given birth yet.

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