Thursday, August 13, 2009

Dick Army works for the bad guys

Listening to Dick speak about health care reform and all his lies he’s speeding. Remember he was the guy that exposed a CIA agent then hid behind the president not to be prosecuted. I thought it was a traitorous offence myself. Well, he’s against the people of the country like most good republican sucking up to monopolies and helping them to stay monopolies. There are a few others spreading lies also. The one that really got me that the radical right republican woman that can’t read. She was reading of a page or so she said on a radio show talking about death board. Palin is no better but she used her body to get places. You know she’s got a tan vagina now for her husband and who ever else she needs to persuade. “I can see Palin’s vagina from my porch.” The health care monopoly has pulled out all the stops spending millions to defeat the public health plan. They have been giving examples of Canadian and UK’s public health saying you get put on a list and it take months to see a doctor, which is completely false. No one there goes bankrupt over getting health care there. Unlike here where 3 out of 5 bankruptcies are caused by medical bills. Lets not forget what the financial industry did about bankruptcy during the Bush years, corporations can claim bankruptcy any time they want but people can’t. So banks and credit card companies flooded the markets with credit card giving them to anyone that could make their mark on a slip saying they will pay for what they bought.

What type of republican moron would say I want insurance companies to restrict service saying those tests aren’t worth it. That wants insurance companies to cancel there policy when they come down with a life threatening illness like cancer. That’s everything thee loudmouths are saying the public plan would do but they are already getting that and want to keep that type of service with all those restrictions. Dick wants you to keep everything the same and so do the monopolies called insurance companies.

Why isn’t anyone bringing up not for profit insurance companies. German did that, converted the for profit companies into not for profit companies with one law. That’s what we need here.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Palin is a looser, quitter, lier

Palin says the the health reform is going to make people sign up to die, what a lie. Then again she made her way from her looks and not her smarts.

The republicans in bed with the insurance companies want to do everything they can to keep prices high and health care for profit. The idea you can only insure healthy people only. Ironically many of the republicans in office couldn’t get insured felt on there own. Tax people pick up there high price. Chaney could get health insurance. He’s had 4 heart attacks, bypass surgery, pacemaker, drugs, everything to disqualify him from being insured.

We need a law to make all insurance companies to be nonprofit. As it is they only spend 28 cents of every dollar they bring in for health. They are also a investment companies and if they loose on a investment they will raise your rates which have nothing to do with your health. They set their profit amount and don’t take anything less.

Friday, August 07, 2009

Who supports republicans

That’s real simple, stupid Americans in states like Alabama. There there are the republicans that are spreading lies about health care reform and the hillbillies believe every word. Only stupid people support republicans because they don’t know any better even though they are voting against what would help them.

If people of Alabama want to be poor hicks with guns, drunk so they don’t see what’s going on while watching stock car races. Fine, but someone should tell them they are really getting screwed. That republicans are big business the ones shipping jobs over seas. Why can’t they see that? Too drunk to see the world and can’t read a news paper or watch the news. I’m sure these are the same people listening to Rush and Fox news. Someone has to listen to that crap and it might as well be stupid people in Alabama.

Stupid people don’t just live in Alabama, Oklahoma is another good place for stupid hicks. Everything they think they are voting for is just the opposite. Republicans don’t have morals at least the elected officials because they are making deals with big business. You think this depression wasn’t started by republicans. Bush giving the oil companies a big bonus before leaving office and trying to get offshore drilling going. Then Phil Gramm and his wife who got commodities and banking finance  deregulated causing these bizarre products that were sold that were over rated. Why the rating companies are in trouble for getting paid for giving products high ratings when they were crap and they knew it but they were paid to rate them high which is a conflict of interest.

If you ask me, the people running the ratings companies need to be placed in jail. Better yet make them pay for everyone’s losses. Not bank but all the people that investing in crap that was rated by them.

No tax below $250,000

Obama said no taxes on the middle class, people making $250,000 and below. Funny isn’t that’s what congress and senate pull in? Plus they get all those breaks and benefits costing a lot which normal people would have to pay for. All the free airline trips which we would have to pay for. Pelosi gets a jet that can fly from coast to coast because she didn’t like to stop for fuel. Seems like she should rent out part of the space to recoup some of the cost so that tax payer would have to foot the bill every weekend. Her flower bill for the first three months in office was enough to pay three people social security benefits for a year. Then when they retire they get there highest salary times every term they were in office. North Carolina’s Senator Byrd will retire with $12 million a year.  Lucky he’s old and the country won’t be paying that out too long. Still the cut off for the people who can afford to pay taxes bothers me. Now if it was in a more practical range like $50,000 or $60,000 dollars a year that would make more sense.

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Weather movie, extra Cheese

I’ve seen bad movies and two of them on NBC in a row, two two week two part movies wasting my time, both times. Something that could have been a one day two hour movie was stretched out filled with crappy music that should have been in a video game and not scored for a movie. This movie was so cheesy. Whether it was the science done without any help from real science people to the cheesy rays coming out of the radar dishes. You know you can’t see magnetic wave no matter how hard you try. Then turning off a storm in the nick of time to end the movie. “Storm” has to be someone’s movie that they won’t use on there resume. What was NBC thinking okaying this movie, then showing it, what were they thinking. Did they make that much in advertising. Makes you wonder if a movie is going to be on NBC that you might not want to watch it because of there history of making in house movies. Well you get what you pay for whether it’s where you watched it, free off air DTV or the NBC people that made this movie.

Just think, next fall they are beating a night with talk show hosts are going to pull them out. Would be nice if they had programs to replace all the infomercials.

Friday, July 31, 2009

World says American Capitalism is broken.

When all these dirt bags too money from the Federal Government to get up and working they were paying themselves bonuses. What I see that is as take the money and run, leaving the mess to be picked up by someone else.

AIG the biggest off ender of capitalism with no moral playing fast and loose with the laws making up things that laws went made to protect the people investing in what they were selling, which should have been insurance but weren’t. Sure it’s nice that some of the people are getting paid off for the losses but they should have started at the bottom of the list and worked up. If they ran out of money going to hedge funds, so what.

I’m thinking at everyone that got a bonus at AIG for the past three years over a million dollars need to be vaporized from the planet. A hundred years ago they would be swinging from a robe of the favorite towns tree. Microwaving them to they were chard still and crispy being cooked from the inside while still alive isn’t that bad of punishment in my book for people like that. They rank up there with rapist and child molesters but worse. Since the amount of people they effected they should be charged with crimes against humanity. Life in prison is too good for them.

For all the CEO and upper staff that was in on the deal and were taking home these big bonuses all need to be executed. Like O’Reilly said, “they need to be taken out and shot.” That’s one of O’Reilly’s comments about doctors and liberal. He’s another one that the world could do without, stirring up people with his hate speech.

Line up the CEO from all the failed bank, investment companies, hedge funds, insurance companies, and last of all the rating companies that took bribes to give a positive review of junk that wasn’t worth the paper it was printed on, the worst of the offender and those companies need to be removed from the planet also. So you find a nice hole in the earth and drop a air fuel bomb on them. Western justice. Something Bush and Chaney were pushing for and should join then in this hole.

Another good punishment for all these people would be to run the gauntlet of people effect in the world where those people would be able to hit them with anything they want. They will have to getting running the gauntlet from both side because they would never make it to the end of the line. Even if one person was aloud to hit them once with a fist or a kick with a foot, several hundred thousands of those you wouldn’t be in very good shape.

The  next tear of people under the people with the bonuses need to be band from anything economical. You won’t have to worry about the first group because they will be spending a short time on the planet before there punishment.

I see all these people as traitors to the country and to the world because they knew what they were doing was wrong but did it anyway. If you look at what political party that are affiliated with they all with say Republican, the party of no morals.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Blue Dogs PROTECT Big Business

Blue Dog democrats protect the insurance system keeping things the way they are. They did get big campaign checks for there re-elections too. Radical Right gets it’s way on keeping Big Business the way it is, higher and higher insurance prices. Forget inflation, insurance companies can set there own price because the Blue Dogs and Radical Right got rid of the competition from the government, the public health plan that would keep down prices.

Just goes to show you that money talks and people knuckle under fearing big business. What happened to your spines? Worrying about re-election verses doing the right thing for America has been the apathetic problem for years.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Dog Duo to Wed Woman: Turkey Dinner for Three

posted by Cal Orey, Author-Intuitive at The Writing Gourmet - 1 day ago
*Wedding * *Engagement Dinner* ***By Cal Orey* ** *"He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last ...

Monday, July 20, 2009

Republicans say, “We can’t help it, we were born this way.”

Republicans can’t defend there actions saying they were just born mean and support big business no matter what it costs the country. They republicans proved there selves during the Bush years deregulating everything they could get there hands on including banking and stock market laws making it easy to cheat people. What I don’t understand is they say they are the party of morals but you haven’t heard that lately because it’s obvious they don’t have any morals. In fact they act more like sociopaths then anything else. They all went into politics as “Tight Ends” but insurance companies, banks, and any other lobbyists made them all into “Wide Receivers.” And to think they are against being gay. I guess bending over is okay when you say, “it’s just politics.”

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Testing out the Write Program

Well this is totally cool, being able to write my blog off line and then post it to Blogger. They used to have a add-on for Word but that went away. Now I’m using Windows Live Writer to write this blog entry.  Now to see if it works which would be very nice. I noticed that my entries went down when the Word plug-in stopped working. Now that I have this, I’m going to be using my blog again. I like it that you don’t have to log in and all that jazz.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Looking good....

Added the picture in the header. That looks good but the way the page is laid out you can't make it go all the way across. It's okay though, It fits the way the page is set up plus I have my screen res set real high so at full screen things look small.

Now to figure out what I'm going to do with the Google ads. Right now it puts a ad under the last post which I guess I can live with. I don't know if anyone has ever used these links. I know I'm not getting money hand over fist from the ads. Don't think I've made anything so far.

The Firebug program works pretty cool. I've been getting a lot of goodies the last few days. I thought I had all the good ones but they always come out with new better toys. Some I'm not sure what they do yet since I haven't used them yet.

All Right Now, Playing with the Blog

Trying some new stuff for the blog. Found that there is videos about how to do things on YouTube. Whether it's made by Google or a personal entry they cover a lot of things you can do to yuor blog. Not sure that I want people to come to my blog to play games but I guess they are there to put on your blog.

The Soon to be Momma Deer is laying about resting intensely. This is what the other female did right before she had the two babies. Very touchy too, even though she knows me and lets me walk close to her but not today. I'm thinking she will be giving birth soon.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

McCain plays stupid, again

I should say he’s not playing stupid. How can you find out what happened with the spying if there isn't an investigation. Either is the rest of the republicans that don’t want an investigation on spying on American, warrant less wire tapes, what ever ever evil things Chaney could cook up. Republicans know that if the spy program is reveled to the public they will loose seats and votes along with credibility. This is besides the torture programs Chaney loves also which republicans don’t want people looking into. As Chaney would say, it’s just a little water and some stress positions. As it is they changed the definition of torture to where only if you have organs failure is it torture. Well, people did die from what they did to them. They also ignored the Geneva Convention. How can you tell others not to do that when your not setting an example.. If what all happened in the last 8 years of what Bush and Chaney gets out to the world there might be a cry to put them on trial for Crimes against Humanity. I’m sure there were some other shady deals done where Bush and Chaney’s friends made billions of dollars. All the no bid contracts that went on which gave people the idea they didn’t have to do a good job but take the money. All the companies tied to position that Chaney had as CEO should have been excluded from taking part i any government contract. Chaney went from being CEO to vice president and gave his former employer sweetheart deals. It was like he was still the CEO and had two jobs.

What gets me is the republicans said they are the party of morals then go out and torture people, invade a country for oil. Looking from the outside you would say it was insider trading and manipulations of the markets. How people voted for the party thinking they were voting for moral people when they are the party of big business. There vote was shooting themselves in the foot. If you look at what happened to the bankruptcy laws where you can claim bankruptcy but big businesses can. That credit card companies can charge you any fees that get you into deep water where you never can get out because you can’t claim bankruptcy. Last years high price for oil was Bush’s gift to the oil companies. That’s what caused the economy to start to collapse. Then it was a house of card falling one by one until today. Meanwhile the rich got richer. Bush and Chaney aren’t hurting and this depression has no effect on them, they could care less. Like Iraq which Bush and Chaney broke, they also broke America and the rest of the world. I hope history isn’t very kind and tells the truth about Bush and Chaney and all there shady dealings.

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Love Life, Hearing Voices

Listening to the man that lost his son to suicide and started walking across the United States with a sign saying "Love Life." Just so happens I'm here looking out the door drinking coffee watching the deer, the blue jays and the baby turkeys with mom. I have to say I'm here in life and taking part in it. I had to look up Steve Fugate too read more about him.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

A day in the life

Mr. Lizard smiling in the sun. Nice sunny day except for the mosquitoes that travel in swarms. Even the deer run from the mosquitoes swarms. They duck through low brush knocking off the flies and mosquitoes. I've tried the so called repellent but that doesn't work all that good. Haven't seen momma deer in a few days, well there's two pregnant deer. I saw the baby skunks last night for the first time. They are real cute and doing everything you'd think a large adult skunk would be doing, stomping their feet and squeaking. Have to say they are so cute. They were sticking close to mom but one was a bit of an explorer. They still gathered close to mom after looking at the world for the first time. They say me and didn't make to much noise seeing me. They looked at me as part of the family with mom coming up to me to get a pet. They sure were on the move and was hard to count them. I'm still not sure if there are five or six babies. I've notice many mothers running around here. Not sure if any of them are males, maybe one. The deer look at the babies and wonder. I've noticed the deer taking in the sights. They'll watch birds, I've seen them looking at the hummingbirds. Today I put grain on the table but the deer say a bird under the table and waited until the bird left before coming up to the table. The deer would look over at me then under the table to let me know there was something down there. Was real cute. It looks like it may rain and has been dark most of the day. The skunks haven't been out yet, they might stay in if it's going to rain, at least for the babies. Going to be an interesting rest of the summer with all the little ones.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

DTV and the poor preformance

I'm real disappointed that DTV conversion. Not that it was hard to hook up but the poor signal. In my area of Northern California the power of the DTV transmitters has gone up by 3 but the range has gone down by 3 to 4. Why a million watt transmission can't make it forty miles amazes me. I used to get with analog TV signal San Francisco which is 120 plus miles away at 300,000 Watts. Now with a million watts in my backyard that DTV signal doesn't reach me on a good night. I'd rather see a signal that maybe a bit ghosty but has the sound then a signal that drops out when it looses a few bits.

One thing that's wrong is the high compression ratio. MPEG compression only sees after the first key frame the changes in those frames. So when a minor bit drop happens the whole signal falls apart and takes time to recover getting the key frame which seems to be at least one second.

The audio was suppose to be better like CD quality that is if you can receive the signal. I've noticed that the audio signal comes out about 10 DB's down or 1/2 the signal then analog. I haven't looked into the bit rate of the audio yet to see if it's the same as DVD or CD quality. I do know that it skips like a DVD or CD and drops out like the pictures does.

Cell phones use a bunch of transmitters and receives to make it's system work. I think for DTV to work it's going to have to do the same thing, dozens of low powered transmitter towers spread all over to cover an area. The idea of one big transmitter just doesn't seem to work since weather, static in the air, rain, snow, wind, heat inversion layer all seem to affect the signal. Setting up a bunch of smaller transmitters with over lapping signals might be the way to go.

My video of what DTV looks like if you don't live under the transmitter.
DTV Quality Video

Monday, December 15, 2008

Let me get this right....

Let me get this right....

If you rob a bank and get a couple thousand dollars you go to jail for the same time a broker does for robbing people of 60 billion dollars. Where's my white shirt because there's a good incentive not to rob banks but Wall Street. Seems the people that were rating stocks 8 years ago where brokers paid there rating companies for a favorable rating. The rating companies made out in fees. The brokers got a nice piece of paper saying these stocks were great. They sold the stocks making fees for the transactions. The people that bought the stocks were left holding the bag, a bag of toxic waste. Sound familiar? These same ratings companies rated housing loans that were bundled together. They made favorable ratings and collected there fees. The brokers sold off the toxic laced loan packages. Now the government is bailing them out sort of. Hank Paulson who said we need to buy up those toxic loans but gave the money to his favorite banks where they now sit on the money. His idea was that they were going to loan money and get the economy going except he forgot to have some strings attached saying they have to loan this money they were given, given with no strings, not a loan, just given. Then there's the mortgage backs securities, a insurance company that has nothing to back it's policies up with. Since they were not called a insurance company they weren't regulated. Well if it smells like insurance and works like insurance then it should be regulated like insurance. You don't go to a casino that can't pay you when you win but this was a hedge fund where they only take when things are good, good for them and leave the people holding the toxic waste bag when things are bad. Hank Paulson favoring these Wall Street buddies gave AIG over one hundred billion dollars with no strings, not a loan, just gave them the money.

Lets go back to eight years ago when brokers were selling over rated stocks and walked away with over one hundred billion dollars. The brokers were fined one billion two hundred million dollars and told not to do it again. These were also brokers that contributed highly to the republican campaign which got Bush elected. So I guess they used a favor from someone high up in the Whitehouse because no one went to jail.

Back to today, so far no one has gone to jail for running the country into the ground but were rewarded by money, not a loan, just piles of money. Sounds like what happened in Iraq where piles of money were handed out with no accounting.

The TARP program was suppose to keep people in their houses but Hank Paulson a appointment by Bush favors Wall Street people giving them tons of money while the people paying for this, the tax payer are asking where is this money going? Paulson just saying, "Trust me." Meanwhile the economy is going from bad to worse.

So far there has been over "Two Trillion Dollars" given out, mostly to the presidents friends. A reward as Bush gets ready to leave office. Everyone talked about a October surprise and there was one, seems Bush had to break it and sell it to the public, congress and senate just like the war was sold to the American people. The war made some people rich with no bid contracts. Cheney still gets paid from Halliburton.

Lets see what has Bush done in the last eight years besides running the country into the ground. He's dismantled the EPA to where it's back to or before the EPA was created. His friends manipulated oil prices and made billions of dollars. His friends drove the price of corn up to where renewable fuels were buying corn at eight dollars a bushel and now are selling the alcohol for less then it took to make driving them out of business protecting the oil companies. He's got off shore drilling on the table. Left two wars going and never found his family friend Bin Laden, who I think is in the guest house on Bush's ranch. Lets not forget Katrina and Brownie who was "doing a heck of a job." Government jobs were privatized and those jobs, contracts were given to Bush's friends costing the tax payers more money then if the government was doing the same job.

Just love the guy that through the shoes at Bush in Iraq, what balls and what irony.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

I change my political views like you change underwear

McCain says he's going to protect Social Security but a few years ago he was saying he wanted to privatize it to get a higher return from the stock market. Could you imagine the impact it would be having right now if the republicans would have privitised social security when Bush was on his privitizing rampage as what was done with social security part "D" a big give away to the drug manufacturing compnies where the government pays top dollar for drugs above market price. Another great republican give away. Republicans like make making a failing government and privetizing that same office like outsourcing the military which is coasting billions a week wheather it's money going to Chaney's buddies where Chaney gets a yearly kickback or the private army that is hired to supliment the military in Iraq inplace of using real military at a higher price. The surge where the millitary was increased to the point of the generals prediction of what would it take to control the masses there to install peace in the contry had to have private solders because they ran out of real solders. Still the count was in the 300,000 range. That's why the cost per day is so high, private solders cost a lot more. If we were just using real military and no private compnaies the war cost would be 1/10 the price it is right now but republican investerest need to make money on all situations like war, bailouts or even no child left behind and private schools.

Then again, every day has a new theme to McCain's run. He can't come up with anything on his own and now is copying, "Obama's Change mantra." The "Maverick" thing didn't pan out when people watched the movie "Top Gun" and saw what Tom Cruse's character was as a maverick, a loose canon, someone you couldn't count on. Then going back in history a maverick is a unbranded young cow or stear.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Thou shall not lie, except when you can win a election

Thou shall not lie. Love your neighbor as yourself. Things that so called Totalitarian Christian seem to over look to get their way as they interpret the bible in their own way, making it up as they go. These are the people that if they offer you cool aid you really need to run. When a religion that's based on love is teaching hate it's time to get off the bus.

McCain and Palin, "Miss Chokesondix, Alaska" stopped talking about getting elected to "lets vote against THEM." After all it was Phil Gramm and McCain that supported deregulation of the markets saying they will govern themselves. Who also is afraid of redistributing the wealth downward instead of to the extreme rich. We say that the "Trickle down Economic" really mean pee on the poor and middle class. Hearing Palin's Christian way of thinking it's time to get off the bus. She can still give me a hummer though. How do you think she got to where she is today, it wasn't on her looks.

Why can't Christians tell the truth? It's because they need to dominate over others. Adolf did that too and he was a Christian, a Protestant, a off branch of the Catholic Church which also broke off to the Baptist and a 160 plus other groups. The Nazi's were all Christian. So were the Fascist's in Italy. So religion and government really don't mix

"Born again" could do it right the first time? Needed another religion that suited you, something that was easier to do?