Saturday, May 26, 2007

A wonderful end to a day

After a fun day of pulling weeds I took a shower and got dinner started. The oven was hot so bake a cake, why not. Yummy chocolate fudge cake. That will sit well with the pound of cherry's I ate today. With the kitchen door open I could see a heard of baby skunks walking on the road with mom. Had to run out and get a couple picture. Too cool little babies. Had a Laura Croft movie on, don't think I ever say this. Haven't been paying attention to it so being in the kitchen really doesn't matter. Well movies over food all done, time to kick back. I hear crunching on the porch; it's Ernie one of the raccoons. So I lay down in front of the door watching her. She didn't mind me watching, it was rather amazing like any other day. Bill Moyer's is on with a poet who I can't remember her name. They were reading poems from veterans mainly from the Vietnam War. Sort of nice listening to the poems, reflecting on what Memorial Day is about. I get to do a lot of reflecting out here every day, which I don't mind. I hear an owl hope the babies are back home. Don't know if they would bother with a little stinker. I hear the frogs in the forest, the moon should be coming out soon. It was a half moon last night. Here come momma skunk and the kids. The raccoons scared them off all but one. I'll try to herd him over to mom who's down on the road now. The bugs are really out tonight. I started making grunting sounds like momma skunk and the baby ran right over to me. He start challenging me as soon as he figured out it wasn't momma, stomping his little feet and squeaking at me in a threatening tone. I tried it again but this time close to the steps and he ran over but I backed up. He recognized the steps and knew he wasn't far from home. He struggled down the steps and mom and the rest of the babies came running over get him. Every one seems to be happy running around mom, squeaking and such. Another day in paradise, time for another piece of fudge cake. Got milk!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

"I work for Devil, that's what we do," she said on the stand.

I was what I was taught to do in the college of Satan, Pat taught me well. I want to destroy this planet and every one on it she said today at the hearing on the firing of the Federal DA's. We wanted to put "Our Special People" into office to serve evil and all it stand for.

Then it was reported she started speaking backwards. After it was translated, it said, "I'll see you republican all in hell."

Mean while back at the ranch, Bush writes presidential act making leader of the universe.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Bush Appointments dropping like...

Has anyone noticed that everyone the Bush appoints to a job they leave with their tail between their legs. Next will be Alberto. It's amazes me what a stain in the shorts the Bush people have been. Even party members don't want to be affiliated with Bush. With Blair leaving in the U.K. seems he doesn't have any friends left. Did he ever have any friends or was he just tolerated. Carter gave him the what for over the weekend stirring up the hornets on both side of the Atlantic.

I listened to a lecture last night on the radio. Seems that the Neo-Cons plan was to invade Iraq and Chaney's Energy policy was to flood the market with cheap Iraqi oil drive the price down making OPEC seem meaningless. That was Chaney's secret meetings with all those oil companies back in the first administration when everyone wondered what they were doing. They were planning a war way before 9/11 way before any terrorist problems. Makes you wonder if or who paid them to carry out the attacks of 9/11.

After all, Bush, Chaney, Rumsfeld and now the defunked Wolfowitz all were pushing for a private military to carry out secret things that couldn't be tied to the United States.

So many people warned Bush and this administration that something was coming but were only fired for their input. I just hope all the secret laundry gets air making Bush look like a footnote in history and not the Grandiose Grand Pooba that George thinks he is. People should have locked him up when he said God was talking to him. That what you do with people like that. Put him in the patted room.

Well if all my plans would have worked out I'd be a millionaire too but plans don't always work out life happens.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

My nightly prayer for Chaney

Oh God, Please let Vice president Chaney has an aneurysm that bursts or blood clot to the brain rendering him brain dead. Oh God, please do this for sake of the country. I pray that he has a long lingering time in bed with spittle coming from his mouth like all the troops that are coming home from the war are. That is if your not to busy smiting evil in the universe.

Thank you for taking Jerry who sold religion and turned God into a business.

Thank God he's dead

The bigot has died and gone and maybe the rest of those narrow mind people will get a life instead of following some one. Letting them tell you want to think and how to vote. Hopefully the hate speech will stop now.

Save America, feed a Christian to a lion.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Profiles in Deciders

George W. Bush Master Reader

George W. Bush Master Hacker

George W. Bush Master Pointer

George W. Bush Master Batter
George W. Bush Master Whiner

Views and Perceptions and Loosers

If you'd say a religious group wants to control what you see on TV or what music you can listen to, you would think it's some third world country wouldn't you. Some sort of radical Muslim faction that controlled the country. You wouldn't think it was the United States and the Evangelicals that were the radicals trying to force their ways and views on you now would you. They are and with a army of people too. There's a reason why they call them red states it dates back to the civil war, the red confederate states and the blue union states. The baptist church of the south, the
puritans, the re-written King James Bible with the enhanced miracles. It's sort of like the lead up to the Bush's Crusade, the Iraq war, an evangelical miracle war, the second coming of Christ, the end times, and the rapture.

It's too bad that people don't understand the religion is being used as mind control. Countries use religion to make there case for war. Didn't Bush say God told him to go to war? Sure it wasn't the oil companies telling Bush to go to war? The church leader told their subjects to vote red and they did putting the Neo-Cons in power. This war wasn't planned when Bush and Chaney took office in 2001 but after the first Gulf War. The oil companies wanted that oil and money talk as we all know and they pushed the people that would give them what they wanted.

People need to wake up and see that the evangelicals are as radical and terrorist Muslims. Both are pushing their will on others. If you really believe that God gave you free will, then who are these people telling any one how to live. Wouldn't that make then be acting like God and there can't be two God or can there? But then they are human so they could be a God because Gods are suppose to be supernatural.

It's interesting that when you look at the desert religions it's all about who is going to rule the world. The religion with the most people wins. What gets me is that the leader tend to always live in great houses and have dozens of cars and millions of dollars. I just don't understand why you need to sell religion or is it a business that take in the suckers, the pawns the meek of the world to do a few peoples bidding.

If your religion says all life is valuable then starting a war would be blasphemy. What also gets me Christians call none believers and blasphemers and the Muslims call the none believers infidels. Seems following these rule books makes them all as losers.

When you look at the current world situation the terrorist leaders never are suicide bombers they always get some gelable person to do it. When Christian army's go to war they talk about honor and preserving their way of life. Who's way of life, I'm poor, rich doesn't start until 800 million dollars. You never see some rich leader leading the charge in battle. They are the one pointing, "You go do that for the honor of your country" and I'll hide here.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

60 Minutes, going down, bottom floor, sleaze and crap

Used to be 60 minutes was something you could count on. Tonights show amazed me in that the reporter hasn't paid attention to what has gone on since pre 9/11 and post 9/11 with all the books coming out and all the stories flying. Seems like some one that is going to question the head of the CIA should do his home with before making him look like one of those other "News" shows that are still talking about Ana Nicole Smith. With all the books out seem like Scott would have read one of them, like the one from Paul O'neil who pointed out the administration wanted to go to war with Iraq from the first day in the white house. Richard Ckarke warned the white house over and over along with Tenant ant the same time. Richard Clarke was demoted and was told, "I don't want to hear another word about terrorism." Frank Clack from the FBI was fired and was hot on the trail of Alquita but didn't fit into managements I deal and was moved out. 9/10 he had dinner with his ex-partner for the FBI and they talked about the big attack that was coming. That there was chatter all over they were picking up. The next day, Frank Clark first day was head of security for the twin towers. They never found his body. The whitehouse was warned over and over but lets this attach happen. It was on the grand scheme of getting oild out of the middle east with the devertion of the war.

Friday, April 27, 2007

No money till you learn to talk first.

Congress and Senate tell Bush, No money until you learn to talk first. If you can't spit out your ieas we can't trust you to spend the money properly.

When I was in college it was pointed out to me that you talk like you read. So, listening to Bush speak disjointed is how he reads. No wonder he can't make a train of thought, there isn't enough cars lined up.

I have one question for the republicans that follow Bush down his path of destruction, "Why do you stay on the sinking ship?" Also, What thing did Bush do right? I ask that because I can't think of anything he's done that actually helps people and not helps big business and doesn't destroy the planet.

Bush's "Clean Air Program" make the air more polluted and increases global warming. It was written by the coal industry.

Bush's new EPA standards lets people put out four times more pollution before you need to tell anyone.

Bush's "Clean Forest" is a method for logging National forests. Oh, by the way, Bush owns a logging company, like he didn't know.

Every law Bush and Chaney got passed by the rubber stamp republicans does more harm then good. They started a war with no end in sight, all for oil and profit. What gets me is how fast people forget O'Neil's or Clarke's books on how Bush and Chaney wanted to invade Iraq from the first day in office. I'd go as far as saying they planned this war since the last Bush was in office.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Where to put things

From seeing how this administration has took this country backwards from the coal fired plants to making air pollution regulations go back to the 50 when there wasn't any.

Seems that Bush and Chaney need to share the burden, put a coal fired plant next to their house. If they like coal fired plants so much let them live next to them. Same thing with oil and chemical refineries, put them next tp Bush and Chaney's house.

Not Bush wants to bring in Iraqis and all sorts of immigrants, they need a place to live like Waco Texas next to George W. Bush's ranch. Or in Wyoming next to Chaney's house for starting this war and displacing these people. They wouldn't be displaced people if it wasn't for them.

Impeachment is to good for this administration's, they need to be brought up on charges treason. This includes Karl Rove, Scooter Libby, and anyone that fed the people of the United States lies to the lead up of the war. That guy from the department of "Dubious Information" need to be skinned I think for the lies he sold people, left in the sun for the ants to eat, it could happen. Seems though this administrations going to get away with all this scoot free but history will show that this administration is and did lied to it people for oil and profit.

It just amazes me how the evangelicals were used to make a case for war, to get Bush all mighty elected. If you ask me it just proves how backwards they people are. Even though you can question these lairs they still think they did nothing wrong. If the do come to grips that there was lies they will blame it on some one or some other group. They can't take responsibility's for there own actions. Even when Ken Lay was convicted he said he did nothing wrong. He supposively died but did anyone check to see who was really in the casket? For all we know he's living on a small island some where. You just can't believe any religious republican because like through time they are people that use and abuse religion for personal gain, just like the church of England which the Evangelicals are a sub set of.

That's a group of misguided people with narrow minds. Just amazes me how they think they are doing good but taking the country backwards. What gets me is they are so stupid that they can't even see how they are getting manipulated by the corporation and political party that the church is.

They walk a fine line and really should be taxed as a political group and not a church. Out of two groups that want to fight each other such as the fundamentalist Christians and the fundamentalist Muslims, if you ask me, they need to be put on one continent and let to fight until they kill each other. Get them out of the way of the rest of the world.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

What does mental illness intail

Dealing with mentally ill is a larger then we thing problem. For the most part we only treat people who are bi-polar or schizophrenic and only thing that the ones with the problem. With the advent of the Virginia shooting we are looking more at depressed people, which has been something over looked for years. There also is the matters of drug induced mental illness and dependency. Then there are the psychosexual disorders and neuroses disorders. One way that society is treating all these illnesses is by putting them in the criminal system, which is a business onto itself. One thing we over look are the criminally insane people, which tend to look like normal people but have, drive to take over the world or make money as their Gods or both. Some of which hold high elected office. Some are religious leader who God seems to talk to and people will follow to the ends of the earth.

The criminal justice system needs to be changed in that everyone that’s in there is mentally ill. Normal people don’t kill each other. Normal people don’t thing bank robbing, as a business is normal behavior. Every one entering the criminal justice system needs to be looked at as mentally ill.

Religious people that want to take over the world or impose their will on other is a worse problem that I can see. I see them as more dangerous then a guy with a gun because they rally thousands of people to do their will. Example, the anti-abortion people who want to stop abortion, who kill doctors and say it in the name of God they are protect life. Example, imposing your will on other to protect life when it would put a mothers life in danger saying they are protecting life. When God tells you to start a war with another country for oil profit. When you have a bunch of followers that are egging you on you need to look at what is wrong with those people and figure out whether they need to be medicated or locked up for the safety of the human race.

Being poor and homeless does have effects on people also which slowly changes who they are. Mostly from lack of sleep, being forced to be on guard from harm or even looking out for the police so they won’t be arrested for being homeless.

Seems if we want to help people we would do what’s best for society and move away from what’s just good for a few. Capitalism perpetuates this drive in the criminally insane. Other people see this behavior and want to follow their lead and will do the same actions to get rich. Some go to jail such as the leaders of corporations. When their asked about their crimes, they always say they did nothing wrong.

Remember alcohol is a solvent but when you drink it, it's also a drug and it changes your emotions.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Score one for the Religious Reich

Again the Religious Reich imposes their will on others whether they need it or not. This country was founded on religious freedom until now. No more countries and new lands to run to for freedoms. How they can't see their own action are imposing on other.

The Reich imposed their will in the field of science to stop stem cell research. This has put the country behind other countries as far as advancements goes.

Why is it people who believe in myths make decisions on science when they have no scientific back grounds.

The Evangelical movement has gone from a church to a corporation and political movement. With that, they should be taken out of the tax free status.

I can see people believing in a faith but when it comes to the point where they think they are right and everyone else is wrong, that's not being very Jesus like and loving other. If they believe that life is so valuable then why do they support war? Why do they support destroying the planet they live on. Seems their teachings tend to be an oxymoron.

What gets me is a few leaders of the church tells them how to think and they follow it blindly without question even if it's to their detriment.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Of course I'll lie, I'm Mexican

Bush was heard saying, "Lie like a dog Alburito." Alberto said "sure thing, just like we lied about why we went to war."

"At a boy, Alburrito, your doing a heck of a job. Keep up the good work," Bush said.

Pull my Finger

If anyone is standing in the way of peace in Iraq it's this guy, Al-Sadr. Why no one takes this guy out with a none-denominational bomb is beyond me. So what if they think he's a spiritual leader. Spiritual leader don't invoke war or violence. If anyone in the world needs to be waked this guys top on the list. The only reason he can't show his face in public is because he's afraid that someone will kill him. He keep telling his followers to kill American troops along with anyone and everyone else. He's not a spiritual leader but a warlord. Where are the A130 gun ships when you need them. Every time there's a rally where they're screaming out to kill Americans bring in the Jolly Green Giant's and clean the streets. Nothing like a chain gun to change your attitude and allegiances. Give them the Saddam treatment, gas them like the rats they are. There will be no peace in Iraq until this guy Al-Sadr is promoting violence.

Also I've been taking pictures of peoples faces for a long time now. I found I can tell what kind of person they are from looking into their face and this guy is pure evil, full of hate.

For the good of Iraq, for the good of the world, for the good of the troops take this guy and his followers out. When his followers get together bring out the block buster. They are the "Insurgence" and need to be removed.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

It got deleted by accident, REALLY

It got deleted by accident, Bush administration's said after the information was requested by the oversight committee. They knew there was data missing but it seems it was deleted on 22 computers by accident, not one but 22 computers including Karl Rove's.

I could see it happening to one computer but 22 give me a break. They said nothing fishy was going one when it came to the dismissals of the DA's but the plot thickens. People are taking the 5th, quiting anything not to have to testify under oath.

5 of the 8 DA's fired were looking into corrupt republicans when fired. Now the emails on 22 computers disappears when they knew they were looking for it.

Just more Bush crap and lies, time to get the impeachment started.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Harms way?

If I'm not right but wasn't Bush's idea to go to war and put "Troops in Harms way." Now that congress wants to attach a few items to a supplemental funding bill Bush is going crazier then he is already was.

It's funny to listen to the drunks at a bar solving the problems of the world. They even get into fight over the ways they would solve the problems but when they are sober they wonder, "What was I thinking."

Most everyone now is getting the idea that Bush and his buddies got us in the war for oil and to do a perverted religious thing for the religious right thinking that by going to war they would all be saved in the rapture or to make a 1000 years of peace like it talks about in the bible. Who knew what they were thinking but it wasn't sober thoughts. Must have been drinking too much holly water or something.

What most people didn't hear last week was that the UK was handing out schedules to there troops and when they will be deployed. It goes through the years from now to 2012.

Am I the only one that picks this stuff up and has a memory longer then my little finger. For the most part there's a lot of apathy here and that really needs to change.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

More theatrics

Jerkoff (the homeless looking guy) says he's going to protect chemical plants but weakens states laws in protecting chemical plants. This is something that has been being pushed by lawmakers but the chemical industry has been fighting and new laws and regulations. So what does that mean, same old same old nothing is getting done just theatrics like they are doing something when nothing is getting done.
Bush had a speech today of high theatrics using the same old rhetoric, the terrorist will follow us home. Maybe if he would take the border security and port security more serious we would be safer. The idea that he needs this money right now so Halliburton and Blackwater could get paid is more like what the supplements about and not money for the troops. After all Bush just cut $5 billion from the VA's budget this year and democrates added $2 billion to help out the VA but he wants that money striped out of the supplement. He doesn't care about the troops but the contractor friends of his making tons of money. When I was the republicans passing this same bill last year it didn't show up until July. Then all the earmarks were overlooked because it was republican earmarks.
If anyone needs to get an award for theatrics it's Bush and Chaney for the lead up to the war. Question, does Bush eat Rice? or Does Rice eat Bush?

What is a republican

Republicans are big business. This means if you don't have 800 million dollars your not rich and being a republican is self destructive vote that will only impend you in life. To believe that a republican or big business has your best interest in store is a total lie. Republicans used the religious right to get votes, you don't hear Bush saying anything about his God or religion these days. During the past 12 years of republican rule the country has past laws to hinder everyone but the rich. The drug companies wrote the Medicare drug plan making illegal to get cheaper drugs from Canada or Mexico while the drug companies keep jacking the prices of drugs up. The republicans used Enron to manipulate electricity to California which cause a recall election sponsored by a republican millionaire in San Diego. This got Arnold voted in which other countries laughed at Californians for being so stupid. If you look at the people that donated to the republican party to get Bush elected many of them were fined or went out of business due to account fraud. The stock brokers that were caught were fined 1.2 billion for steeling 100 billion which show that crime pays when your rich. I think all the brokers should have been jailed just like bank robbers. The only thing that happened to them was they were told not to do it again. World Comm. went out of business and was a big contributor to the republican party. They also caused the loss of millions of people savings leaving them with nothing. Each people that lost do to Enron's and World Comm.'s collapse should be charges separately for each persons loss as if they stole from each person as one crime each. Another big business that workers tried to help from going bankrupt lost wages, retirement and their jobs while executives to huge pay raises. Those airlines should have been let to go out of business because that's the capitalist way but no they are still hanging on like a festering soar. If Bush likes coal fired power plants so much put one or two in his back yard. Bush had his buddies from the coal industry rewrite the laws to and call it the "Clean Air Act" which means they get to pollute more with no regard to peoples health. Then there has been Bush's budget, which cut this year $5 billion dollars to the VA and he has been doing that for the last five years and he says he supports the troops. Chaney's secret energy policy was to divvy up Iraq leading up to the war in Iraq. A war for oil not for terrorist but that totally backfired and has caused that to be a magnet for terrorist. With the torture treatment of captured people who they didn't know if they were terrorist of just people has turned all them into terrorist. When it came to the "Patriot Act" no one caught what Tom Delay said after it was signed into law a document thousands of pages and just seem to appear, "We have been trying to pass this bill for the past ten years." So that means the republicans wanted to take away peoples liberties for the past ten years before 9/11. O'Neil and his book he wrote told of the Bush and Chaney working on figuring out a way to invade Iraq as soon as Bush stole office. Then there's Diebold executive who said he was going to make it so the republicans would win in 2004. They hold there voting machine a secret so no one can examine them to see how well they do work of if they work properly. Some of the operating system was investigated and it was found that the code was written by real hacks having all sorts of programming errors that experienced programmers wouldn't make. When it comes to Gingrich pursuing Clinton over the Lewinski at least the stock market kept going up every time Clinton's zipper went down. At the same time Gingrich was talking family values and he had a woman on the side. His wife should divorce him. When Gingrich was asked why he pursued Clinton he said, "Because we could." it didn't matter what the rest of the world would see the United States as. Then he was caught up in a scandal and had to step down. This is only a fraction of what happened over the past 12 years and how the republicans set the country back. This war is making all military suppliers a lot of money many of them tied to the republicans and Texas. It's good to see McCain is going no where as far as his bid for the next election. So many people forget he was tied to the Keating Savings and Loan sandal. He doesn't rob bank but liberate the money from savings and loans with no promise to repay the withdraw but hiding behind his office like Cranston did but they sure did profit from other people misery but that what a republican does. McCain clams the war and surge is working from his last visit there. What he doesn't say about his drive from the airport to the green zone was there were gunship flying over head and  he was escorted in a heavily armored military convoy where he has loaded down with body armor.

We can't do the right thing until everyone else does

Bush gets wake up along with the EPA that has been sitting on their hands. Bush's mouth piece says it's not far we have to clean the air. Car makers say they want to have clean air but won't start until they sell off this crap first.
Isn't it typical what republicans say when told they have to take care of the earth and it might cost a few cents to do it. They always say no we can't do that but when it's done it turns out they make more money. Seems if anything you best beat  is not listening to republican or do the opposite of what republicans say for the best decisions.
Seems they started a war doing all sorts of theater, Now people are questioning the war and the Bush and Chaney claim theatrics. Lets start looking at the old news reels because they should have got Tony's for the drama and fear they spread. There need to be a law if elected officials purposely lie to the public they can be impeached and go to jail if this lie causes any death, like a war. No more of this hiding behind the office to start a war for oil.
I'm still waiting for the blood clot in Chaney's leg to travel to his brain.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Why not a Do-Over

Iran is really needing some play ground justice. Time for a do-over. Don't vaporize all of Iran but just the big cities so they get the point. If they think they can preach hate without any consequences. Maybe if all the countries that have Iranians send them back home to Iran and rid the countries of Iranians. This might get some internal pressure on Iran. If that doesn't work then drop a big one, we need to test them out to see if they still work.
I'm just getting tired of countries blaming their crappy country on the west. If they didn't have such a corrupt crappy ideas and government even worse then the republicans here. Their backwards religious type government where they want to live in the past, when the people of most of the country doesn't. Nothing like a country that wants to live in the stone age and condemns progress sort of like the evangelicals here holding back progress. If they want to meet their God lets help them.
Be real easy to get the oil out of Iran if there wasn't 80 million Iranians. Maybe that's what the world needs a world clean up. This might help solve the problem of global warming too. Could start a nuclear winter to counter the global warming and get rid of the pains in the world. So a do-over might be just what the world need, it would take but a few thousand years to repopulate some of the pain in the butt countries. Use some Nuke-a-way to clean the earth of problems.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Laws, We don't need no stinking laws

"We will never follow the laws unless it's to are advantage. If there isn't a law, we will make one. We only go after democrats and never find republicans doing wrong or if they are we won't charge them."

"Torture, we don't torture but we just talk real loud to prisoners."

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Bush to vote to stop the war.

Bush is threading to veto funding for the war saying this war has to much pork, Halliburton and Bechtel. He said today there will be no compromise. So it looks like the troops will be coming home sooner then what the demarcates date of next year. This would be great for the suffering economy where they can fund no child left behind, the VA and other social programs the Bush has been trimming to pay for this war so far. I guess this might anger the defense contractor and oil companies who thought of this as their cash cow. They will have to work for a living now, no more free lunches.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

How to stop inflation

How to stop inflation. Seems one of the biggest contributors to inflation is insurance companies. In a way it's like having your own ATM machine and print money never loosing as a business. If you take a hit like after Katrina, you just raise your rates. That's what they did after Andrew. When they made bad investments in energy futures they raised the rates. Some insurance are being looked into here in California for terminating people policies after they get sick. That amazes me they will insure you as long as you don't get sick. It's "Give us you money and we will protect you as long as your healthy." What kind of deal is that? Sounds like "Life Insurance" which in itself is an oxymoron in terms. It should be called death insurance because you pay into it and collect when your dead. What really gets me is the insurance companies pushing to make it a state law that you have to buy insurance. What a deal! You don't have a choose and they can charge any price they want after that because you have to have it or what, go to jail or be fined because you don't. Health insurance is going up faster then inflation rates. Doctors have to have insurance to protect them and there it's another program of printing your own pay checks. You need a new boat or summer home, then raise the rates. Cars getting old and the ash tray is full, time to raise the rates to get the next year model.

To curb the health care problem a single payer system needs to be made excluding the insurance companies. Other countries have done it and done it rather well. The only people that will disagree are the insurance companies like they did several elections ago with their scare tactics.

Other parasites of society

I just listened to a show about credit card. Very interesting! Seem like the mafia moved into legal businesses like credit cards and set up their loan sharking business. Seems it doesn't mater what the rate they promise you going to pay a higher rate. They also do tricks like just put a charge on your bill in hopes you miss it. The woman talking was a law professor at Harvard. She said she would have her class take a letter offering a credit card that pays you some percentage back each year. Her question to the class was to fine out the rate of interest you need to pay to get cash back. Turns out he low interest card wasn't, you had to pay 17% on the card to get 3% back which makes it a 14% card. She went into the other ways card companies get you like sending you payments to a small town on the opposite coast from you so it takes longer for the mail and they can get you with a late fee. She said the card companies even shred payments so they can say they never got the payment and charge you a late fee. One example she gave was parents buy new baby all the junk for the new kid and the total charge was $5000 dollars. If you make minimum payments on that it would take 35 years to pay it off, never charging anything else on the card. Talk about parasites worse then tapeworms.

Cut up those cards. They can take you to the cleaners if you don't have a card.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Where does the buck stop?

For the past 200 years congress has tried to get the "Department of Peace" established but it has been voted down.

Yesterdays blog in the morning after hearing the "Morning News" on NPR after hearing that Congress added a few conditions to Bush's money wants. (The blank check) I wrote the previous post.

Last night I listened to a lecture from a former CIA employee. A rather smart person and former "cold warier" as he said. He answered a lot but not all my questions about how much money goes to the "Military Industrial Complex." He says that every year they budget "$3/4 Trillion Dollars" and that's not to say how much is spent for the "Black Projects" which aren't seen by Congress or any over sight, which he clams is about 40% more then the $750,000,000,000.00 dollars.

The VA, Social Security, Social Services, "No Child Left Behind" are not part of the military bills but seem to be cut to pay for the military industrial complex. Bush has a pet project he's been pushing, The Missile Defense Project" which still doesn't work and will cost some where around $1,000,000,000,000.00 dollars and still won't work but it sounds good and suppose to scar other countries from trying to shoot any missiles at the United States. Sort of like the "Star Wars Project" from the Regan years where nothing worked, it was just talk.

Some of that extra money attached to the "supplemental funding bill" is to go to the Katrina victims which Bush dropped the ball on. So far only 4000 people have got any money to rebuild their homes. Meanwhile the situation in the South is getting worse. Contractors brought in illegal Mexicans to work and they seem to forget they needed to go back home after the work was done. Many of them are gang members and help in the body count in the cases of murder. One group is an international drug smuggling gang that they brought here to work and now they have a foot hold in the Southern States

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Bush takes republicans on a road of self-destruction

Bush takes republicans on a road of self-destruction. By hold out and not letting Rove and Myers to testify, they leave attacks open by the demarcates in the 2008 presidential election. What's going to happen is that the republicans are a bunch of liars and can't be trusted because they fix court cases in favor of the presidents and republicans friends. By hiding behind the presidential office and not let people testify in the federal prosecutors firing inquiries it will support the ideas that the demarcates will bring out the Bush lied to everyone following the advice of Karl Rove.


If you think the 2006 election was a big deal the 2008 election will be a landslide because the republicans who support Bush will be impaled. Who is going to trust any republican that keep supporting the war that Bush tried to tie to the war on terror. Iraq according to Dr. Rice was contained until a day after Baghdad fell. No ones going to support a war that's going to go one for the next two decades, not at this price tag of $3 billion a week not when people want security of jobs and health care.


Everything Bush has done over the past six years has turned into a can of worms. While supporting war profiteers and out sourcing the military to companies like Blackwater who are held to no oversight, Rumsfeld's lighter nimbler military is now a pipe dream. You can't build up the military by cutting taxes to the rich and cutting services to the poor. Bush won't stop until he pisses off everyone in the world including everyone in the United States. What Bush doesn't get is you can't force people to do thing. He should understand this, like the old saying, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Why is crap going wrong

I can't stand it, my dial up that is. ATT sure is putting the squeeze on other internet services then theirs. I can get hooked up but it just sits there. What sucks is there's no other DSL service that people can get besides ATT here. They said competition and free market is good but that only means monopoly, high prices and low quality. The rest of the world is light years ahead of us. Gates was in Washington a week or so ago telling congress we are getting to dumb and won't be able to design our way out of a paper bags.
Senator Dodd who is running for president doesn't want to control black market money since he's gets a lot of funds from the banking industry. Bush said follow the money to get the terrorist but there's a road block by the banking industry keeping black market money changing hands. You might think it's only a third world problem but there's more black market money changing hands in the United States then any other country. We're getting around $500 billion dollars coming in from China alone.
Why hasn't Bin Laden been captured? The great Bush and his Neocon buddies want to keep the war machine going making money of this war you can't see but spending your money with no strings or oversight attached. The problem with having an "Ideologue" as president verses a good administrator like Bill Clinton is the ideologue make decisions without thinking he could be wrong or see the outcome of his dissensions. Going to war with Iraq to get oil for Bush and Chaney's oil buddies might have sounded good at some drunk dinner party but when you sober up you not suppose to follow through with drunk talk.
Voting against gay marriage will not make the country safer, it didn't catch Bin Laden, it will not stop terrorist. What is in the heads of those people? What is wrong with them? Have they been dropped on their heads one to many times? Was it those above ground tests back in the 50's then effected their brains?
ATT after taking over Bell South says it will keep the internet neutral for two years. That was the deal the FCC made with ATT. The FCC under leadership of Powell let the mergers of several media giants. Now if you turn your TV, radio on you don't get news but cutesy stores about Anna Nicole when there's a war going on. Keep the people uniformed and you can keep control of the masses. Even on the internet there is religious groups putting up web pages saying it's science but it's theology. It's not just religious groups but republican groups making the case that global warming is a good thing.
You can't learn science with a book of myths. I knew someone that wanted to learn computer programming so he was reading the bible. There's nothing wrong with theology as long as you don't let it fog the facts.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Look out I'm coming in

Mmmmm Flowers. Bee flying to pollinate plum blossom.

Today is one of the those days, warm, air slowly moving, suns out and the only thing you hear is bees flying from blossom to blossom. It's so nice to live in paradise. It looks like it's going to be a good year for fruit. Last year the storms came when the plants started putting out blossoms. This knocked them off the trees and there wasn't much fruit at all. Last year it was snowing this time of year. Todays high was 78 degrees. I was warm with a long sleeve tee shirt on. Last year I was wearing three of everything to stay warm.

How about a few extra billion, we can cut it from the VA's budget

Bush is asking for another 4,700 troops and 3 billion dollars. He also wants all the money to be unaccountable with no strings attached. That's like telling someone here's my ATM card and here's the password, don't spent too much, it doesn't matter because I won't be checking to see how much you spend.
Halliburton is moving for better tax breaks. I hope someone will point out since they are no longer an American Country that they can't get government contracts, security risk, there in an Arab country where the terrorist are. Chaney being the biggest one pushing all these anti-terrorist programs has to see the risk, but he's still on the payroll. Maybe that makes him a security risk or have a conflict of interest.
In fifty years will Bush be remember as the president that ran the country into the ground? That he started a war to help his oil buddies out? That he lied to the American people. What will be Bush's legacy? The president that cut the VA's budget five years in a row always saying we have to support the troops. Was that a lie too.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Price of Oil

Now I heard everything, the oil companies are blaming a raccoon for knocking out two refineries in Los Angeles. That must have been taken from an old school excuse, "the dog ate my home work."
Bush is in South America making a some sort of deal to bring in sugarcane made alcohol. He doesn't care to help the American people though because there's a import tax of $.50 cents per gallon. Meanwhile the price of feed corn is almost doubled in the last six month which will mean high meat prices.
Can't Bush do something good for the country and not for only his friends. He's fighting the airport screeners from unionizing. That was the first law Bush insisted on for Iraq after the invasion.
If the American people would get behind the war in that they would put up with all the crap until we get oil companies drilling and removing oil the price of oil and gas would go down.
Remember Bush doesn't mind sending people to there death. He sent a lot of people in jail to there death but clams to value life but won't watch any executions. Seems like it should be a law that if you are sending some one to there death you must watch it if you claim to be a right to life person. Sounds like a flip-flopper to me.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Putnam say the funds can go on to infinite

Congressman Putnam was asked if the funding would go on indefinitely without any goals or conditions, he answered, "Yes, I can't see stopping the suspension of the cash cow machine. It's real good for arms manufactures and give Americans job and stimulates the economy." He also said he would stick by the presidents decision to stay in a war, that change direction would make the president and republicans look bad.
Mean while the right leaning oil companies that supported Chaney's energy program of sucking every last drop of oil from the ground of Iraq are putting the pressure on the American people raising the price of gasoline to get more support for the war.
Republican Senator Bohnener said he would support any withdraw or premature evacuation, stating he took the 36 hour pills and can't pull out now.
United State people pray that Chaney's blood clot moves to his brain, so that Nancy Pelosi could become Vice President.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Pastor Ted smokes the White Owl

Pastor Ted smokes the White Owl but he said he didn't swallow. I'm sure that doing "Crank" didn't help him take it in the butt either. Now he claims he's not guy. Like other Evangelicals that sell to many shares to an theme park and retirement community the lies keep coming. It's a corporation not a church people, figure that out. They don't want to save your souls but get your money and live the good life. The Evangelical Church in the United States is more about a non-profit political party then anything else.
Bush's faith based initiative is more about how to funnel money to them by the government then saving souls also. Stores are giving or donating the food that reached it's expiration date to church's which give that to the poor. They get reimbursed at full price from the government like the store was selling it itself. What a deal, food destine for the dumpster ending up in peoples kitchens because they are poor, while the church makes out to build super sized churches. That only brings in more people which makes them more money. How many churches do you know of that have gift shops and restaurants.
What really gets me is the Evangelicals think other religions are all wrong. The criticize the fundamentalist clerics but they are no different then them. When you start using religion as a political party things tend to go drastically wrong. That's why the founding fathers wanted to keep the separation between church and state because they saw what happened in England. What people seem to fail to see, the Evangelical church takes in book from the church of England and the puritans bible which was rewritten to suit the king to dominate the people. It's all about control and taking free thinking away from the people and filling their heads with myths rather then facts. The bible is a history book of the past with  lot of embellishments making it look like people can do things above what men can do. Hollywood does that with movies and the church does that with the bible or what ever book you want to believe in.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Miracle of Green

Miracle of Green after 5 days of rain. What was once brown dried leaves on the ground melting into the soil and slivers of life turning a bright green. Seems you can water and water but the rain does such a better job of nourishing the land. The birds seem so happy it's not raining today. They say it might rain later today but the suns out now so I'll take advantage of it and clean up the fallen branches. Looks like it's going to be a two of everything day, two shirts, two pairs of socks two of everything. The squirrels are running and playing so gracefully. Looking around quickly I have some cleaning to do. I'll have to tape up my waste to keep my spine from moving to cut down on the pain. I did an MRI last week and my spine looks real bad. Even the tech said, "that's got to hurt."

Friday, February 09, 2007

"Office of Dubious Information"

"Office of Dubious Information" that's the latest finding of who came up with the information for the lead up to the Iraq war. When I heard this I just had thoughts of impeachment. Not only did this Bush administration lie to us they made an office position in the Pentagon to do that. The Troop Surge, which Bush came up with, is more smoke and mirrors. He's sending 21,500 troops but he didn't say how many support troops there would be. There's also the matter of the amount of civilian contractors in Iraq which last I heard was around 100,000 people. Now there's a call for more civilian workers to go to Iraq to rebuild the country. We hear about the amount of troops dying but don't really hear the amount of civilian workers being killed unless it's a helicopter crashing or being shot down. We did hear about the guys that were killed and strung up on the bridge. The other day I heard about a group killed and strung up on power lines. Then there are the convoys that get blown up but we generally only hear about the ones they died with troops. Hearing how many Iraqis has been killed since the war started varies from tens of thousands to 650,000 depending on whom you believe. One the governments own web site that said that there were 50,000 but it was revised after a negative story that came out about the lack of health care for the wounded troops. If anything this administration will go down in history for the amount of lies it's told the public. Simple bottom line is a oil president and vice president tied to oil companies went to war for the oil. If the war on terror was so important that the problems in Afghanistan would have been solved first.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

This water, it's hard!

Think this picture speaks for it self.

What's really going on?

What is really going on?

Cost and how many wounded during the war so far.

How many deaths on both sides.

Bush is asking for another 249 billion dollars for the war and paying for it by cutting Medicare and Medicaid. Mean while corporations keep getting more and more tax breaks. Why doesn't the president and his administration, the senate and congress give up their extreme wages and only take the new minimum wage. It would be the fair thing to do and lead by example.

Bush said he was a compassionate conservative, what that means is he's compassionate to his rich friends and big business. He keep saying he wants to reform immigration but that means he just wants cheap labor and to drive down wages of everyone else. The first law he insisted on for Iraq was that the people couldn't unionize. Were seeing how pension plans are going form the Airlines, GM, Ford, US Steel, Bethlehem Steel and several other large corporations. Mean while CEO's are walking away with millions to leave the company like Home Depot's CEO who got 210 million for his bad performance. Exxon's CEO walked away with 400 million. The head of the New York Stock Exchange which is a volunteer position and doesn't pay a salary walked away with 250 million retirement package. This was after the stock market was caught selling junk stocks and making 200 billion. When they were caught the fine was 1.2 billion. This show me that crime pays. There was no jail sentences but they were told, "don't do it again."

Bush's idea of a perfect country is if the countries labor laws would go back the 19th century where the robber barons ruled.

Bush has been pushing this "Ownership Society Idea" where everyone banks on buying stocks for their retirement and wealth holdings. Last time people believed the republicans about putting all their earnings into the stock market we had, "The Great Depression." Everyone didn't loss during the great depression, the extremely rich took a loss for a while and bought up all the stocks at real cheap prices. A few years later when the economy recovered those same people became filthy rich. The stocks they bought for pennies when now worth 100's of dollars.

"Of course I lie, I'm a drunk"

"I've got a real big penis"

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Mayor to get rid of Roots

Mayor Robert McGarvey of Rancho Cordova to displace founders and affordable housing to enrich tax base with new high priced living. His plan is to blight homes and nickel and dime the homeowners that help found the city out. It’s a case of an over zealous mayor trying to make a city he wants and not what the residents want or need. It’s a common theme used to get imminent domain of people affordable housing and replace it with high priced high tax based housing discarding the historic homes and business that founded the city. The idea of living in the country only to have a city move in on you is a common problem. Along with the city come nose and air pollution, higher prices and the loss of green areas. It’s a step backward as far as concerns health is for people. With more noise the immune systems of humans are compromised. With more traffic there is more “green house gases” and air pollution. McGarvey is on the board of directors for Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District. Some people call it progress but what about the people who wanted to live in the country and didn’t want these entire new problem. The mayor admitted that he wanted to drive land prices higher, which increases the taxes that the city can collect. I’m sure if it were looked into you’d find that the mayor is connected to land developers and realtor's all who live for greed and their god money.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

2 AM and can't sleep

Got up at 2 AM, didn’t want to but woke up feeling hot like my skin was on fire. Watched a movie and checked e-mail and quake reports. Lay back down on the heating pad on the couch. Then the skunks started in. George got into a fight in front of the house, didn’t see whom he was battling with. He came on the porch to eat but I was standing there. I told him it was okay and at first it looked like he was going to come into the house. Things quieted down for a while until 6:30 AM. Another skunk fight under the house. I could hear it was a small one fighting most likely some one took her sleeping space. That would piss me off too.

Have a pain in my lower left back. It’s where the spine is shifting and the bone is poking me. Don’t know if that’s why I’ve got a headache or the cortisone shot last week or the skunk’s odor. I’m pretty tolerant to the skunks smell in that I can smell it but it doesn’t bother me. Maybe I’m just used to it from being expose to the smell on a regular basis.

Been listening to the radio. The Iraq situation reminds me of what happened in Vietnam, they didn’t fight a war but just hung out and got shot at. The military knows where different groups are but the new Iraqi government restricts actions. My pissed of view is kill them all and let God sort them out. There was a barricade around a segment of Baghdad but the president told the Americans to leave them, even though an American had been kidnapped. When I see large groups protesting against the Americans and dancing around blown up military vehicles with dead bodies, I have to say bring out the gun ships and cut them down. Innocent people are dieing over there a few more won’t make a difference if it gets things under control. Iraqis for the most part are living several centuries behind the modern world. They understand things like heads on a stick, so give it to them. Hang up the insurgent’s bodies on light poles. Fly them over cities and drop them out of helicopters onto houses. When 80% of the Iraqis hate us and won’t support the new government then 80% of the people can be eliminated. There could be one or two people left from a battle and they believe that they won the battle because they are still alive. If they want to meet their God them help them along with that wish.

What would make better sense is to take over Southern Iraq where the oil is since that what Bush went to war over. It would be easier to hold a smaller area like Basra. You could get the oil build up the lower end of the country while the rest of the country kills each other off. Come in later after the country gets done killing each other and then start reconstruction. Less American troop would be put at risk. You could fly around the border of the country and pick off anyone trying to get in.

The Palestinians are the same way. They could be totally defeated but will continue to fight when they could say, “We give up, you won and we wont’ fight anymore.” But no, they are obedient to their own cause. Israel has offered them medical supplies but the Palestinians turned them down because the supplies were made in Israel. When ever there’s a ceasefire the Palestinians start shooting rocks in to Israel. If you show a Palestinian a swatch of color and tell them it’s blue they will say, “No it’s not.” What I don’t understand is they will fight not for the good of the people but just to fight with no goal in mind.

It must be this headache I have to present a view like this. Sure makes you fell better having a good rant. I’m just tired of hearing about crap from the Middle East. They have been fighting for thousands of years and for them stopping now is only a dream. Some of the areas of the Middle East need a good carpet-bombing like Dresden, that sure got the Germans attention.

Went outside to put out seeds for the birds. Tiny Girl was coming home but I scared her from getting under the house. She ran down to the creek and looks like she will circle around. This time of year they need a good warm nest with other skunks to cuddle up to stay warm.

I really need to stop walking outside barefoot in 20 degree weather with a tee-shirt and sweats.

To top it off after switching to the new format of my blog the word plug-n isn't working.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Cold again this morning

Was up early this morning, the coldest it got over night was 17 degrees. As the turkey came off there perches and running down the hill towards the house to eat. I noticed on hen acting slow. She kept laying down. I think it could be hypothermia. Another hen I think it was her mother came over and got her up and scavenging. The other hen kept her going and moving to stay warm.

I had to put out water because the water bowls were all frozen. Being cold like this the critters need to eat a lot more because the cold burns calories. You can stay moving but that also burns off calories.

Last night the skunks didn't want to stay out in the cold. They came out for water but it became frozen. They didn't even eat much when they came out. I'm still thinking on how to build them a condo which will be water proof and warm.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Real cold, brain hurts

What a past couple days. Been sleeping way to much. I've been so tired since I had the cortisone shot on Monday. Had the happy knock out juice which at the time was rather nice. Backs feeling much better but having headaches from the cortisone. Now it's cold, real cold, been in the low 20's in the morning. Think last time I was outside it was 28. Skunks are making a bit of noise. I'm sure the cold isn't making them to happy. Having a problem with the phone company and lifeline and the California public utilities commission. I'll sign up for lifeline but it take so long for them to get me the form they disqualify me. Last month they billed me for $90. They been charging me $15 dollars for every time I sign up for lifeline. So far that's cost me $60 dollars and I haven't got the service yet. The CPUC is no help either even though they administrate lifeline. This time I got the form in on time and they sent me a notice which I got on the 9th of January telling me I need to get the form in by the 5th of January. The disqualified me again because I circled to many qualifiers, SSI, Medical, and one other I can remember. They were suppose to send me out a form about the 16 or so but it still hasn't gotten here yet. Talking to them over the past two days has got me so mad I feel like I could blow a gasket. Greed and the monopolies are going to be the downfall of this country. You only have to look at the Roman they were crushed from within before they were conquered from outside.
Did you here Bush's speech the other day. Looks like he wants to start a bigger war since he can't solve this one. They are moving "Patriot Missile Batteries" to the middle east which are anti-missile missiles. Iraq doesn't have any of those that's what the war was about. Bush did say that he would put a stop to the networks in Iran and Syria which means cross border raids or an invasion. Another Carrier Group which is about a dozen ship has left for the gulf. I heard there was already a couple carrier groups already there. I'm sure the subs are there leaking around with those ICBM's. Well if you can't win a war make it bigger and blame the other people for making you invade them. Isn't "Surge" the guy from the Eddy Murphy movie? Escalation is a bad word that the public doesn't want you to hear because it bring back memories of Vietnam.
I remember a song from the 60's, "the revolution won't be televised" I think that's wrong, it going to be on all the channels coming to you live.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

The republicans are

The republicans are up to their same old name-calling. After what has gone on for the past six years they really don’t have much room to talk but I guess they forgot how they ran this country into the ground and near bankrupt.

I’m hoping that the new leaders will take a look to find out where the sweet heart deals were made by the republicans. Things like the no bid contracts. The no negotiating for drug prices for Medicare, which was a sweetheart deal for the drug, manufactures. The republicans cut medical care for the troops coming home and their families, that’s really supporting the troops. Then again I’ve always seen the republican do everything on the cheap. They never found anything properly unless the moneys going to a friend like Chaney and Halliburton.

Those tax breaks for the oil companies when they are making record breaking profits are sick. Today I heard a republican say he would think twice about cutting the tax breaks for the oil companies because it will drive up the cost of gas. That’s the same logic the republicans said when Clinton wanted to have a national health care program, they said it wouldn’t work.

The only reason it wouldn’t work is because the republicans couldn’t get there hands into the till.

They need to give the elected officials the same health care that everyone on Medicare gets. Then only will they change it and make it better. According to the Medicare rules then they would qualify because they make too much per year. Let then pay for their own health care they can afford it. They give themselves raises every time you turn around while saying no to a minimum wage increase because it might cut into the bottom line and they might not be able to buy four plasma TV’s but only three this year.

The only reason they keep talking about immigration reform is because they want cheap labor. They don’t care if the immigrants get paid at all they want cheap disposable labor. If they could get away will slavery they would.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

The religious right

The religious right wants to force their views on everyone. Maybe changing the laws about marriage might be a good idea. The people married in churches commit to God and the state forever. That means no divorces also. Once your married in a church it’s forever until death, do you part. The religious right keeps beefing on that marriages don’t mean anything these days well maybe a real permeate version of marriage is necessary for them. Forget that two people of the same sex might love each other, make those God fearing people fear marriage because once you give your word to God there’s no backing out. Public stoning for infidelity, well that’s another thing we need to work on too.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Its been a sunny clear day

It’s been a sunny clear day, cool or even cold out but not that bad for being winter in the mountains. I’ve been watching little birds all day. Saw a Robin this morning along with two Flickers, which are birds that seem to be very allusive. The Scrub Jay’s and Steller’s Jay’s have been coming in waves. Seems the Steller’s jay and the Scrub jay like to fight or play not sure what it is. At times they look like enemies then they will be eating right next to each other I’ve seen a Titmouse and Sparrows this morning along with a few Nuthatch’s. Two other birds are the Rufous-sided Towhee and Dark-eyed “Oregon” Junco. The Junco is here for the winter while the Towhee is here all year round. It amazes me how brightly colored they are but blend into the background. I’m still getting used to the Audubon’s field book in how they measure a bird or how to find them in the book. I swear some of the pictures are the same bird with different names and the birds I’m looking for aren’t there. My turkeys are the only ones that sit still long enough to get good pictures of them.

Momma deer and her two little ones were here earlier. The babies were born on July 3rd and are as tall as the picnic table now.  It still amazes me that they understand a smile. I’m rather good friends with them but mom is still protective.

I got a good picture of an owl the other night but can’t figure out what kind it is. My bird book doesn’t have the best pictures. With all the cameras out there seems like a birder would be taking better pictures in natural posses.

Rats, going to have to run to the store for cat food for the skunks. Today’s Friday and skiers are going to Tahoe for the weekend so traffic is terrible. My back is killing me from being upright for to long today. I made one run into town this morning to get some blood tests done. Nice to see that the nurses still have my picture up on the walls. I’m going to have to bring in a bunch of pictures for Christmas presents. For now I think I’m going to lay on the heating pad and see if I can reduce the pain. Things are really getting painful to a point were you just hate every second. The pain pill don’t give you much relief either. I’m scheduled for a cortisone shot next month. I hope that helps a little, anything is better then being able to only stand for maybe two hours a day.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Babbling Bush makes

Babbling Bush makes disjointed speech. “Were not winning but were not loosing” he said. Panic management is in style if you’ve ever seen a company’s leader fall apart. Bush is the Enron of Presidents and he’s going down faster then a led balloon or Perris Hilton. Bush is so worried about what history is going to say about him that it’s eating him alive. He may joke and say it doesn’t bother him. That all his stubborn ideas are dragging the country down. After 9/11 the world was with us but today most of the world hates us. He should have paid more attention when he was in college he would be such a boob now. There’s no one in the world that can bail him out or stop the hate. If no one has noticed he dropped a lot of catch phrases. He doesn’t say “God Bless America” anymore; in fact he doesn’t mention “God” at all these days.

This goes to show everyone that looses can become president if they have enough money behind them.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

No nog

No nog! Been going to the stores for my yearly dose of nog but it's all out. Heard about how to make nog on the radio last week but with 80% of the chickens having salmonella I don't think raw eggs would be good to eat. It's funny about salmonella because my uncle had a chicken ranch back in   Michigan. He had 3.5 million birds when they found salmonella. The government at that time made him destroy all his birds and burn down his barns. Some time between the 60's and now some one changed the laws to help out the chicken ranchers and tell people to cook it better. "Don't worry just cook the piss out like kidneys" the government says.It's about production these days and how many birds or animals they can push through. To have good quality control people need to be able to inspectmeat products. If you just sampling and hoping that the samples are all the same like building a machine sure you can use standard deviation formula. When random sample by an independent group test then and finds out that 80% of the birds have some sort of infection that could kill you or at least make you violently sick something's really wrong. You can't trust beef either. Ground beef is the worst but now it's radiated by gamma rays. Bananas come radiated by these same gamma rays and have a shelf life of a couple days unlike the bananas I got from friends in the sixties where a large stalk would last for a few weeks. Even my friends from Southern California that grew bananas in their back yard the bananas they tasted totally different because they were tree ripened and not picked green.
They stopped using DDT here in the states but third world countries that still use it and we import their foods. We know that DDT causes breast cancer along with other problems in humans and wild life. It's the bottom line that corporations are thinking of and not people’s health.Bush just signed a new bill to let chemical producer pump out fur time more pollution while restricting the information about what they are pumpingout. Shows me that this president doesn't care about people. He started a war that he can't finish. He has no plan for the future but how much money his friends can make before the hammer comes down. It's good to know that Bush will go down in history and the lousiest president ever.

Monday, December 18, 2006


Church are on self destruct. If you don't like the church your in start a new one make up new rules. People came to this country because of religious persecution but the fighting still goes on. It's funny too that the Church Of England is at the root of this turf war. Again the churches say Jesus told them that they don't have to love every body but only like minded bigots. Each break away church is more extreme then the last. Soon you'll be seeing these groups killing each other for not believing the same way these extreme groups. Wait they're doing that already and have been for centuries. Seems these out spokes leader are taking their flocks on a downward destructive spiral.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

What did Jesus mean

What did Jesus mean when he said to love all? Did he mean just your friends? He loved the sick, the poor, the prostitutes, and the disenfranchised. He didn’t make rules on which he was going to show love to. These days as churches bastardize their beliefs and become bigots and turn their nose up at those with less then them or they aren’t the right color for their church. Even though the bible is supposed to be inspired by God man creeps in to make money off religions.

For years kings have bent the rules killing off others that challenged them and their authority. For some reason some people who I think are criminally insane have been the rulers of society. They only did things to help out their kingdoms but not the people of the kingdoms. They made up rules to keep them in power like saying it’s in there blood line that make them king when they were a bunch of inbreed defects perpetuating the recessive defects in your gene pool and your family line. When you have the church on your side you can change thing like breeding with your cousin or sister or face being killed apposing the leaders.

When people talk about evolution it’s not just what’s happen in the past few years but over millions of years. Science doesn’t look at the over all package of who you are today but the evolution of the skeleton structure. How muscles are attached to bone and when that changed. When say a double pivot joint first appeared in the time line of life and that all animals after then have that same features.

One thing about science it deals with logic and not myths. You can always improve ideas. You don’t have to sit there with the same old crap. It’s an ever changing book advancing human knowledge.

Friday, December 15, 2006

ATT and is an evil

ATT and is an evil company that sends you spyware to track your every move. As Mel Brooks said in one of his movies, “It’s nice to be the king.” Well in ATT case, “it’s nice to be a monopoly.” Hopefully the FCC with stop ATT from becoming even larger then they are now. Without competition the bill keeps going up just like what they are saying about other mergers. People have been paying to get high-speed fiber optics put in for over a decade and never put it in. Now they are saying it’s going to talk too much. They are afraid of VoIP because they won’t be able to charge people for long distance calls. They want to control the Internet and charge people for every bit they send. The United States has fallen behind the rest of the world as far as communications. You can go to some remote section of China and have high-speed Internet but not even have electricity. In Japan you can connect to the Internet at firewire speeds. Even commercial plans here in the U.S. can’t do that. Our military uses the Internet to communicate but it’s a third rate system because we are become a third rate country do to greed.

Inflation only helps the rich while keeping the poor, poor. It’s the story of the human race to oppress the masses so a few can live this better then life. Rich people have this need for power like an insanity. Think they call that one or two of those deadly sins.

It would be nice to see people that worked for the betterment of mankind and not the betterment of one or two greedy people.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Been a while since I

Been a while since I wrote anything. Been rather depressed with the loss of my big friend Buddy. Never thought I’d feel so sad to see a deer pass on. He’s has been such a good friend over the years. I own my life to Buddy for getting me outside and moving when I was on treatment for a life threatening illness. When Buddy didn’t see me outside he would come on the porch and look in the front door window. I’ll miss going foraging and playing with him.

I believe that people call animals stupid because the animals might take a none violent approach to life. My turkey friends are pacifist like the deer. The skunks might fight between groups but nothing is a fight to the death.

I had a couple possums come by last night along with my skunks. There was a stray kitty that came up on the porch that lives in the park. He grabbed a small piece of chicken. For the most part they can support themselves but on cold foul weather days like it has been they turn to me for help. Since they are fellow mammals I feel it’s my duty to help all mammals. The only difference between them and me is 2% of DNA. They are 98% the same as me so it make them like the Native Americans my brothers and sisters.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Rush Limbaugh bigot

Rush Limbaugh, bigot of the airwaves. Not only is he a bigot but also is a coward, hiding from the questions people want to ask him, “Why Rush?” When I was debating in school people heard both sides of the subject your talking about. Rush Limbaugh is afraid to debate anyone because he just doesn’t have enough material to back up his points on a subject. So when did Rush Limbaugh turn into a 7th grader. Is he still on the playground? Here’s some on that wants to solve the problems of the world by calling people playground names. Rush is a drug addict and he can’t set up his tent with out help. I guess when you can’t set up your own tent you become angry like Rush Limbaugh

Friday, September 29, 2006

Buddy's gone

I found my friend Big Buddy dead the other day. It real saddens me to loose a friend like Buddy. It looks like coyotes got him trying to make it here, he was short about 800 feet. It just amazes me that a deer as big as Buddy could be taken down by coyotes. I'll miss seeing his smile, going on hikes with him. I've been placing flowers on him and doing a bit of crying.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Throw away the key

Seems anyone can be detained as long as the republicans want now. You could be labeled a terrorist or combatant and be thrown in jail forever along with being tortured. Slowly the constitution is being whittled down where people without the big buck can't put up a fight. The republicans wanted to turn Mexicans into the Jews of Germany and generate hate to get votes. They did that against gays and abortion already. Now every ones a terrorist or a evangelical republican as Bush says. Bush has said numerous time the United States doesn't torture people but they do sub contract it out to other countries. If anyone is a flip flopper Bush has to fall into this category. Everything Bush has done and said is the opposite of what he says he's doing. For a party that suppose to believe in small government that doesn't interfere in your life the republican party is getting in you pants telling you what you can and can't do in the bedroom and with who. Forget the environment your kids will need to wear a gas mask to breath. This idea that the earth is disposable and so is everything on it need to change. If you look at all the large corporations that have failed in the past few years, they all were tied to the republican party and republicans. When the stock market fell apart leading up to the 2000 election, the brokers were all tied to the republican party donating millions. When it came to prosecuting the perpetrators of the stock fraud nothing happened. The brokers walked away with some 100 billion dollars and were only fined 1.2 billion dollars which is a minor cost of doing business. When it comes to an honest republican with morals you will have to search hell to find one.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Frisk has a big brown nose

Frisk has a big brown nose from Bush’s butt cheeks. It’s so funny watching the republicans supporting ideas they don’t believe in and turn to name calling when they can’t support these ideas. It’s always the same, simple catch phases to attack democrates. They have to bring up 9/11 every time they can’t answer any question. If you bring up increasing minimum wages they will say were giving into the terrorist. When will people start seeing that republicans mainly the Bush buddies are for big business and don’t care about the health and welfare of the people that work here in the U.S.  If anything the republicans want to take work place ethics back to the 18th century. They want and have destroyed the unions over years, which made this country great. When it comes to doing something right for the country they have a, “can’t do” attitude. Always saying it’s going to cost too much and send jobs over seas scaring people into keeping things the same. Since 9/11 there hasn’t been any improvement to chemical plants, ports or railroads. They seem to want to get rid of all social program and turning over to evangelical churches and getting rid of the separation of church and state. Iraq wants a religious based government but the U.S says no to that but doesn’t see a religious based country here at home. When it comes to chemical plants using safer chemicals they keep saying it would cost too much but some chemical plants that have changed to safer chemicals are doing just fine and haven’t gone out of business. It just a disregard for the people is an accident happens always arguing the bottom line. Now Bush want to torture terrorist sighting we do not torture people just question them aggressively. The only people that are profiting since Bush came to office are the energy companies and manufactures of war products. I really believe that this war was made to drive the price of oil higher by making the Middle East unstable. Inflation, prices at the pump and your electricity bill all have gone up while the worth of the dollar has gone down. How can anyone say the republicans are doing a good job is beyond me.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Big juicy shot in the knee

Big juicy shot in the knee. What a fun day, another shot in the knee. It went well or I should say the needle slipped right in there. Feels rather good so far. The headache though I don’t think is related has been driving crazy. I think it’s the heat it’s been 99 degrees today. The air hasn’t been the best quality. Could be my eyes they are getting so sensitive to bright light. Then again the air is real bad and my lungs hurt like those day of the all night party’s where I used to smoke a couple packs of cigarettes. Now it’s just pollution blown up the hill from the valley. The injection was a chemical similar to what’s naturally in the knee. It was something, something acid; what ever it is it does the job and make my knee feel much better. Can’t say so much for my back. Lower back is always bad and last night I woke up because of the pain in my mid-back.

Monday, September 04, 2006

No critter fighting

No critter fighting here. Broke up a fight between the hens today. The girls didn’t recognize their sister at first. Her mother trying was picking on the one hen to chase her off and away from the group. She had left the group to raise six chicks, the only hen to have chicks this year. Well the chicks are gone; this has been a real hard year on the turkeys. This hen was one of seven hens. Mom has come back to be with her girls after raising a clutch of chicks last year. The seven hens are two years old and mom is five. I watch last year as the seven hens chased off a black bear. Why they call them black bears when there brown, I don’t know. Anyways, the hen was trying to get through a chain-linked fence and was having problems finding he way through. The other hens heard the cry and all ran over to chase her off. Not sure but it might even been one of mom’s chicks from last year since it looked a bit small. I walked over to the hens and separated them from the one hen. They went down by the house but were looking on to see what this hen wanted. I sat in the pine needles with my back to the one hen listening to her walk back and forth. She flew to the top of the fence and down into the yard and right by me. I could see she knew me because of how close she came to me. We both walked towards the house and the other hens wanted to confront this hen. Soon they were chasing each other around the yard. I started to whistle one I’ve picked up from the turkeys when they are calm. Soon the birds found she wasn’t a threat and became part of the group again. I can only guess that they have to challenge the new bird to find out if she belongs. Turkeys are very family oriented and will stick close to each other. I really find them so very fascinating.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Life imitating art

Life imitating art. I’m an old Monty Python fan and listening to Bush’s speeches this last week reminds me of the infamous parrot sketch. Where Eric Idle is the shop keeper and John Cleese is the customer bringing back his dead parrot. Eric insists that the parrot is only sleeping. John points out that the parrot’s feet have been tacked to the perch so it wouldn’t fall off. Finally John takes the bird out of the cage and bangs it on the counter. Bush in the same way has been pushing the war saying things are great, nothing to worry about, stay the course. Stay the course as the rowboat goes over the waterfall.

Rumsfeld is comparing terrorist and the war in Iraq to fighting Nazi’s in World War II. Only problem with that scenario, it only took five year to defeat the Germans.

To me it seems if your going to fight a war you would put all efforts into fighting the war and not sub it out to private company friends where you stand to make a lot of money having it last longer where equipment is constantly being replaced.

I don’t know if this is there strategy, letting the country go into civil war and the country destroys itself where you pick up the pieces down the road after many of the people in Iraq have killed each other.  

Friday, September 01, 2006

I'm a goat herder and I want a nuke

I've always loved my goats, Sheep aren't baaaad. No one kills my goats. I want a nuke to protect my goats.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Good old war

Good old war. We have been fighting the wimpy wars lately with settlements and agreements, terms and conditions. What ever happened to the wars where you got to kill every body? Remember the Semite’s, well they put up a fight and lost and are no more. The days you could cut their heads off and stick them on poles. The days you cold have your females cut off the genitals of the apposing army are good. We have turned out to a bunch of wimp warriors. All the good warriors live in jails, just a part of social evolution. Move them out and bring in the schemers.

Isn’t that how it works, use other peoples money and use other people to get what we call rich. Then when you think about the rich are only selling paper telling you it’s worth a lot. Nothing to back up the paper like metals or products they just tell you this is worth it. Isn’t that the ultimate? Since Bush was appointed to office, the dollar has been constantly dropping in value. It’s not at half but around 3/5 of what it once was worth in the year 2000. Well, that’ll keep those poor people in line.

Bush reselling the war again

Bush reselling the war, “Everything’s great.” “If we leave Baghdad now, there will be fighting in Our Streets,” Bush said. Don’t you love the lies? This is what he said about weapons of mass destruction, “We were going to find them every where over there” Bush and Chaney said before the war. Although I’ve seen some shady advertising there are laws against making false claims, we need that in politics also. The idea that you can come up with any kind of lie you want and sell it to the public, is just wrong. Every time a politician makes a false claim they need to be sued, fined and jailed. The tricks that Karl Rover has done to this country with out any type of guilt make me think Karl is criminally insane. Anyone that would put money and profit in higher regard then human life has to be mentally ill.

Republicans are trying to fight the green house gas cap here in California saying it’s going to cost jobs and cost the state billions. This is the same thing they said about raising the minimum wage, that all the jobs would move out of the states. It’s funny how the first thing a republican sees is the bottom line and not the health of the people of the state of California. As it is, 20% of the light which is destine to hit the surface of the earth doesn’t make it because of the amount of particulate in the air. For a state that makes a large portion of its income with farming this is a serious problem if you can’t grow plants.

There’s one thing you can count on by republican, anything they are saying while campaigning is a lie. They are only concerned about their wealth and not the good of the country unless it helps their wealth.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Working late download

Working late downloading and web site. National Public Radio is having a good lecture. Web site is starting to look good. Need to find out more about watermarks on pictures. Eyes are so tired I’m half awake and need to rest.

Friday, August 25, 2006

CO2 it hangs around for a long time

CO2 stays in the atmospher for 50 years.

When it gets so hot out that the snow doesn't happen in the Sierra where will the water come from?

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Get your religious right hand out of my pants

Get your religious-right hand out of my pants. If the religious right is so moral, why do they have a hand down my pants and trying to get into everyone else’s? Must come from those celebrate priests fiddling about with those little boys. How can you make a decision that affects other people’s sex life when your house isn’t in order? It really gets me how these so-called religious people say they are right but do all the wrong things. Corporate corruption is a start, everyone that has been busted steeling from the people that invest in their company claim to be Christians. These same companies under fund their retirement programs. For a bunch of people saying they are “Christ like” they sure do a poor job showing it.

Bush says he won’t kill embryos but he will send people off to war to drive the price of oil higher so his friends can make billions at the expense of the American people.

It’s so amazing that religious zealots never see the things they are doing wrong. They will destroy the earth saying it’s Gods work they are doing. They talk about marriage and the family, how many of these families last more then a couple years in the red states. Seems they have more divorces then the blue states.

What I don’t get is someone that read the bible doesn’t mean you’re a scientist. Reminds me of someone that wanted to become a programmer but was reading the bible for his direction, never picking up the programming manual.

All through history any mystery need to be blamed on some one or something because they didn’t know any better. Science is science and facts are facts you can’t change that or make it into some sort of there after. If you want to believe, believe but don’t make other have to follow you down your road, it my be the wrong one.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Bummer in the bones

Bummer in the bones. Went to the bone doctor today. Got to hear something I didn’t want to hear, that the surgeon is unable to really do anything but pain management. The surgery would be too extensive. I wouldn’t be able to bend after disk fusion. Synthetic disks aren’t approved for multiple levels, which I need. Until something drastically happens the coarse is the same for me. Until there is something drastically happening in science to help me, I’m just going to have to except the pain as a part of my life. Sad and depressing I have to say, everything’s going down hill form here. Now, how to stay balanced during all of this, mentally and physically.