Saturday, October 29, 2011

Little Puppy

 My friend the Kitfox walking up on the cedar fence
 Trying to take a flash picture in the dead of dark. Still you can see the color of the Kitfox.
 Kitfox and skunk wandering around. Everyone gets along here.
Running up close and sort of out of focus. My little friend is very hyper
I'm really amazed at the Kitfoxes because of how friendly they are. I can talk them over to a spot where I tossed a piece of cheese which they really like. This is the larger of the two Kitfoxes. They are very small creatures and the tail acts like a counter weight for balance. It's really got strong looking little legs. I'll walk on the porch and the puppy comes up on the walkway and sits down about 10 feet from me. The first time I seen a Kitfox here I thought it was one of the cats because it was sitting down. I called it over and motioned with my hand. It darted to the porch for some cat food. Being around dogs and wolves in the past I never seen anyone as smart as this little guy. It really is smart. 

The baby raccoon's and mothers are here. Have the cutest albino baby, it's the lightest one year and almost looks white in the tree. Pasta night out at Bob's. Everyone likes pasta and cat food. The little skunk with the hurt front paw is here. It's a real friendly skunk that follows me everywhere. It's got a star like marking on it's forehead. I just hate seeing it limping getting around but it seems to be doing much better. It's holding food in bother paws so I don't think it's broken. They tend to jump off things or fall off and not know how far it is down. I see the baby raccoon's don't know where to wash their hands or drink the milk left out for the kittens. What still amazes me is wildlife isn't as wild as you think it is. That you can make friends with them. The wildlife is easier to get close to then the kittens.

Kittens at Play

Running after each other playing chase
Sneak attack and pouncing
Fun Jumping into each other
Attacking the tail grass
"Little Tigger"
Interesting photos taken through the kitchen windows and through the window screen. These kittens sort of have a lion thing going on. Been trapping them and getting them to a vet to be fixed. A woman saw two of the kittens and asked if she could adopt them. I said sure but there's one more in the family set. Hate to break up the family because they really like playing together. They also sleep in a pile together. I have to say, they sure are entertaining to watch play. Most of the time they sleep but when they are moving they are playing. 

Thursday, October 20, 2011

GOP goes for Neurotic Sociopath for President

What God told you to take over the planet? That's a good sign your a sociopath. Devil and witches were casted out of you by a fringe cult leader who thinks God is talking to him and he's rewriting the bible the way he thinks it needs to be written? That just might be a sociopath. Why is the GOP digging to the bottom of the barrel for a presidential leader? Eye of Newt? Anyone that doesn't agree with Newt is a "Elitist?" Everyones against you and out to get you, you might be a sociopath.

Tea Baggers aren't making to much noise after being taken over by the Koch brothers and funded indirectly through Dick Armey. What's it feel like to be used by the radical right?

Watching a news show about the Tea Baggers one thing really got me, the guy that said, "I want government out of my Medicare." He clearly doesn't know that Medicare is a government program.

If you listen to the GOP presidential candidates, they all are repeating the same talking points coming from the Koch brothers and the foundations they sponsor.  Karl Rove and his group American Crossroads gets it's money from the Koch brothers. No one still knows what that one group that slandered Kerry about his time in the military. The Right Wing supreme court said money is free speech and corporations are people but corporations can't be held responsible for their actions like people are. If a person kills someone they go to prison but if a corporation kills someone no one goes to jail even if they knew what they were doing would kill someone. Massy energy killed many people in several mines and just called it the cost of doing business when they get fined. Most of the time the judges are on business side so nothing ever happens because the judges got funds from an industry or corporation which they hold worth more then any human life. The minors in Nevada where the mine collapsed were left there and never even tried to recover the bodies because it cost the company too much. If there was more coal to be had then it might be worth it but that mine was on it's last leg.

Citibank was fined 280 million dollars for selling a 1 billion dollar packaged security then beat it was going to fail. They made 160 million on fees selling the package. The people that bought the package lost it all even though ratings companies rated it highly because they were paid to rate it highly. So, 280 million was just a fine for the cost of doing business and no one has gone to jail.

Bank of America can't manage itself because it's to big and too big to fail. When they were given the bailout money they bought other crap rather then taking care of itself. Now it's almost ready to fail again and plans to lay off 30,000 people and close banks around the world. Well, when BofA was first bought by Security Pacific back in the 80's it was a failing bank then.

The Glass Stegal Act need to be put back in place along with stronger Dodd Frank laws. To hear the republican say that they want to do away with regulation is just asking for more problems. The banks want to have a socialist policy of getting bailed out by the tax payers but want to be this failing capitalist corporation able to make stupid moves. All the GOP people running for office say they want to get rid of the regulations and what gets me is the mindless people hearing sound bites haven't a clue what they are talking about and play follow the leader over the cliff like lemmings.

Looking at what Greece is doing or what is happening there, it's what is going on here too. The rich aren't paying taxes and that's why they are failing. The idea we don't tax the rich so we can barrow money from the rich and pay them back with interest isn't going to last. A total free market without regulations will always fail. Even Greenspan said so being grilled at a senate hearing. He pushed for a self regulating market which doesn't work because people cheat and are greedy. One in America can a CEO run a corporation into the ground and get paid for running it into the ground and walk away with a outrageous pay package of hundreds of millions of dollars.

Perry wants to drill baby drill back to prosperity which is good for Texas corporations like Halliburton. So far the hunt for natural gas has only ended up polluting ground water. Areas that had "Fraking" done are having earthquakes which they never had before. Natural gas is leaking out of wells and cracks made by "Fraking." The Oil Sand pipeline is only for the export of diesel fuel because they can't make much else from it. Watching TV ads, where they say we are your friends and we just need to get rid of the clean air and water acts and get the EPA not to regulate greenhouse gases and everything will be fine. One ad says natural gas is cleaner then coal. That's true but it still puts greenhouse gases in the air. So it isn't safe. Texas has the worst drought in living history but Perry says he believes that climate science is a conspiracy so they can get research money. Mean while the largest fires in Texas history burned on with no water to put them out. Farmers are going under and cattle can't be fed. Only in America is global warming being played as a political toy, the rest of the world sees it as fact. Why would corporations spend billions to make up fake science to try to put down global warming. Bush said global warming would be good then people in cold areas could be working all year round building houses. Everyone discounting global warming is tied to oil and chemical industries.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Big Foot and Baby's

 My baby resting after a run up the road here. She cleaned herself and now resting before dinner. She has a unique mark on her nose. Very friendly and lets me pick the burs off her. I found brushing her causes a bit of pain but she knows I'm just helping get the burs out. She will make a little peep as I brush her but leans into the brush. I was worried when she had a cold and her nose was running. She kept sneezing one day and didn't want to be around me. She's doing much better now.
No not my wet foot print. It's baby Bear's foot print. Amazing how close it looks to a human foot print except you don't see and part of the back of the foot. This is a front foot print. I've noticed they step with the back foot on the front part of the foot but bring down the back part like humans do. They step so softly as they walk. Step a little stop and wait to see if anyone has noticed them moving. Even though the bear is a baby and for most people it would scare them mainly seeing the size of their heads. Most of what your seeing is hair fluffed up, standing up. Still we aren't used to see anything big but dogs and then we back away even if the dog is friendly. We will gauge that by how it jumps on us and starts licking us where to be afraid. Still folk lour plays in the back of our minds. The stories of people eaten in their sleeping bags with candy bar crumbs all over them. For the most part they just want a bit to eat and that is something like nuts and berries. Water is something else they are looking for. They can smell way better then any dog with that long nose. They avoid contact with humans as much as possible. If your cooking out in the wild or in a park and a bear shows up they are just thinking, "Your having a party and didn't tell me." They are eating machines but black bears don't eat any thing bigger then a squirrel. They are afraid at seeing something as big as a deer and when I seen seven turkeys go after a bear causing it to run off, I was real surprised. They explore and think about what they are doing and  see what happens when they do something. Slow and steady as they go. One think I noticed with a larger female was don't poke her in the butt when she can't see you. She turned and snapped at her baby when it bumped into her.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Babies and baby buddies

Tiny Buddy. Another orphan less then a year old.
Everyone gathered around the water on a warm summer day.
Babies and mom lounging on the side of the hill near the fence. The babies blend into the buckeye leaves.
 Babies eating berries in the creek. The black berry vines are at the edge of the creek and the berries hang down, easy to get.
 Mom and babies in the creek under a red sky in the evening.
Little Buddy. Seems he is an orphan. The other deer don't want him around but he's such a nice little guy. Almost a year old.

Oh On, Not more kittens!!!!!

 Momma kitty and the new baby kitties. I just seen them for the first time a couple days ago playing here in front of the old shed, something that was built 70 years ago and built not to any standards of today. Wood was milled up the hill in Camino. It's all roughed out size too. You can see the large saw marks as they cut the tree apart. The boards weren't milled down but are 1 inch thick and 12 inches wide. I had to add some wood to hold this old shed up from falling over. There's still holes in the walls with a corrugated metal roof. I pulled one size with a come-a-long tied to stump to up right one side of the building. There's just some gardening stuff inside, irrigation piles and drain pipe. There's an old tube radio. The cabinets on one wall are still intact. They have glass doors and somewhat nice shelves inside. Someone collected a variety of pine cones that are in the cabinets. There's a baby basket thing made of wicker that's white sitting on top of the old tube radio. There's an old air conditioner, one of the first made I'm thinking by the way it's put together. It's got so much space inside it and is so heavy I had a hard time moving it into the shed. It was a real power hog too but back then it didn't matter because power was real cheap.
 Momma Kitty has that meek look to her. "I didn't want to get pregnant, it just happened, you know." Yesterday she came over to my car and was sitting near the front tire giving me those sad eyes. I think the kittens are cute but I can't believe how fast she is having them, the other kittens aren't even grown up yet. I haven't seen in mom will let her other set of kittens come near these kittens. Maybe that's why she didn't want the other kittens around her a few weeks back.
 They have some unique markings and a small tail like mom. That bandit mask around their eyes. Lots of stripes and that same little distinct mouth.
 I think the other evening was the first time out for them. They are playing with everything that moves. Whether it's a bug or blade of grass they tap. They are already jumping on each other
 Hard to take photos in almost dark like here. It was a red sky with rain clouds, thunder and lighting to come along with rain for a few hours but it only sprinkled just enough to almost get the ground wet. Under the trees the rain never made it through.

Shy Fuzzer. Kitties got that meek look in her eyes. Never noticed the white spot on it's nose before. Fuzzer is bigger then the rest of the first set of kittens. Has the long hair like mom and size like dad.

I saw the father kitty about a mile from here coming this way. It had twigs and things in it's hair. Looked a little beat up since I've seen it around here. How it got that far away is a good question.

Get my lean on

"On my pills again. I got my lean on. So, F- -K OFF or I'm going to nuke something."

Outrageous is the swing of things. The more outrageous you are the more press you get and any press is better then no press even if you don't know what your talking about. 

Well Bochman has a real sweet health care package from the government. Is that government socialized medicine? Bochman said she want to get rid of Obama-care calling it socialized medicine but the same health care industry publicly traded companies really isn't socialized medicine, it's what federal employees all get.  She's just talking out your ass again, right? If we had socialized medicine then the health care costs in the country would be more in-line with the rest of the world. It really would be a good thing to open up Medicare so anyone that wanted medical insurance could buy into the plan and also increase income to help balance Medicare over all.

For someone that is against government she sure into government money coming her way. her and her husband made a career out of getting money from the government whether it's taking in children and getting paid big bucks or doing funky science on state funded psychology, to getting farm subsidiaries. So what did you grow or not grow to get government money? Talk about a career politician that screwed up everything. It was people like her that screwed things up.

Astroturf tea bagger funded by big business to get rid of taxes for the rich corporations and ALEC. Don't you feel like a "Tool" having to say thing put into your mouth. With a mouth that big a tool in it seems like normal thing. The tools of big industry. Bought off like a cheap hooker. 

So she want to deregulate everything and pollute so she can help along the end times. What if your wrong and you just kill off the human race and in the process cause all sorts of starvation, disease and suffering. Putting all your stock into myths is really bold. You don't see science as real then why do you need health insurance for yourself and family? Give tax money back to the people you don't need it get your duffus friends to pray over your sick mind and body.

So she want girls to grow up and develop cervical cancer when there's a prevention. That would be real funny if she or one of her family members develops cancer when it could have been prevented. Now she's saying that Guadasil cause retardation in a girl. There's a challenge of $10,000 dollars if you can produce proof of that.

Well it's good she's shooting her mouth off so people can see what an odd ball she is. That she's on the fringe of what people think and not a normal person. Makes Bush look like a normal person. Only a person without education would make statements like Bochman makes.

Thursday, September 08, 2011

Baby Stinkers

 Getting clean. My little baby is cleaning the burs out of her hair. I took this photo and it was loud enough to surprise her.
 Hearing the noise of the camera she jumped up so fast to look around and see what's going on.
 I call down to her, "Baby" and she relaxes and knows my voice.
 Looking over at my direction she feels more relaxed.
So she sits back down to relax and start cleaning again. She has a unique stripe on her nose. Shy at times but comes to my voice and like to climb up to see me. She likes me brushing her hair and picking burs out. She real young and was born this year. I thought I might loose her because she had a cold last week. She's going much better this week. She's got a injury on the left side of her face but she's been very stand offish so I haven't been about to examine it too closely. She so fun to be around. It's so cute to see her stand up on her back legs to get up closer to me. How could you not like a cute little girl like this.

A Youngster Comes to Visit on a Warm Day

 Checking me out to see if it's safe here and if I could be trusted. You can almost hear him thinking. It took a while but he came down for a rest.
 Sniffing and looking, what's out there I need to be afraid of.
 Standing at the picnic table you can see he's not to tall. The white crest on his chest is covered with black hair which is really dark brown hair. It's amazing how hair is on all mammals, It's just shades of brown. From dark brown almost looking black to blond that is very light colored brown. Even what we call red hair is just a shade of brown.
 Happy buddy standing at the picnic table
 That big nose can really sniff out things from a far. He's got a lot of those nasty burs in his hair. Ears perked up, checking me out taking photos of him. The first couple shot where the camera mirror folding up was enough noise to catch his attention. Since the sounds came from me and my direction he felt better about it. I talked softly to him which seem to relax him. I'm about 25 feet from him here.
 The little guy is resting on the nice warm dirt. He looks like he feels right at home. Well it is his home as much as it's my home and I don't mind sharing the forest with him. He's not out to hurt anyone. He's just looking for something to eat and water to drink.
 What was that noise? Those ears hear real well and the littlest nose could be danger. So better be safe. I don't know who he might be afraid of other then maybe a mountain loin which we do have here. I noticed his back feet are large like human feet and he walks on the balls of his feet but when walking slow he will put his foot down to rest the rest of it.
 Talking with him telling him that "it's okay" and "Come on little buddy." I think people panic too much when they see any wildlife. With bears they have heard too many stories most of which are myths. They don't eat anything larger they a squirrels and the rest 95% is vegetation.
 There's a lot of hair so that makes the bear look a lot larger then he really is. He does have a rather large head and I think that scares people. They don't have any desire to eat humans and don't even want to be around them. If you leave them alone they will just walk around eating and drinking water. Maybe lay down for a nap in a safe place like here. You can see the white crest on his chest a little. I noticed him touching some grain that was on the ground and the way he touched it was so softly.
 It's so amazing how they rest  and relax. I posted this one because he was looking over at me but most of the photos were of him looking at every place but me. I guess it's the soft voice talking to him calms him down. He really didn't care that I was walking around turning on sprinklers.
You can see the claws are up so as he's walking the claws don't dig in. When he was up the little tree he was pulling back which pulled his claws out but seeing him the way he was climbing the claws are just to help him stabilize. He didn't hardly make a mark in the soft wood of the tree so he wasn't digging in. What a cool young fellow, such a nice visit with a forest friend.

Sunday, September 04, 2011

Looking at the kitties

 Sprockets hiding in the bush who always looked shocked to see me. Sprockets likes this spot because it's nice and cool.Must smell good there too with all the mint growing around.

Fuzzer, also looking shock and trying to hide from me.

Socks looking up at me in the kitchen window.

The kittens are staying a bit closer rather running off at the sight of me. I'm slowly earning their trust. I'm starting to notice their unique personalities. They sure like to play and never run out of energy. They are real explorers and have to check out everything new to them. It's so entertaining watching them chase each other. They do that a lot and a lot of jumping. I was looking out the window and saw one rolling on the ground. Didn't see what they were up to but knew that the other two kittens were close. Then I see a little paw come out and hit Sprockets hand which gets him going trying to reach that mystery paw. A gray tail moving from side to side pops out the bottom of the pallet and Sprockets goes after that batting at it with it paw. The tail disappears and a gray head comes out the end of the pallet.

I don't think I can break up the set. I will have to do something about them having a ton of babies. Going to have to check with the county to see if they have some sort of program to fix them. Just catching them is the problem.

It's a nice warm holiday weekend. I hear the TV in the house but outside it's the sounds of crickets and owls. There was a baby raccoon trying to get my attention on the porch earlier. I heard one little noise last night and knew it was a baby raccoon. Baby raccoons are the only ones that are vocal. I'm not sure if it's to call mom or it's just expressing itself like a child makes funny noises to test out it's voice and see what things it can do with it. One of these night mom will come up and drop off the baby for me to baby sit. I don't mind because they are just amazing.

There was a story in Sacramento about a raccoon bitting a person. At first the news was talking about the skunk they found with rabis. No one said anything about a raccoon with babies because mom will protect them. Even me knowing the mother she still lets me know to stay back from her babies with a little growl. She's just being a mom. I'm hoping people don't go crazy and start killing every skunk and raccoon out there just because they don't know any better and let fear run their lives. The person that was bit should have heard the raccoon growl first. Most likely had ear buds in with the music going oblivious to what's going on around them. The one raccoon that showed on the news was a few blocks from where the person was bit and they tried to insist that it could be the same one. I saw that the raccoon was asking for food as it was laying on top of a wall.IT seemed pretty friendly and used to seeing humans. The raccoons must have been going after dog and cat food left out. Even if they have found food they still are shy and won't attack. The only time they stand their ground is with babies.

Look at the long round thing!

 Socks Kitty walks down the drain pipe and calls for the rest of the gang.
 Sprockets goes to meet Socks. Come on Fuzzer. Look we are on this thing, it above the ground.
Well not much out here lets go climb on something else.

Saturday, September 03, 2011

Out with my deer friends

 Pretty Girl and the baby being friends. The baby is scared being around the other deer since they are so much bigger.
 It's the little baby up the hill under the pine trees just past the apple tree.
My new Little Buddy that wandered in the last two days. He's so happy smiling here. Nice to have a friend but there's a couple females that don't want him around and chase him. When mothers have babies they kick out last years babies out on there own. It's for the safety of the new born.
 Such a happy little guy about a year old.
My Momma Girl coming to say Hi to me. She will walk up the walkway and up to the porch to let me know she's here. Have all sorts of chamomile flowers growing here everywhere. There's one on the lower right corner of the picture.